Myth is Coming

Chapter 790 The Power of the Human Race

In fact, when Ju Yuling threw the ancient seal to Shaoyang and asked the latter to leave quickly, he thought that he might not be able to escape.

If his cultivation was at its peak, not to mention this silver weapon, even the entire Yinyu clan would be nothing! But it's a pity that he is far from his prime now, isn't he?

Therefore, when he was shot down by Yinwu and sealed up with magical powers, in fact, Ju Yuling had already given up a little in his heart...

In fact, after living for so long and being sealed in the human race for so long, Ju Yuling has lived enough.

Death is not so terrible, is it?

Although from ancient times to the present, in countless epochs, countless top powers have been difficult to overcome this level, but at least in the bottom of Ju Yuling's heart, at this time, he did not feel that death is something that he fears so much.


Even he didn't expect that Shaoyang would suddenly appear again at this time!

How dare he?

Ju Yuling has always been very clear that the human race in the real era is far inferior to the countless races in countless prehistoric eras due to the competition and survival crisis they face. Therefore, the human race of this era will inevitably be weaker than other races in the cultivation of [Dao Xin].

Many times, they dare not fight, are unwilling to fight, and often appear weak.

However, this time, beyond Ju Yuling's expectations, Shao Yang actually risked his life and broke into here to save him!

This is the human race in the real era?

Suddenly, some different thoughts welled up in Ju Yuling's heart.

In the past, they also looked highly at the human race, and felt that the human race could survive among thousands of races with their not outstanding physical talent, and became the strongest race in the last few epochs. Their cultivation talent is still very good. amazing.

Moreover, the unity and mutual help of the human race... are better than other races, they are more like a collective struggling together!

But now, Ju Yuling suddenly discovered another advantage of the human race——

Maybe under this kind of crisis, the human race can erupt stronger fighting power!


So many thoughts turned in Ju Yuling's mind... Shaoyang didn't have time to think about all these, he shot again and again, following Ju Yuling's instructions, he carefully cracked the restriction.


Soon, the restriction was broken, and Shao Yang hurriedly called out to Ju Yuling.

Is this just the restriction that Yinwu placed casually, plus Ju Yuling's brilliant vision? So it is not difficult to break it.

But the difficult thing is - Yinwu will soon perceive it!

They don't have much time.

Shao Yang picked up the giant fish and asked repeatedly: "Senior, how much cultivation do you have left?"

Ju Yuling felt it and shook his head: "There is nothing left."

How could it be so easy to fight against a powerful existence who stood at the perfect level of the Immortal Realm?

Most of Ju Yuling's cultivation was sealed, and it was not easy to escape by chance.


Shao Yang flew out with Ju Yuling quickly, and asked repeatedly: "When the third restriction was broken before, Taiwei Xingjun was alarmed; I was thinking, if the fourth restriction was alarmed, would it alarm Tianshi?" Xingjun?"

Shaoyang had already thought about this possibility before, but this time, under the crisis, Shaoyang naturally thought of this method again.

But this time, Ju Yuling couldn't help pondering slightly, "You can try."

"What can I try?"

However, Shaoyang was talking to Ju Yuling, but both of them suddenly felt their hearts sink, and saw a huge figure suddenly filled almost half of their field of vision.


Both of them couldn't help being startled, didn't this silver weapon come too fast?

They were just saying before that breaking the restriction left by Yinwu would alarm Yinwu; the latter would definitely come soon... But it came as it was said, and neither of them could escape very far. Is this too exaggerated?

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

After all, for Yinwu, conflicts with other ancestors are just an internal matter of the Yinyu clan.

If this ancient seal is taken away by Ju Yuling, it will be the most deadly!

Yin Wu turned his gaze to Shaoyang, but there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, "I was still thinking about how to find you out, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself."


In the void, all kinds of weather are changing magnificently! A breath of air spread towards here.

Naturally, they are the ancestors of the Yinmao Clan.

Yin Wu couldn't help frowning slightly, these ancestors were really annoying. But each of them has great powers, even if it is Yinwu, it is not sure that they can deal with these many people at the same time. Therefore, some necessary negotiations and concessions are probably inevitable.

These ancestors knew that there was a change in their hearts, so they were not in a hurry to speak, but just sent their breath down to the nearby void.

That's too late!

Shaoyang's heart trembled, and he quickly used too little power to pat Ju Yuling's body.

Unlocking the fourth seal... is naturally impossible.

What Shaoyang wanted to do was to touch the power of the fourth seal!

Ju Yuling naturally understands Shaoyang's purpose, but with his meager skills, he also wants to touch the seal of Tianshi Xingjun? Ju Yuling shook his head speechlessly, and he repeatedly sent voice transmissions to Shaoyang, "Use that ancient seal!"

Shaoyang suddenly realized, that's right, that deliberate supernatural power is far better than his own, maybe it can penetrate the era and alarm Tianshi Xingjun?

So, he quickly patted his own golden cup, and suddenly an ancient square seal flew out... This ancient seal is really weird, Shaoyang used his spiritual sense to sacrifice it, but it was only from the golden cup. Taking such a small action from the cave and throwing it on Ju Yuling, Shaoyang already only felt that most of the spiritual sense he sent had been quickly annihilated!

Really weird.

However, Shaoyang had expected it long ago, so he quickly sent another spiritual sense, and he managed to control that ancient seal to fly away without falling on the ground halfway!

"The Seal of Locking Mind!"

"The Seal of Locking Mind!"

However, Shaoyang had just taken out this ancient seal, and naturally it was recognized by the ancestors of the silver shark clan in an instant.

But Yin Wu's complexion changed slightly, and he felt that the power of the seal of Suo Nian had penetrated, and a subtle change had quietly occurred from Ju Yuling's body...

"not good!"

Yinwu suddenly became alarmed!

Without thinking, he immediately waved his palm and patted Shaoyang and Ju Yuling. The supernatural powers were displayed to the extreme suddenly, the whole palm seemed to be transformed into a world in an instant, trying to isolate Shaoyang, Ju Yuling and the others.

Although Yinwu didn't know exactly what happened, it was obvious that something beyond his control had happened.

However, Yinwu's shot was already extremely fast, but it was still slow!

Silently, starlight burst out from Ju Yuling's body...

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