Myth is Coming

Chapter 842 Who is the first person?

Shaoyang vaguely understood that Qinglong challenged himself to sharpen his Dao heart.

He has not broken through to the Netherworld, but it is not far away.

But just as he sharpened his Dao heart when he broke through the Netherworld, Qinglong also needs to sharpen his Dao heart.

But the difference is that Qinglong's way of sharpening is different from Shaoyang's.

Therefore, the methods adopted by the two are quite different.

Qinglong chose to challenge himself!

As for... why did you challenge yourself? That is of course because in the real era, probably only myself can put enough pressure on Qinglong! Moreover, Shaoyang felt that Qinglong's challenge to himself was probably overcoming the demonic obstacle in his heart.

Think about it, Qinglong has always been hailed as the number one person in the real era, but now, his cultivation realm has crushed him!

How can Qinglong be willing?

Therefore, when he was about to break through to the Netherworld, Qinglong chose to challenge himself... and he can understand it, he can understand it.

Thinking of this, Shaoyang felt his confidence soar.


Dinghai Shenzhen popped out suddenly, turned into a sword light and swept across the air.

"What is this?" Qinglong couldn't help being taken aback.

Shaoyang smiled "haha", the Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand has fully displayed his swordsmanship supernatural power, countless sword lights intertwined in the void, densely weaving infinite layers, surrounding Qinglong's side layer by layer .

Qinglong saw that this magical weapon was amazing, it could change freely according to his thoughts, and it was powerful and powerful, wrapped in infinite divine power, so he didn't dare to neglect it.

Therefore, the long sword in Qinglong's hand suddenly turned into a sword flower, but he used the word "yin" to draw away the layers of sword light.


Shaoyang yelled, Dinghai Shenzhen went straight to the middle palace, and stabbed after taking the middle.

This time it was clearly relying on the power of the divine weapon to force Qinglong! But Qinglong is still unhurried, the long sword in his hand is rolling and rolling, and he has already used the word "wrap". The agile sword light is entangled with Shaoyang's Dinghai Shenzhen endlessly. Shaoyang's power has always been difficult to use.

Shao Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he didn't expect, he really didn't expect, that Senior Qinglong didn't usually show his majesty, but looking at it now, he was clearly a top-notch swordsman.

Shao Yang suppressed all his arrogance, knowing that these seniors from that era have practiced a lot of unique skills during the years of nurturing and tempering. If you underestimate them, even if your cultivation base is a level higher, you may not be able to take advantage of them.

Therefore, Shaoyang also unfolded his own swordsmanship. How could his swordsmanship in the realm of "Heaven and Man Harmony" be easy?

Even Qinglong couldn't gain the slightest advantage for a while.

"Good boy!"

Qinglong's heart couldn't help being competitive. Originally, he thought that although Shaoyang's cultivation level was higher, he was so much older than Shaoyang after all, and he had eaten decades of salt! If you really want to fight, your strength may be a little weaker, but with your own experience and swordsmanship, you won't lose to Shaoyang, right?

But who would have thought that Shaoyang just unfolded his swordsmanship, which made Qinglong quite strenuous and tired of coping.

If you also consider Shaoyang's cultivation base, and the magic weapon in his hand...

I am really struggling!

But the more this happened, the more energetic Qinglong became, and he even shouted, "Don't hide it, use all your abilities!"

Shao Yang smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Qinglong snorted coldly, this kid is really arrogant!

However, he also knew that if he didn't put some pressure on Shaoyang, he might not be able to force the latter's true abilities. If he fought like this, and he didn't even know Shaoyang's background, where would he put his face?

Therefore, Qinglong no longer hides his secrets, and moves his footwork skillfully, and a phantom of Qinglong appears behind him.

Then he used the green dragon to control the sword, opened and closed suddenly, and the sword style changed suddenly.


The long sword suddenly slashed at the Dinghai Shenzhen in Shaoyang's hand,

Shao Yang only felt his hands tremble slightly, and a clever force penetrated through, making Shao Yang feel his hands were empty, as if he couldn't feel any power.

What kind of secret method is this?

Shaoyang was pleasantly surprised and became more motivated! The hands are sealed, and starlight has gathered in the hands.

The star points pierced out with Shaoyang's Dinghai Shenzhen, and turned into countless star lines, intersecting in the void.

Every star line seems to contain a force!

And all these star lines gathered together, immediately making all opponents seem to be trapped in a tight siege, exhausted to parry.

This is the power of Taiwei!

For more than a year, Shaoyang has not been idle, he has already operated this supernatural power more and more smoothly. Even, gradually starting to blend this supernatural power with his own dharma appearance and other kinds of divine passages, the power that can be exerted will naturally be stronger than before.


Finally, after only a few rounds of fighting, Qinglong was forced to reveal a flaw.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, seven star lines pierced through the fleeting opening, dragging seven bright lights in the void.

Qinglong had no choice but to swing his long sword backhand to parry.


But with a crisp sound, the long sword in his hand was already shattered.

If the rules of fighting were followed, Qinglong would have already lost half a stroke at this time!

But the green dragon didn't stop yet, the aura on his body suddenly rose, and the green dragon's dharma could not stop flying around, creating clouds and mist! Qinglong actually abandoned his sword and used his palms, a pair of fleshy palms kept slapping like butterflies piercing flowers.

Losing the long sword, Qinglong's ability is not bad at all!

Shaoyang simply put away Dinghai Shenzhen, and also only relied on a pair of fleshy palms to unleash all kinds of supernatural powers, fighting with Qinglong.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Explosions continued in the void. Although the two of them restrained their strength and did not disperse outwards, it was only the aftermath of some collisions, which had already caused the surrounding sea water to roll up violently, and the mountains and mountains trembled.

Fortunately, the power users of the nearby Seventh Bureau had already got the news and had already evacuated the crowd, so there was no fear of any future troubles.

But the fight between the two is not considered to be in the wilderness, so the crowd dispersed, but a lot of light can still be seen from a distance, and it does not appear in the sky.

Many people watched this scene and couldn't help but burst into amazement...

Is this really human?

As for the monks, they naturally saw more clearly. Many people were secretly observing the movement here from all directions with various magical powers. Seeing the fight between Shaoyang and Qinglong, everyone felt even more shocked in their hearts.

Before, they only knew that Qinglong was the first person, and Shaoyang came from behind and broke through to the Tongyou Realm first, knowing that they are very powerful.

But to be honest, since the concept of "Tongyou Jing" is only in recent years, Shaoyang rarely makes a move, so everyone really doesn't have a clear concept of how powerful Shaoyang is.

And now, they finally know!

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