Myth is Coming

Chapter 798 Unite More Enemies!

Hearing the words of the disciple of the silver shark clan, Shaoyang was not in a hurry, instead he said with a smile: "This fellow Taoist said the same thing. However, I still want to ask, how much benefit can your silver shark clan give you? "

Naturally, everyone just sneered and ignored him.

Shaoyang thought to himself: "There are so many of you, and you are only doing the simplest tasks, and you want more rewards? So, even if there are some, can there be more resources than here? There are many secluded realms here. Want to come in and look for the opportunity to break through to the Immortal Realm! You have already come here, but you give up by yourself?"

Everyone was speechless.

Shao Yang continued to be persuasive, "Besides, I didn't tell you to give up the mission. You think, if you can keep an eye on me and search for all kinds of treasures, wouldn't it be better?"

To be honest, everyone is still a little bit moved... But even if they are moved, they dare not violate the mission of the ancestors in the clan.

This human race is clearly opposed to them, why is it still a tone of consideration for them?

There must be ghosts!

Therefore, everyone still did not speak.

Shaoyang was still not in a hurry, and continued to smile: "So, I have an idea, why don't we cooperate? You go to search for various elixir, and then give me 70% of the elixir you found here; in exchange, I will not How about getting out of your sight and letting you complete the task of staring at me?"



Almost as soon as Shao Yang finished speaking, they immediately objected!

Seventy percent?


It is true that although they are also very jealous of all the treasures here, they give 70% of the harvest to Shaoyang... Are they staring at Shaoyang, or are they sent to be Shaoyang's slaves?

How can it be!

But Shaoyang said with a smile: "Everyone, don't worry, I'm just a proposal. We can discuss the specific details carefully."

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, and suddenly felt that it seemed feasible?

If they don't listen to Shaoyang, then they can only keep following Shaoyang. Originally, there were not many resources left here, and after being plundered by this human race, they were almost left to eat dirt! On the contrary, if they listened to Shaoyang, wouldn't they not only keep their eyes on Shaoyang, but also fill their pockets and increase their income?

Seems like... a really good idea?

"Seventy percent is absolutely impossible."

All the disciples of the silver shark clan looked at each other, and soon one of them raised an objection.

Shaoyang smiled and said: "50%, I can only give you 50% at most; otherwise, I might as well search for it myself. Anyway, you may not be able to catch up with me, and you may be thrown off. ?”

Everyone was alarmed, and it was true after thinking about it.

This human race is very clever at escaping, and the terrain here is very complicated. If he really sneaks away, wouldn't they want to fail the mission instead?


If you say 50%, do you really give 50%? How much they searched, isn't it up to them?

Therefore, all the silver sharks looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement in their hearts.

It was still the previous silver shark who spoke, but he deliberately denied it and said: "Fifty percent, it's still too much! I can only give you 30 percent at most."

"Fifty percent, never counter-offer." Shaoyang refused to budge.

The two argued with each other there again, and in the end, the Silverfish Clan had to give in and agreed to give up 50%.

But at the same time, in exchange, the people of the Yinyu Clan restricted many of Shaoyang's actions to ensure that he would not leave their sight!

Shaoyang agreed with a smile.

Everyone in the Yinmao Clan thinks about it, no matter how they calculate it, they are all making money from this matter, right? Left and right, they had already contacted the ancestors of the family before they entered, and I believe that they will soon let the monks from their clan to come over!

At that time, wouldn't this human race be within reach?

No matter how much you divide him, it doesn't make sense!

Thus, a very ridiculous agreement was reached... Although neither of the parties to the agreement intends to abide by it at all; but at least,

On the surface, everyone was able to maintain it.

And in the Golden Cup Cave, Tianshi Xingjun, Ju Yuling and the others were also very speechless...

So—is this a trick?


"I sensed it. There is an elixir over there. Quickly divide one of you to search for it."

"There are several spiritual mines over there!"

"There is a little spirit treasure from the Creation Realm over there, luck and luck..."


So, Shaoyang began to direct the group of silver sharks to search for treasures in secret.

And after searching, Shaoyang will take half of them without any hesitation. ——Of course, it's not hard to imagine that these chimaeras will definitely try to hide some, but Shaoyang doesn't care too much about them. If he can find out, he will sternly reprimand them, make them spit them out, and even "punish" them; Those who didn't find it, let them go...

Anyway, the left and right are what they discovered, right? No matter how much they hid, Shaoyang himself didn't suffer, did he?

And in this way, all the silver sharks will only try their best to hide, and they don't feel that there is anything wrong with being "punished" if they are discovered.

So soon, a lot of resources began to fall into the hands of Shaoyang.

Shaoyang is also very happy, if he is alone, and there are several disciples of the Yinmao Clan to restrain him, how can he gain so much, and it is so easy?

And in the Golden Cup Cave, Tianshi Xingjun, Ju Yuling and the others couldn't help being funny and speechless... These silver sharks only counted their own gains, but they didn't expect that no matter how much they hid, they would just sit back and wait for their share. Isn't Shaoyang not at a loss?

He didn't even have to do it himself! After discovering those treasures, send these silver shark disciples to search for them, and wait for the share!

Invisibly, the disciples of the Yinmao Clan seemed to be serving Shaoyang...



With great difficulty, Jumaiyou killed a monster crab and took a pure yang elixir into his pocket. He couldn't help but be delighted, there are indeed countless treasures in this secret realm! Even after being plundered by the crowd of Tongyoujing, there are still a lot left!

It was not in vain for him to apply for a quota so hard and go in.

However, Jumaiyou is also quite proud, and only the real "strong" can have great gains here! Otherwise, how much can those weak dharma realms gain?

He couldn't help but think of that human race... and he didn't know what he had gained.

But soon Jumaiyou shook his head again, the latter was being chased by a group of disciples of the Chimaera Clan, and it was too late to avoid them, where would he have the time to search for treasures?


In fact, Jumaiyou felt that the latter was quite powerful. If there were no Anise Clan to add to the chaos, maybe he could be compared with himself.

And at this moment——

Suddenly Ju Maiyou's heart moved, he raised his head and looked towards the mid-air, and saw Shaoyang leisurely flying in mid-air! And the strangest thing is that there are actually two silver sharks following the latter one step at a time!


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