Myth is Coming

Chapter 816 Shaoyang preaching

Shao Yang sat on the high platform at the front of the Yanfa Hall, surrounded by officials, military, forbidden secrets, sects, families, business circles, heretics... the top powerhouses of all forces gathered together!

Shao Yang looked around, but seeing that everyone treated him politely, Shao Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the strength of their human race is actually very strong. As long as they are given more time and more resources, I believe that more and more powerhouses will emerge.

——Of course, it's still far away...

Too bad.

Sang Lao was sitting beside Shao Yang, hosting this performance gathering for him.

He waited for everyone to be seated, and nodded towards them, "Everyone, this time we invited a total of 81 famous masters, and there were 73 of them. They came to participate in the performance despite their busy schedule, thank you all."

"I'm sure many fellow Taoists have heard about it. This time we call it 'Practice', but it's just for the sake of sound. I prefer to call it 'Research'."

Everyone underground smiled knowingly.

Sang Lao continued: "What do you mean? You all know that for so many years, the cultivation path of our human race has been almost determined by one of us present here, as well as the previous masters of the previous dynasties. The road to cultivation."

"Our path is always the closest to us! It is the most suitable for our situation!"

"This time, everyone was called together again, just to rethink the method of cultivation, understand the way of cultivation, and re-determine the path of cultivation according to the changes in the new situation!"

"Everyone here is a participant in this grand event! So I hope that everyone will do their best, express their opinions, and integrate the strengths of a hundred schools of thought to complete this event together."

Old Sang's voice was steady, not in a hurry, even when he was talking about such a grand event, there was a sense of stability.

"Don't worry, Elder Sang!"


"I will definitely do my best!" Everyone responded one after another.

Everyone is full of confidence!

Everyone can cultivate to such a state, which one has not been the proud son of heaven? Decades of accumulation, dozens of top figures as one of the forces, made them unavoidable to be somewhat contemptuous.

Even if he knew the Faxiang Realm, he still felt that he just didn't understand where the road was before.

Old Sang saw the expressions of the crowd, but he was not in a hurry to wake them up. He only turned to Shaoyang and stretched out his hand, "Then, let's ask Shaoyang to tell us about the awakening, dharma, penetrating darkness, immortality... these The realm of cultivation."

Everyone couldn't help but cheer up! This is straight to the point when it comes up, and it released a big move.

Elder Sang gestured to Shaoyang, and Shaoyang nodded, expressing his understanding.

Using this realm as the opening remark is actually what Sang Lao had communicated with Shaoyang before. Naturally, there are many ways to divide the realm of cultivation, and the paths of cultivation are also different, but this system of awakening, dharma, penetrating the secluded, immortal... This system is currently the most mature.

Therefore, both of them believed that it would be more labor-saving to re-deduce their human race's cultivation path based on this system.

Shao Yang immediately said, "Everyone, this time I fell into a prehistoric era due to some accidents. According to the various information obtained in that era, it should be the era of 'chaos'. In that era, only In the corner I have come into contact with, I have already seen many Immortal Realms! As for the Realm of Tranquillity, the Realm of Fascination... it is like a crucian carp crossing a river, countless."

After a short pause, Shaoyang looked at the crowd, and continued: "As for the state of Faxiang, the state of awakening, to be honest, in those eras, they are not worthy of having a Taoist name, so I really don't know how many there are..."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, Shaoyang had exposed this fact.

Most of the people in the field are still awakened!

Shao Yang sighed, "So, everyone, we really don't have anything to be lucky about. We still have a long way to go."

After saying this, Shaoyang began to talk about the division of various realms.

To be honest, even for these old masters in the field, they only knew the general F-class-S-class division before. It was not long ago that the concept of [Faxiangjing] began to come into being.

But in everyone's opinion, the Faxiang realm should be a very powerful realm.

However, after listening to Shaoyang's words now, and listening to him explain the differences between the various realms one by one, everyone was shocked to understand that the [Dharma Aspect Realm], which was already very powerful in their eyes, turned out to be only the starting point of the road of cultivation!

Therefore, everyone immediately restrained all their arrogance, and began to listen to Shaoyang's explanation like a beginner.

Everyone gradually began to have a preliminary concept of the entire long river of time and countless epochs.

After introducing the whole outline to everyone, Shaoyang began to explain the specific details of cultivation step by step. This is also what he discussed with Sang Lao before. On the one hand, he needs to put some pressure on everyone to prevent them from being too proud and self-righteous. I am afraid that only a few people such as Shaoyang and Sang Lao have a clearer understanding of the predicament facing the human race. .

On the other hand, starting from here, the inheritance of Atlantis and the cultivation method of the realm after the Faxiang realm are slightly blurred, also to avoid the enemy.

After all, although Mr. Sang is ready to pass on to the strong in other countries, he still has to give priority to ensuring his own strength!

Although most of these masters in the field should be trustworthy; but even Sang Lao and Zhang Lao dare not say it, so there must be no shadow of other countries.

So it's good to go step by step.

But just what Shaoyang taught them already shocked everyone in the field!

Far beyond imagination!

These people can almost be said to be the top group among the human race of this era. Before Shaoyang and Sanglao, they popularized the S-level, that is, the cultivation method of Faxiang Realm, which has quietly increased the cultivation base of many of them.

Even if he didn't break through to S rank, after all, he has clarified this direction and is gradually approaching this realm.

But now, Shaoyang's lecture suddenly told them that after the Faxiang Realm, there is a more magnificent world! Everyone just felt suddenly enlightened, and even had a feeling that the world had just opened.

For three days in a row!

All the masters in the field listened eagerly, they were not willing to rest, they kept asking Shaoyang about many details.

Shaoyang also answered them in detail one by one.

Fortunately, Shaoyang's cultivation was already close to the Netherworld, and he was full of energy, so he didn't feel tired at all.

It was bright and dark outside, and on this day, Sang Lao was still trying to smooth things over, "Everyone, cultivation should not be done overnight, but should also be combined with work and rest. This time it will end here, everyone, go back and rest for a while, and think carefully. , Wait until three days before reuniting."

"All right……"

Only then did everyone leave reluctantly.

Flash forward three days.

Everyone reunited in the Palace of Demonstration, and then listened to Shaoyang's speech again. This time, Shaoyang explained more details, including various magical powers and application methods...

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