Myth is Coming

Chapter 807 Mysterious Mural


It was only a slight stalemate, and there was already a ray of light flying through the air in the direction of the main hall.


"Don't think about it!"

Immediately afterwards, there were several cold shouts in succession, and two people shot towards the ray of light that pierced through the air.


There was an explosion in the void, but the owner of that ray of light had already appeared, and it looked like a huge spider, with strands of spider silk spreading around. And following these spider threads, its figure seems to be able to shuttle freely among them, very flexible.

Therefore, although there were two people trying to intercept them one after another, the Spider Clan's Netherworld Realm quickly found a gap, flew through the air, and broke into the hall first.

Obviously, since he dared to break out first, he still has his confidence.

Of course, the other Hell-connecting Realms were not in a hurry to act.

Entering the main hall first does not mean it has any advantage; on the contrary, it breaks the current deadlock, which is not bad.

Therefore, as the spider clan's Nether-linking Realm flew into the main hall, everyone else followed suit, and streaks of light flew towards the main hall.


However, soon, only a miserable cry came from the hall.

Immediately afterwards, a head rolled out——

But it is the Netherworld of the spider clan!

However, after glancing at the spider clan's head, the other secluded realms didn't hesitate at all, they just became more careful one by one, used various escape methods, and plundered into the hall respectively.

Ju Maiyou said to Shaoyang: "Enter this hall, you must be extremely cautious, if you make a mistake, you will end up like this!"

Shaoyang knew that Jumaiyou was afraid that he would retreat.

Therefore, Shaoyang smiled "haha", "You Daoist friend, I will go ahead!"

Take the lead.

That Jumaiyou nodded slightly, and flew in after following Shaoyang.


But after entering, Shaoyang saw that he had already entered a huge round hall, surrounded by strange stone walls, on which were engraved various mysterious murals.

And besides him, there are other people who are connected to the secluded realm, each of them is sitting cross-legged in front of a mural, struggling to comprehend.

Jumaiyou had already come in behind Shaoyang, he was obviously quite familiar with this place, after a glance, he explained to Shaoyang, "The trials in each floating island are different; it seems that this This place is to test the comprehension of supernatural powers. I am afraid that one has to comprehend the supernatural powers here before one can pass the test and hope to gain control of this floating island." He added: "Of course, after comprehending supernatural powers, there will be a test about this supernatural power. Only after passing the test can one truly comprehend supernatural powers."


Shaoyang understood, it was simple.

He immediately looked towards a nearby mural. In terms of understanding, he has never been afraid of anyone!

Jumai glanced at Shaoyang, and said lightly: "Human race, I hope you don't hold me back, and realize a supernatural power as soon as possible."

Jumaiyou, he is naturally also a genius of the Jumai clan, and he was killed out of countless Dharma Aspect Realm monks of the Jumai clan through untold hardships. Therefore, Jumaiyou has strong confidence in himself.

Shaoyang smiled "hehe", the facts speak louder than words! It is useless to say more now.

He had already sunk his mind into the mural in front of him.

Only then did Ju Maiyou look at another mural next to him. He has always been known as a genius, and he comprehended various Taoism and supernatural powers very quickly.

Therefore, seeing such a trial, Jumaiyou was overjoyed!

That's exactly what he's good at.

Otherwise, even if this human race joins forces, if they really want to fight head-to-head with those Tongyou Realm, they will not be able to say that they are completely sure.

Jumaiyou also began to comprehend...

It's not just them, everyone in the field is in the dark,

They have already sunk their minds into the murals one by one. Obviously, everyone understands the conditions of the trial in this great hall, so they are all busy comprehending.

And in this hall, there are hundreds of such murals! Therefore, at least in a short period of time, there is no need for everyone to fight with each other.

But soon, there were two explosions in the field, and two of the murals burst into brilliant brilliance.

The two secluded realms in front of the mural quickly used their magical powers to resist...

But in just a moment, the bodies of the two of them had been injured by the magical powers on the mural, and they were shattered! In just a short moment, two more Netherworld Communications were lost here!


Shao Yang looked at the mural in front of him, this kind of rough painter, but it portrayed a vast ocean, a few simple ripples, but it seemed to contain infinite artistic conception! Indistinctly, Shaoyang seemed to be able to hear the sound of water flowing.


Water magic?

Shaoyang's mind was moved, and he was immersed in the mural without knowing it. Gradually, he felt as if he had come to a vast ocean, with thousands of blue waves and turbulent waves...

The stinging dragon method works naturally!

In just a moment, Shaoyang suddenly woke up from this mysterious state.

He realized it carefully, and felt that he had mastered a supernatural power!

It's easy.

But Shaoyang just turned around this thought, and suddenly saw the mural in front of him, suddenly one after another brilliance lit up, like endless waves, slapping towards Shaoyang in an instant! It has quietly evolved into a supernatural power.

However, Shao Yang felt it immediately, and suddenly shot out with both palms in a row, already using the artistic conception contained in this magical power.

The supernatural powers Shaoyang sacrificed echoed the supernatural powers on this mural...

All of a sudden, the murals were filled with light!

But just a moment later, all the brilliance faded away, and the entire mural seemed to lose its divine light.

Obviously, Shaoyang has already passed the test!

Shao Yang realized it carefully, but felt that there was a little more inheritance in his sea of ​​consciousness. This bit of inheritance seems to be a part of some kind of great inheritance, but it is too little, so Shaoyang couldn't comprehend anything for a while.

Shaoyang couldn't help feeling sorry.

Hey, there is still too little comprehension! He couldn't help turning his attention to other murals...there are so many murals here!

Not to mention that Shaoyang is still regretting on his side, but on the other side, the other people in the Netherworld Realm are all unbelievable... How is it possible? This enlightened a magical power! And it successfully withstood the test of murals!

The speed is too fast!

Everyone was shocked and envious at the same time. This human race has already passed this level.

Is the talent of the human race really so strong?

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