Myth is Coming

Chapter 298 Adult country

With a thought in Shaoyang's mind, his spiritual sense had already lifted him up from the sea, lifted him up into the air, and looked around to the left and right.

But all I saw was a vast sea, without any trace.

How to find the "adult country"?

If you want to trigger the plot of Adult Kingdom, you have to get in touch with them first, right?

Shaoyang was speechless.

With a thought in his mind, he has already recruited Dihu, Wuqing, Li Yuanba, and more than a hundred ghosts. "Go!" Shaoyang Lingjue commanded, and they dispersed immediately, searching in all directions.

"Huh huh?!"

The earth fox was shocked, its name clearly contained the word "earth".

Why let it work hard in sea water?

Shao Yang didn't bother to pay attention to it, his spiritual sense moved, and he had already used the supernatural power of beast control. The ground fox snorted miserably, and dared not refuse, so it had to bend down and jump on the sea surface, stepping on the waves with all four feet, and ran to the distance.

This walking on water is no slower than other summoned creatures!

I knew it was slippery.

Shaoyang ignored it. I also feel that there are not enough people, after all, the sea is too wide. Therefore, Shaoyang simply used the beast control technique again to control more than a dozen seabirds and swimming fish, and explore separately...


Flash forward more than ten days.

When Shao Yang was driving a group of subordinates to search carefully, he himself was not idle, sitting on the sea, following the ups and downs of the waves, breathing out and practicing continuously.

However, as his cultivation began to approach the peak of C-level, the speed of his improvement gradually slowed down.


It is still necessary to find more opportunities in the time fragments.

Why haven't you found any clues yet?

Shaoyang was getting impatient. In the past ten days, he sent quite a few people to search the nearby waters almost all over, but they still did not find any trace of the "adult country". However, since there are many "big" seabirds and sea fish, Shaoyang feels that it is very likely that they are really hidden somewhere nearby.

There is no other way, Shaoyang can only send all the people under his command to continue to search carefully around here, and keep expanding the area outward.


Suddenly on this day, Shaoyang was breathing out and practicing, and suddenly sensed a message from Dihu.


As soon as Shaoyang's spiritual sense moved, he was already flying over there. After a while, Shaoyang had landed on the surface of the sea, and sat down calmly, his figure undulating with the waves.

"Hey!" The ground fox came up to ask for credit.

With a wave of Shaoyang's robe sleeve——

Immediately put the ground fox into the sleeve of the robe. Together with various other summons, it was stored together.


The ground fox was waving its paws angrily inside, so Shaoyang naturally didn't bother to pay attention to it.


After a while, I saw two tall figures stepping on the sea water towards here! The huge figure cast down, forming a huge shadow. Shao Yang raised his head and suddenly saw two giants over ten feet tall.

Adult country!

Shaoyang's spirit lifted.

At this time, the two adults have also discovered this "little guy" in front of them. Their bodies are more than ten feet high, that is, more than 30 meters high, like a tall building, looking down on Shaoyang from a high position, very surprised.

They were sitting in two small boats—it was said that they were small boats, but they were actually more than ten feet long. Just like this, the two of them were still quite crowded in it. In their eyes, the turbulent waves in the sea below them are like waves splashed by the stream.

"Who is this?"

"It seems to be very similar to us."

"It's just a lot smaller..."

The two "big" people looked at Shaoyang curiously, and commented for a while.

Of course, the language they use is quite different from what Shaoyang is familiar with; but Shaoyang's spiritual perception is now strong, almost 100 points, as long as he is willing, the spiritual perception can be extended, and he can easily detect the meaning of what they said. content. ——It also made Shaoyang very speechless, is it so long-winded? !

Shaoyang was impatient to hear what they said so much. His main task was to contact the king of the adult kingdom.

Therefore, Shaoyang immediately sent a message to their sea of ​​consciousness through spiritual perception:

"Mortal, take me to your king."

Shaoyang has already sensed it with the screen. These two adults, regardless of their tall stature, have as many as 15 points in physical attributes, but their [spiritual perception] is only 7 points.

Shaoyang naturally didn't care about it at all.



The two adults were startled, they only felt that Shaoyang's voice sounded in their minds, almost like the "fairy" spread in China. Unexpectedly, they just went a little farther in this hunt, and they bumped into such a "fairy"? Immediately, the two giants were startled and excited, and they kept turning their heads to search around.

Shaoyang was very speechless, really blind to Mount Tai...

"It's me, right in front of your eyes!"

Shaoyang had no choice but to transmit the sound again with a sullen face. Hey, if they still can't find out, they have to use some "means". Otherwise, if they talk too much, won't they lose his status as a "fairy"?

Fortunately, although these two adults are not very spiritual, their IQs are still online, and they all looked at Shaoyang in surprise:

"Such a small one?"

However, although they were skeptical, the two dared not be careless. After all, being able to speak directly in their minds made them look like "immortals". One of the adults has already bent down and said respectfully to Shaoyang: "Little man, are you talking in my mind?"

You are a villain!

Shao Yang was very speechless, but he could hear what the other party meant, the villain was just describing himself, and had no other meaning.

Shao Yang put on an air of a master, and said indifferently: "It's me, take me to see your king."

The two adults looked at each other, both hesitated. Although it seems that this villain has some skills, but who knows what? Although their king is now worrying about himself and looking for an expert, if the introduction is not appropriate, they can't afford it.

Therefore, it was still the old man from before, who respectfully said: "Little man, can you show some skills and let me wait and see?"

Shao Yang thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him——


I saw that the sea water under the wooden boat of the two adults had already rolled up and upside down in an instant, and in just a moment, it had already floated above the heads of the two of them, turned into continuous rain, and fell torrentially.


The two adults were shocked, and then they felt the wooden boat sinking suddenly, and the surrounding sea water poured in immediately, forming a huge vortex.

The "small boat" couldn't stop rolling in it, causing the two of them to be terrified and screaming incessantly:

"Shangxian help!"

"God help me."

Shaoyang smiled slightly, and saw the rain pouring down, filling up the sea here again in a short while...

"Is my ability okay?" Shaoyang said leisurely.

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