Myth is Coming

Chapter 795 Entering the Trial

But Shaoyang was also about to leave, and he repeatedly sent voice transmissions to Tianshi Xingjun and Ju Yuling, "Seniors, I am also preparing to enter the trial of the Thousand Islands War! Where are the two seniors waiting? Let's make an appointment to contact each other. I will contact you as soon as I return from the trial of the Thousand Islands War."

But Tianshi Xingjun smiled "haha", "Why is it so troublesome? We just follow you in that little cave."

Shaoyang didn't doubt that there was him, and thought that the restriction here didn't have such restrictions, but he was a little strange in his heart, "If you can come like this, wouldn't it be possible to get mixed into the trial of the Thousand Islands War in this way?"

But since Tianshi Xingjun said so, Shaoyang didn't think much about it, so he nodded and said: "Okay."

But Ju Yuling on the side squinted at Tianshi Xingjun, how could it be so easy to hide from the restrictions here?

This day, the star king of the city is really unfathomable!

However, Ju Yuling also felt that Tianshi Xingjun did not have any malice towards Shaoyang, a junior of the human race, but for some reason, he was unwilling to tell the truth--thinking about it, otherwise, the human race Tiandi seat The next three star kings, how could this Tianshi star king be the most mysterious?

Ju Yuling didn't speak directly.


Tianshi Xingjun pretended not to notice Ju Yuling's strange eyes, laughed "haha", and jumped into the golden cup cave in Shaoyang.

After entering, he just laughed twice, "This cave is really too narrow, I can't even use my body."

Shaoyang Khan said again and again: "Senior, forgive me..."

In their current era, all kinds of resources are very scarce. Shaoyang can have a cave, which is already very good, so how can they care about so many?

Tianshi Xingjun smiled and said: "Hehe, it's okay, just wait for me to expand it with you."


Shao Yang hurriedly tried to stop him...

Just kidding, to me now, every bit of power of Tianshi Xingjun's idea is very precious! A little bit of strength can save myself once, and send myself back to the real era... How can I waste it on such a small thing?

But before Shaoyang could stop it, he only felt waves of power coming from his Golden Cup Cave.


Do it right away?

Shaoyang hurriedly used his spiritual sense to probe into the Jinbei Cave, and immediately saw that Tianshi Xingjun had stopped, and the entire cave had expanded several times!


Sensing Shaoyang's aura, Cao Ling came over to kowtow to Shaoyang again and again, and said repeatedly: "Master, I don't know what happened in this cave, suddenly the area of ​​the elixir has expanded several times!"

Followed by the ground fox, also looked shocked.

Shao Yang nodded slightly, and he couldn't show timidity in front of these two spiritual pets, so he pretended to be indifferent and said: "This is because I invited an elder to help expand it."

"I see!"

The grass spirit and the ground fox were both shocked and admired.

Cao Ling said happily: "This is great! The space here has become larger, and the aura has become more intense, and more elixir can be planted! Master, you still need to bring in some more elixir. Fill it up."

Shaoyang suddenly felt a headache, this time the area has expanded so much, it is not so easy to plant so many elixir, isn't it?

Thinking of it this way, he couldn't help but feel even more bleeding from the bottom of his heart... In the Palace of Longevity of the Silverfish Clan, he obviously saw a lot of elixir! Unfortunately, most of them didn't get it.

Shaoyang said: "I have my own plan for this, you just need to take care of it."

"Yes!" Cao Ling hurriedly said.

Shaoyang looked at Dihu again, and couldn't help shaking his head, "Qidi, your progress in cultivation is a bit slow, you have to work harder."

Dihu looked ashamed, lowered his head and said, "Yes."

In fact, her cultivation speed is not too slow, but how can she compare to Shaoyang, a monster? Therefore, after practicing for so long, the gap has been widened!

Shaoyang rarely releases earth foxes now.

The latter is really useless...


Shaoyang dismissed Cao Ling and Dihu, and then hurriedly found Tianshi Xingjun. The latter was sitting there leisurely, drinking tea with Ju Yuling.

Seeing Shaoyang approaching, Tianshi Xingjun said leisurely: "The place has been expanded a little bit, so it won't be so small. For small things, don't thank me."

Shaoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but looking at Tianshi Xingjun as if his expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that for a big man like Tianshi Xingjun whose realm is unknown, it's really just a matter of opening up his own cave so big? An easy thing?

Therefore, what Shaoyang said before was hard to say, so he had to smile wryly, and quickly said: "Thank you Xingjun."

He also greeted Tianshi Xingjun and Ju Yuling, and saw that they had no other orders, so he left.

And when Shaoyang left, Ju Yuling couldn't help looking at Tianshi Xingjun, looked him up and down, frowned and said, "How much power do you have left?"

Tianshi Xingjun smiled and said: "The restriction is on you, how much power I have, you still don't know?"

"How is it possible?" Ju Yuling couldn't believe it.

Shao Yang didn't know, but he couldn't be more clear!

It's not too difficult to simply open up this cave in Shaoyang, even Ju Yuling can do it. But like Tianshi Xingjun, who directly raised Shaoyang's Golden Cup Cave to several levels, this is by no means as easy as Tianshi Xingjun said!

What's more, is this just an idea descended from Tianshi Xingjun? How much power can it have?

And after he did it, he didn't even see any difficulty!

This day, Mr. Shi Xing is really unfathomable...

But since he didn't want to go into details, Ju Yuling couldn't pursue it. He glanced at Tianshi Xingjun lightly, and said no more, but wanted to see what Tianshi Xingjun was up to.

And Tianshi Xingjun just smiled "haha", not caring about Shaoyang's thoughts.


Shaoyang naturally didn't know this, and since he had already decided to enter the Thousand Islands Controversy, Shaoyang naturally didn't delay any longer, and immediately set off, looked around, trying to find a suitable vortex to penetrate into.

In fact, the vast majority of cultivators in the Faxiang Realm are like this. Because they are weaker, they dare not compete with those who have passed through the Nether Realm.

Therefore, at the beginning, most of them did not dare to act rashly. They could only wait for most of the secluded realms in the field to enter the vortex of their choice, and then they would sneak out and find a place that had already been aimed at. The vortex, followed into see if there is a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Unfortunately, besides him, there are several other Dharma Aspect Realms besides Shaoyang's fancy place!

Everyone rushed to the entrance of the vortex almost at the same time, guarding each other...


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