Myth is Coming

Chapter 830 The Boring Fish

"Chief Shaoyang!"

"Chief Shaoyang!"

Shaoyang stepped into the seventh bureau of the imperial capital, and the monks in the seventh bureau around him, regardless of cultivation level or level, all addressed Shaoyang respectfully.

The news about Shaoyang's breakthrough to Tongyou Realm is actually "confidential"; but in fact, everyone has already heard about this "trail" news through various channels. Naturally, everyone was shocked and surprised.

Shaoyang is still so young, and he has become the first cultivator to break through to the Netherworld?

They were in the seventh game, so they naturally knew more about these kinds of information than others; but it was precisely because they knew that they were even more shocked!

Only then can I understand the meaning behind this better.

Very powerful!

Shaoyang naturally responded to them one by one very politely, and quickly passed by everyone, and found Sang Lao at the back.

When Sang Lao saw Shaoyang, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, and said gratifiedly: "Yes, Shaoyang, your cultivation level is indeed very profound, even I can't estimate it."

Shao Yang was humble, "I would also like to thank Elder Sang, the Dharma protector."

Old Sang said: "There is no need to say more about these words. Sit down, I called you over this time, because I want to ask, how do you feel after the breakthrough?"

Shao Yang understood what Sang Lao meant, he nodded slowly, "I can feel it."

Through the secluded environment, up to the nine heavens, down to the poor and blue! For all kinds of secrets in this world, they naturally have a mysterious perception.

Shaoyang didn't let it go either, "I can sense that there are actually some 'loopholes' in the power barrier laid down by the prehistoric human race. Some prehistoric beings probably entered our place one by one through such loopholes. In an era..."

Rao Yisang's old city mansion couldn't help showing a bit of joy, "Maybe it is possible to lock the specific location?"

Shao Yang nodded, "Probably about the same."

Elder Sang immediately asked: "If I plan to solve these loopholes, eliminate the invading prehistoric life, and fix the loopholes, what do I need to do?"

Shao Yang thought for a while, and said carefully, "If you want to clear those prehistoric life forms, you can almost lock some of them, and it's relatively easy; especially the prehistoric life forms at the level of [Faxiang Realm], I've already locked a few places. However, if you want to repair If there is a loophole..." Shao Yang frowned, "I still need to study that power barrier carefully to see if I can find a solution."

Sang Lao asked: "Fellow Daoist Juyuling, can you find a solution?"

With a thought in his mind, Shaoyang summoned Ju Yuling; the latter also heard the conversation between the two, so when he appeared, he said calmly: "I haven't seen it before, and my power is limited at this time, and I need to perceive it again." Let's talk about it later."

Elder Sang immediately made a decision, "Then don't rush to fix the loopholes for a while, you can take it easy for a while; I will order the Forbidden Secret Office to study as soon as possible, and try to give their analysis results as soon as possible to see if they can find a solution. The top priority now , It is still necessary to kill the lives of these prehistoric eras, especially those in the Faxiang realm, in case they find a way to send the news back to their original era."


Shao Yang nodded in agreement.

Still taking the long river of time as an example, the current era of reality seems to be separated from the main trunk of the long river by a dam blocking the river.

However, due to the long period of time, some "holes" appeared in the dam, allowing some "small fish" to drill in.

What needs to be done now is naturally to kill all these "little fish" to prevent them from getting in touch with the trunk of the long river; at the same time, it is best to repair the dam completely to prevent the hole from getting bigger...

Of course it's not easy, but no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it, right?

Shaoyang and Ju Yuling have nothing to do with themselves, so they need to rely on the help of the "Forbidden Secret Office".

Speaking of which, Shaoyang now admires Sang Lao's foresight more and more. Establishing the [Forbidden Secret Office] to make the Forbidden Secret Office focus on the research of all kinds of secret and unfamiliar information is indeed a brilliant move. Now,

Shaoyang also began to feel the existence of the Forbidden Secret Office more and more, and gave them help!

Elder Sang asked again: "How many people do you need? I'll call in to assist you immediately."

Shao Yang smiled and said, "A mere amount of Dharma Aspect Realm is nothing, I am enough alone."

Sang Lao looked him up and down speechlessly, this kid, didn't he even despise himself?

Old Sang shook his head, "Although I say it's not necessary, this matter is also a kind of experience for other people. So, if you can bring some, let's take some with you."

Shao Yang thought for a while, "Then I will bring some juniors from the 'Prince Class'."

Elder Sang has no objection, "That's fine. But, I'll send a few Dharma Aspects to go with you to prevent accidents."


This matter was discussed.

Elder Sang also let go of some of his concerns, and naturally turned to talking about letting Shaoyang teach him the experience of breaking through the Netherworld.

Shao Yang hurriedly said: "Old Sang, I'm ready, and I can teach it at any time. You can see when it is convenient, call all the seniors over, and I will teach them."

Elder Sang also felt delighted, "Okay, I'll start making arrangements right away, in the next few days."

Shaoyang naturally had no objection.

However, after a short pause, Shaoyang looked at Sang Lao's cultivation and felt his confidence skyrocket! Can't help laughing: "Old Sang, you have to hurry up and break through. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing if your cultivation level is not as good as that of the younger generation in the future?"


Old Sang couldn't help laughing, this kid is so bloated that he can't even look down on him!

Sang Lao angrily sent Shaoyang away.

However, if you think about it carefully, what Shaoyang said really makes sense. Today, the world is full of troubles, and with the teaching of the "Great Hunyuan Gong", more and more monks at home and abroad will definitely break through to the [Dharma Aspect Realm]! With his current strength, facing so many rising stars, he really doesn't have such a huge advantage as before.

You really should work hard!

But even though he thought so, Elder Sang didn't panic at all, his heart was extremely strong.

This is what he has raised by standing on top of the human race for many years!

Although, Sang Lao didn't understand the cultivation method of [Dao Xin], but he had already condensed a Dao Xin of his own!


Elder Sang has always been very efficient in his work. So soon, Sang Lao had gathered most of the Dharma Aspects in the country—of course, they were all the Dharma Aspects that the government trusted—and let Shaoyang teach the Dharma.

Shaoyang is also very excited. Since his debut, he has been lecturing the Fa continuously, and now it is finally time to teach the Fa to the top group of people!

However, Shaoyang didn't talk too much nonsense, and told all his experiences, even including the way of [Tao Heart], in detail...

The more secluded realms appear in the human race, the stronger they will naturally be!

This is a good thing.



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