Myth is Coming

Chapter 828: Condensing【Dao Xin】!

Obviously, Sang Lao is still more supportive of Shaoyang's breakthrough.

After all, as he said, growing the strength of the human race is the most fundamental way to gain a foothold. Blindly dodging is probably safe right now, but what if the power of the seal disappears?

They can't always rely on the seal given by the prehistoric human race!

Moreover, the power of the seal is still disappearing...


Shaoyang still has some concerns.

Old Sang nodded, "I can understand your caution, but I don't think things will go as you imagined—" He reached for a document, "I arranged for someone to do an investigation before. At present, there are more than 300 suspected prehistoric creatures found in various places, most of which are rated at C level, and only a very few have reached B level."

"But in recent years, the number of suspected prehistoric creatures has surged to more than a thousand, more than tripled. Moreover, many of them are already B-level, and even have A-level strength."

While listening to what Sang Lao said, Shao Yang flipped through the documents that Sang Lao handed over, and the more he looked at it, the more shocking he became.

A lot of data show that the real era is constantly being invaded by these prehistoric life forms! However, at present, it is still concentrated on low-level life, and no trace of powerful life has been found.

But this trend is already obvious.


Elder Sang finally concluded: "I think the strength of the human race is fundamental. As for these risks, I think they are worth taking."

Shao Yang nodded. Indeed, Sang Lao's analysis made him feel very reasonable.

Seeing Sang Lao's appearance, Shao Yang couldn't help feeling a little touched in his heart...

He couldn't help secretly contrasting in his heart, what he did when facing difficulties, and what Sang Lao did... Isn't there already a sharp contrast? Of course, he doubted the "courage" Senior Ju Yuling said, but now that he thinks about it, the hesitation and hesitation he showed when facing difficulties... Isn't it the best solution?

Like Sang Lao, it is more convincing to be reasonable and well-founded! Only then can the difficulties be easily solved!

All of a sudden, Shaoyang felt his heart tremble, and there was already a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

This kind of enlightenment is difficult to clearly describe in words, but it exists clearly... If you understand it, you understand it, and if you understand it, you understand it!

In the same way, if you don't understand, you don't understand, and it's useless to describe it in words.

At this moment, Shaoyang vaguely understood the purpose of Sang Lao assigning him so many tasks...

The reason for this is the enlightenment at this moment, right?


Faintly, Shaoyang seemed to hear a crisp sound from an extremely mysterious realm in his mind, as if a window had quietly opened in his mind, and he felt suddenly enlightened.

He only felt his own thoughts, or ideas, or - divine thoughts! become clear.

Like a bright pearl, it exudes brilliance!


Sang Lao in front of him suddenly noticed something and raised his head to look towards Shaoyang. Obviously there is no slight change in Shaoyang in front of him. With Sang Lao's eyesight, he is sure that he will never make a mistake. Shaoyang's cultivation level has not changed in any way.

But in his eyes, Shaoyang just gave him a feeling that some kind of quiet change had taken place!

"This is……"

Sang Lao's heart suddenly moved, could it be the "Dao Xin" that Shao Yang called?

He felt happy for Shaoyang.

The theory of Dao Xin is very mysterious. Sang Lao listened to Shaoyang's detailed explanation, but it was only a kind of deep understanding.

However, Elder Sang also guessed that Shaoyang might have made those arrangements because of too little experience. And now it seems that Shaoyang has lived up to his hope and has successfully overcome this bottleneck!

Elder Sang was also very happy.

Shaoyang is now the strongest among the human race, and his "weakness" is eliminated, which is a good thing for the entire human race!

In the Golden Cup Cave,

Ju Yuling sensed that Shaoyang's [Tao Heart] had quietly formed, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Some are delighted, some are envious...

Shaoyang can break through this hurdle, from now on, I'm afraid it will really soar to the sky!


After sitting cross-legged for more than an hour, Shaoyang's mind gradually became very pure from being extremely complicated before, and then, faintly, Shaoyang had a feeling that he was completely under his control.

He opened his eyes, but saw Sang Lao in front of him, smiling slightly, "Shaoyang, congratulations!"

Shaoyang is very sure that he has already condensed his Dao heart!

Where did he not know that this was Sang Lao's help? Therefore, Shaoyang quickly got up and said to Sang Lao, "Sang Lao, thank you!"

Sang Lao smiled slightly, "between you and me, why do you need to say so many useless words?"

After a slight pause, Elder Sang continued: "For the breakthrough, the official will give you the greatest support. As for the possible hidden dangers, you don't have to worry about it for the time being. If there is anything, all of us will take care of it for you." But of course, this matter can’t be rushed, if possible, you can wait for a few days until I make sufficient arrangements.”

Shao Yang hurriedly said: "Okay, I have no problem here."

Old Sang nodded.

Although it is said that they are not afraid of difficulties, but at the same time of this kind of fearlessness, it is natural to make as much preparation as possible.

It is impossible not to break through, it is a limit to the growth of the human race's own strength!

But the breakthrough should also eliminate the impact as much as possible.

Elder Sang made arrangements quickly. He selected a group of the most outstanding formation and restriction masters from various forces, and asked them to set up layers of restrictions in a cave near the imperial capital, in order to isolate the internal and external connections as much as possible.

At the same time, he ordered the Forbidden Secret Office to conduct research on the level of power Shaoyang described, hoping to make a more detailed assessment.

In addition, for the possible impact, Sang Lao also started to arrange and make various countermeasures to minimize the impact as much as possible, while considering the worst possibility...

The official machine is running at high speed and in an orderly manner!

When Sang Lao was doing these things, he deliberately brought Shao Yang by his side. Shao Yang watched from the side, secretly admiring him, and learned a lot.

Shao Yang didn't know whether Sang Lao had a concise [Dao Xin], but Shao Yang felt that Sang Lao's tenacity of mind would not lose to anyone! He didn't have any skills, and he didn't even know [Tao Xin] before, but he could have such a realm, which made Shaoyang secretly admire him very much.

This is probably the highest level!

All is ready except for the opportunity!

Soon, everything was arranged properly, and Mr. Sang personally took charge of Shaoyang. And Shaoyang also sat cross-legged in this valley near the imperial capital, and the aura of heaven and earth kept gathering towards him...

Another attempt to break through the Netherworld!



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