Myth is Coming

Chapter 811 Holy Realm Corpse Bones

After a short pause, Tianshi Xingjun said slowly, "Go ahead carefully, have you seen the stone gate in front of you?"

Shao Yang nodded involuntarily, and saw a round stone gate standing in front of his eyes. There are streaks of strange streamers on the stone gate, but Shaoyang knows that these are the unique runes of the Atlantean civilization.

In their runes, there is also a strong water magic power.

And Shaoyang now has the Sea God Art, and other inheritances from your clan... So, speaking of it, Shaoyang already has some knowledge of these runes.

Therefore, Shaoyang hurriedly went to identify it. Speaking of which, he is also very confident in his talent.

However, although he has some basic skills, he is still very unfamiliar after all!

Therefore, it was not possible to crack it for a while...

But in Jinbei Cave, Tianshi Xingjun has slowly transmitted the sound: "Three to the left, five to go up..." Tianshi Xingjun has quickly explained the method of breaking the prohibition on this stone gate in detail one by one. Point out for Shaoyang!

All right.

Shaoyang admired it, he obviously didn't think Tianshi Xingjun paid attention to these things before, did he?

But it has been mastered so deeply!

Sure enough, every strong person who can cultivate to their level must have something special! It must be the absolute protagonist of their era, the absolute pride of heaven.

Shaoyang immediately restrained his thoughts, followed the methods taught by Tianshi Xingjun time and time again, and began to crack them one by one.


Just hearing a humming long chant, the stone door has been slowly opened to one side. And for a moment, Shaoyang suddenly felt a cold, stern, and indifferent aura, which suddenly turned into a dragon-like python, gushing out from the black lacquered cave that opened behind the stone gate! It swept straight towards Shaoyang's body.

Before that breath came to him, Shao Yang felt his body stiffen, and the cold breath spread in instantly.

Shocked, Shao Yang quickly sacrificed the Phoenix Feather Sword, and more than a hundred sword lights spread across the air in an instant, carefully isolating the cold air one after another.

In the most dangerous time, what Shaoyang trusted most was swordsmanship!


Shaoyang's swordsmanship was superb, but this force obviously did not test his swordsmanship! Therefore, the cold air changes finely, it actually wanders around the sword technique, and continues to attack Shaoyang's body.


There was a sound like water flowing from Shaoyang's body, and the Sea God Art was running naturally, his body suddenly seemed to have turned into a vast ocean, and the rolling spiritual sense surged like ocean waves.

Under this kind of pressure, Shaoyang realized that his body had also become deeper, with a kind of spirit that embraced all rivers.

Sea God Golden Body!

Shaoyang was pleasantly surprised, realizing that the rank of this golden body might not be inferior to that of the Shenmu golden body.


At this moment, he probably also sensed Shaoyang's aura, and that aura immediately retreated, and the air returned to clarity.

A voice came from the cave:

"I didn't expect that the inheritance of my family would be acquired by a junior like you."

Some sigh.

Shaoyang's face turned black, what does this mean? What does it mean that the inheritance of your clan is acquired by a junior like yourself? What should I do? Can't you humiliate you?

Of course, Shaoyang was not in a hurry to make a sound, he stepped in, and soon saw a corpse in the depths of the cave.

That's right, it's really just a corpse!

All of a sudden, Shaoyang's resentment dissipated... It's not hard for him to imagine that the other party has been dead for many years, and there is only a little spirituality remaining, talking to himself.

The corpse suddenly sat up.

Shao Yang looked carefully, but saw that although this corpse had obviously been dead for many years, there was still a little bit of bright blue brilliance between the bones, and it seemed that he could still feel the moist water from it.

Before his death, he must have been a terrifying strong man.


Tianshi Xingjun's figure suddenly appeared from the side,

Slightly nodded and smiled at the latter.

The corpse also seemed to be able to see Tianshi Xingjun, and turned slightly to Tianshi Xingjun, a pair of empty eye sockets resting on the latter, but also saluted, "I have seen fellow Taoist."

Tianshi Xingjun observed the corpse, and said, "If I read correctly, Fellow Daoist's cultivation has already reached the holy realm, what happened back then? That made Fellow Daoist fall into such a state?"

holy place!

Shaoyang was startled, his knowledge now is much higher than before!

He already knows that at the very beginning, that is, the state that most people are in in the real era, including E-level and A-level, are collectively referred to as [Awakening State]; On the road of cultivation, one step by step opens one's own foundation and potential, and communicates with the realm of heaven and earth.

After the awakening state, it is the state of dharma; condense what you have learned into dharma! It is a clarity of one's own path.

After the Faxiang Realm, there is the Netherworld Realm. It is also an extreme in an [Era].

Up to nine days, and down to the poor and blue, it is to pass through the secluded.

But the Tongyou Realm is still trapped in an era, jumping out of the era, surviving the calamity of the era and not dying, is for the Immortal Realm!

This is the realm of true immortality.

It is very difficult for a monk to fall when he reaches this level. Unless there is a more powerful existence, all kinds of great supernatural powers are needed... to kill the vitality of monks in this realm.

Otherwise, they really live the same life as the world of one side.

After the Immortal Realm, there is the Holy Realm!

This realm is already very, very far away for Shaoyang...

The corpse in front of him is actually a saint?

The corpse glanced at Tianshi Xingjun, pondered for a while, and let out various obscure sounds...

Shao Yang listened to each note one by one, listening to each note very carefully, but when put together, he didn't understand what it meant at all! Even, he listened too seriously, so that his mind was dizzy, and he felt like he wanted to fall asleep.

"not good!"

Shaoyang instantly understood that it was because the voice of the corpse contained too deep a mystery of the Dao, so he couldn't even listen to it!

But Tianshi Xingjun didn't have any problems at all... His figure was obviously just a gathering of stars, but at this moment it seemed to be a real existence.

He couldn't stop nodding his head slightly, and said: "So that's how it is" and "So it's like this"... Shaoyang naturally didn't understand what it was like! This cultivation level is too bad, and you can't even eavesdrop?

Shaoyang was also very dumbfounded.

After a long while, the two seemed to have finally finished their communication. Tianshi Xingjun slightly nodded at the corpse, "So that's it, I understand. After I go back, I will report to the Heavenly Emperor of my clan."

However, after a short pause, Tianshi Xingjun glanced at Shaoyang again, and suddenly said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, although this fellow Taoist Shaoyang is good at swordsmanship, he got the inheritance of the nobility by chance; but right now, It seems that there is no more suitable candidate? I think you might as well consider him..."

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