Myth is Coming

Chapter 793 Preparations for the Trial!

Ju Yuling didn't say any more.

Shaoyang couldn't say anything, he had no choice but to follow Tianshi Xingjun's arrangement and start preparing for the trial of the Thousand Islands War.

This time, Shaoyang suffered a lot!

"Faster, faster!"

Tianshi Xingjun was on Shaoyang's back, yelling at him again and again.

Shaoyang sacrificed the Phoenix Feather Sword, stepped on the Phoenix Feather Sword, more than a hundred sword lights shuttled in the void, and the speed had reached Shaoyang's own limit! However, Tianshi Xingjun, who was leisurely standing on his back, couldn't stop drinking.

Jian Guang shuttled through the ocean, and for a while, countless auras covered him.

But under Tianshi Xingjun's urging, Shaoyang had no time to deal with them one by one, so he could only transform into a sword light, passing through the infinite breath suddenly.

Some fidgety monsters flew towards Shaoyang with a single mouthful!

"I was just passing by wow!"

Shao Yang shouted quickly, but how could these monsters listen to him?

There was nothing he could do, Shaoyang could only rely on his body's recovery ability to recover in a hurry.

That's all, what makes Shaoyang even more uncomfortable is the seal of lock in his hand! Tianshi Xingjun forced him to hold it in his hand. When he was flying away, due to the characteristics of the Seal of Locking Mind, Shaoyang only felt that the power in his hand was constantly losing, and he would become weak and weak after a while.

Therefore, Shaoyang can only continue to use the power to send in, so that he can continuously hold the seal of Suo Nian so that it will not fall off.

This is high-load training!

Shaoyang protested, Tianshi Xingjun was not in a hurry or angry, he just smiled and said: "What are you? When we rose from the grass, we fought hard for days and nights, and we didn't even have time to close our eyes. Have survived? People, only in the most difficult environment can we burst out our greatest potential."

Shao Yang couldn't help but tremble when he heard this, his face was slightly moved, and he couldn't say anything anymore.

In the next few days, no matter what Tianshi Xingjun arranged, Shaoyang would not say a word, and insisted on gritting his teeth.

He doesn't have much time!

As long as he can quickly become stronger, what are these hardships worth?

time flies……

Shaoyang is also really an eye-opener. Following Tianshi Xingjun, Shaoyang went down to the deepest part of the vast ocean, climbed the peak of the infinite dangerous peak, walked through the core of the barren no-man's land, and stepped into the ancient swamp jungle. The homeland... the footprints have almost covered most places in this era.

In these places, he was fighting, flying away, recovering almost non-stop... and then fighting again!

So cycle.

Many times, Shaoyang felt very tired, and there was always a feeling that the whole person had become numb; but under the urging of Tianshi Xingjun, Shaoyang could only grit his teeth and persevere.

On the other hand, Shaoyang's cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds, and he looks the same almost every day!

[Spiritual perception: 630; physical body: 630; energy: 630;

Level: Dharma Aspect Realm, Consummation! 】

Not only did his cultivation break through to the perfection of the Faxiang Realm in one fell swoop, crossing over the bottleneck of that layer, but the three attributes were also raised to 630 points in one fell swoop.

At this time, Shaoyang's cultivation was pure and profound, far better than before.

The most important thing is that under the persecution of Tianshi Xingjun, Shaoyang almost never left the "Seal of Suo Nian", because the characteristics of this ancient seal constantly wear down his power, so under such persecution, Shaoyang's control over his power has gradually deepened a lot! From the very beginning, he was wiped away by the ancient seal almost instantly, and then he was able to persevere a little... There was also a qualitative change.

This is the reason for the mastery of power!

Shaoyang is also delighted, now, he can control the power more precisely, and can subdivide the power infinitely.

Therefore, although the Seal of Locking Mind can dissipate his power, but because he controls the power very finely, only a small part of it is consumed each time.

In this way, it will naturally last longer...

Shaoyang gradually began to feel,

Until now, he has truly integrated the realm of swordsmanship [Heaven and Man into One] into his control of power!

Therefore, Shaoyang couldn't help but be secretly grateful to Tianshi Xingjun from the bottom of his heart.


Shao Yang looked at the figure of Tianshi Xingjun, but saw that he was smiling "haha" all day long, as if he didn't care about anything, but his figure seemed to be only a faint shadow, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see him !

This should be a situation where the power is about to completely drain away, right?

I don't know how long he can last...

Shaoyang couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant in his heart, but also a little moved. Compared with Taiwei Xingjun's high-spiritedness, today's Shi Xingjun's thoughts came, but he put all his efforts into cultivating himself... How can I not let myself be moved?

It was Ju Yuling, who looked at Tianshi Xingjun in such a state, he was speechless and suspicious at the same time.

Tianshi Xingjun, is it true that his power is almost exhausted?

How come I don't believe it so much!


But no matter what, with the passage of time, the "Thousand Islands Controversy" of this era is finally approaching.

This is the grand event of this entire era!

In this era, almost all races, as long as they are qualified, have sent their disciples here in a steady stream, and gathered in a place called "Sea of ​​Thoughts" to participate in the battle of the thousand islands.

To say they are disciples is actually just a general term. Many of them are probably old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years!

They are all [Unblocking the Nether Realm], and they have tried their best to win a place to enter the [Thousand Islands Contest], just to get some opportunities from it, so that they can enter the dream of the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, as the time approaches, there will be a constant flow of people on the sea of ​​thoughts, which is very lively!

Shaoyang, Tianshi Xingjun, Ju Yuling and the others naturally also rushed over, and listening to the discussions of other tribes around, Tianshi Xingjun couldn't help laughing and said: "What, Shaoyang? We took away their silver shark tribe. Seal of Suo Nian, you are eager to send us a place in the Thousand Islands Contest, lest we will not participate... Doesn't it feel good?"

Shaoyang is speechless, he belongs to the silver shark family, this is to kill himself, right? Is there anything to be proud of?

However, let alone... In fact, the quota for the Thousand Islands Competition is really fierce!

Along the way, they saw quite a few races fighting for a place to enter the trials of the Thousand Islands War...

In this way, the Silverfish Clan really lost a lot?

"This idea is still, a bit weird."

Shaoyang and the others came to the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Mind, waiting for the official start of the Battle of the Thousand Islands. And Shaoyang's spiritual sense extension, naturally also noticed the strangeness here.

Tianshi Xingjun didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Since it is called the relic of the previous era, it will naturally not be nothing special..."

Well, it makes sense! Shaoyang also had nothing to say.

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