Myth is Coming

Chapter 788 Can't Go!

But Shaoyang took away the square seal, which is also the source of the power of this hall! Therefore, soon the entire hall began to shake uncontrollably.



One after another escaping lights could not stop coming in here, they were the ancestors of the Yinmao clan.

However, it is obvious that the strength of the Yinyu clan has been affected after Taiwei Xingjun repeatedly killed many ancestors of their Yinyu clan.

And this is one of the reasons why Yinwu dared to plan from it...

"Silver Weapon!"

There was a burst of shouting in the Hall of Longevity.

The ancestors of these silver sharks were simply furious! In fact, they also coveted the Palace of Longevity of the Silverfish Clan.

But they haven't made a move yet, compared to their young Yinwu, they have already taken the lead?

Countless disciples of the Silverfish Clan, disciples of other small clans... Many of them didn't even know what happened, and they were already in a huge crisis. They were like headless chickens, some fled outwards, and some hid inward...

The entire Hall of Eternal Life was in chaos.


In the Hall of Eternal Life, Yinwu shot down the giant Yuling with a magical power, but the latter took the opportunity to fly away.

It actually quickly disappeared from under the cover of Yinwu's spiritual sense!


Yin Wu's heart sank, the thing he was most worried about happened... The appearance of the giant fish clan was indeed for the treasure of their silver shark clan!

It's really unexpected that a top clan like the giant fish clan can also take a fancy to the treasure of their clan, the silver shark clan?

I really don't know whether to be honored or angry...

Of course, with the latter's current cultivation level, there is no way to escape his lock! What Yin Wu was worried about was far from the latter... He was planning to use his spiritual sense to capture the giant fish, but suddenly, a wave of breath locked on him from behind. Yin Wu had no choice but to turn around and slap the energy of several people away with a wave of his palm.

Ignore Ju Yuling for the time being.

"Yinwu, what are you going to do?" Several ancestors of the Yinmao tribe who came here shouted again and again.

Yin Wu did not mention the ancient seal being taken away by others, instead he said with a smile: "Hehe, ancestors, don't you think that our silver shark clan is too rotten and lifeless now? You ancestors control Most of the resources in the clan, but those younger generations who are ambitious and talented have no resources and cannot improve quickly... they can only gradually become mediocre."

"That's right, there is this 'Palace of Eternal Life', but ask yourself, how many years have you been? How many 'tasks' have you secretly arranged for these disciples? The tools you serve..."

Yin Wu said lightly.

His voice was not loud, but every word and sentence was very clear. He didn't use his spiritual sense to send out his voice deliberately, but those ancestors and even many elders could hear them clearly.

Many people couldn't help showing a bit of shame.

They all thought at first that this was Yinwu's greed for profit, and they wanted to take the treasure of their Yinyu clan as their own, but they didn't expect that there was such a consideration behind it!

Everyone is very clear in their hearts, what Yinwu said is definitely a fact!

With more and more ancestors in the [Immortal Realm], they can survive the calamity of the era and have a deeper cultivation base and a more pivotal position. However, many ancestors are obviously thinking about themselves , more than thinking about the silver sharks.

There was nothing wrong with this at first, but if it went too far, it would naturally block the path of other disciples.

There are also ancestors who argue there: "If it weren't for us, how could these disciples be able to keep these resources?"


Yin Wu didn't even bother to argue with him.

This is an obvious fallacy!

Even these ancestors were mostly silent, obviously they didn't think this explanation could be rounded off.

This time, Yinwu obviously put everything on the table!



Shaoyang didn't expect that things would have such a reversal.

Shaoyang couldn't help showing some respect for this Yinwu...Of course, whether he respects it or not, these have nothing to do with him! Seeing that a war of this level is about to break out, he should run for his life as soon as possible.


But Shao Yang found it difficult to move, he couldn't help frowning, why didn't senior Ju Yuling follow up?

From a distance, he also saw the scene where Ju Yuling was shot down by Yin Wu. In fact, Shaoyang was thinking, could this be the escape plan devised by Ju Yuling? Therefore, I should wait here for a while.

But there is still no news.

Another thought in Shao Yang's heart began to pop up... Don't lie to yourself, although Senior Ju Yuling has great powers, his current cultivation is sealed!

I have seen it before, he is no match for that "Silver Weapon" at all! The latter can be so calm, isn't it because he is determined to eat senior Ju Yuling?

Therefore, Senior Ju Yuling is likely to have fallen into a huge crisis!

That ancient seal is in his golden cup cave...

Countless thoughts ran through Shaoyang's mind for a while, although, facing such an existence, the fear in Shaoyang's heart was like a tidal wave, wave after wave, he even needed to use his spiritual sense to forcefully control himself, so that he would not Hands and feet trembled, and there was a deviation in the use of supernatural powers.

Moreover, the way out is already in front of them... As long as they fly out, there is a great chance of getting out safely.

But, can you really just leave like this?

Countless thoughts flashed through Shaoyang's heart in an instant, but in the end, he still couldn't just leave on his own, it didn't conform to his concept of life!


Shao Yang gritted his teeth, and suddenly stopped his escape.

"grown ups?"

"grown ups?"

Behind Shaoyang, the disciples of the small clan were all shocked, not knowing what the purpose of Master "Silver Bridge" was.

The way out is already in front of us, but the danger ahead is so dangerous, if Mr. Yinqiao doesn't leave in a hurry, why stop?

But Shaoyang shouted at them, "You guys go."

As he said that, he immediately turned around, and instead flew towards the core area of ​​the Hall of Eternal Life...

The other disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, although they didn't know why, but since the Lord "Silver Bridge" didn't force them to enter, of course they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Not daring to delay, he quickly controlled the escape light and fled outwards quickly.

Outside, the ancestors of the Yinwu and Yinmao tribes had apparently lost their conversation. The spiritual senses of several people collided in the void, and bursts of brilliance burst out in an instant, spreading out in all directions.

Even if it was just a mutual test of spiritual perception at this time when these big bosses of the Immortal Realm fought, the scattered aftermath was enough to easily crush them juniors.

Shaoyang was also very speechless, how could he be considered a "junior" after practicing for so many years?

He took a deep breath, restrained his mind, and didn't think too much; he carefully groped towards the direction where the giant fish ling fell before...

We must rescue Senior Ju Yuling as soon as possible while Yinwu has no time to take care of this place!

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