Myth is Coming

Chapter 885 Demolition of the Temple

Naturally, those people are playing some kind of moth again!

Shaoyang sneered, he casually held Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand, and then walked slowly outside, "I'll come as soon as I go."



Everyone was astonished and didn't know what Shaoyang wanted to do.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Mi Zhao, but although Mi Zhao has known Shaoyang for a long time, he still doesn't know much about Shaoyang's behavior style.

But Shao Yang didn't explain to the crowd, he seemed to be slow but fast, within two or three steps, he had already disappeared from the crowd.


Shaoyang is obviously just walking on the ground, but all the way through mountains and rivers, hundreds of miles away seems to be only within a square inch! But after a short time, Shaoyang has already entered a lively market.

However, people from various ethnic groups around were gathering to buy and sell things in a bustling manner, which was very lively.

Shaoyang walked through the crowd, and he didn't deliberately use his spiritual sense, but the crowd seemed to be unaware of his existence! Holding a sword in one hand, Shao Yang walks among the crowd, but seems to be outside the world, in a mysterious and indescribable state.


Shaoyang was light and clever, and had already broken into a Town God's Temple in the middle of the market. Many people from various ethnic groups in the surrounding area are burning incense and offering sacrifices.

Shao Yang swayed, as if he had penetrated into the light smoke, but suddenly appeared in a mysterious place!


But seeing a dozen or so people gathered in front of them, and seeing Shao Yang suddenly barging in, they couldn't help but look at Shao Yang in horror.

Shaoyang turned his eyes left and right, first he saw the land Mu Cheng, and the expression on the latter's face also changed from surprise to horror... He never thought that Shaoyang would break into this place!

Shaoyang didn't pay much attention to him, and soon his eyes stopped on the main seat, but seeing that person's solemn face, with a high crown, he presumably was the Huanjia City God that Mu Cheng had mentioned.

Mu Cheng came back to his senses, and repeatedly reported to Huan Jia through sound transmission.

The expression on Huan Jia's face also changed slightly.

Mu Cheng went there that day, and when he came back, he had already told him what had happened; the small actions of the past few days were naturally at his behest.

But who would have expected that the other party would come directly to kill him before there was a result on his side?

"I guess this is fellow Taoist Shaoyang?"

Huan Jia squeezed out a smile, and wanted to negotiate with Shaoyang on the wording.

But Shaoyang swung his long sword horizontally, and said calmly: "Before Mu Cheng came, I spared him from death, and explained our purpose of coming. Later, when the evil wind caused trouble, I also showed some kindness. .But everything can be one or two, don't repeat it! Recently, you have secretly moved some hands and feet. Could it be that you are deceiving me that the sword has no front? I came here this time to explain this matter clearly to you."

Huan Jia's complexion changed, and he got up involuntarily, and coughed twice, "Ahem, fellow Taoist Shaoyang, don't worry, there must be some misunderstanding about this matter..."

Even he couldn't see through Shaoyang's supernatural powers, so he couldn't help but admit he was a bit shy.

But how could Shaoyang fail to hear his intention to delay?


Therefore, Shaoyang didn't talk nonsense with him at all, Dinghai Shenzhen turned into a long sword and swept it away, the sword energy was crisscrossed, and the entire Town God's Temple was turned on its back in an instant, and the dozen or so "gods" gathered here were all panicked and embarrassed flee.

Shaoyang suddenly raised his long sword, and a beam of bright sword energy, surrounded by countless stars, soared into the sky!


Huan Jia screamed in shock, but seeing the sword energy bursting out of the air, the strange space they were in was instantly pierced by Shaoyang's sword!

Ka Ka Ka——

There was only a slight sound, and the statue of the City God enshrined in the center of the City God Temple outside, the gravel rolled down one after another, from the head to the feet, there were countless small cracks. .

"The statue of the City God is broken!"

"The statue of the City God is broken!"

The clansmen of the surrounding clans couldn't help being surprised and amazed, looking at the broken statue of the city god one by one,

There was already a look of suspicion in his eyes.


Huan Jia was furious, he could already feel that the power from the sacrifice was rapidly diminishing...

Shao Yang stopped and said calmly: "I don't care where your power comes from, don't use this small way to make fun of it here. I just gave you a lesson today, if you dare to offend me in the future, don't blame me for killing you in the City God Temple. It's all torn down."

If it was before, maybe Huan Jia and the others only thought Shaoyang was saying a cruel word. But now, who dare not take it seriously?

Shaoyang can definitely do this!

Although Huan Jia, Mu Cheng and the others were shocked and angry, they didn't dare to say a word in the face of Shaoyang's supernatural powers.

Shao Yang sneered, turned around and strode away from here.

He didn't take these people seriously at all, if he hadn't chosen to build an altar here, he wouldn't bother dealing with these people at all!

This generation, since they are afraid of that ancient saint clan and dare not be hostile to it, then naturally, facing other powerful existences, they can only live in the dark like rats and insects.


After a while, Shaoyang had returned to the altar, and said to Mi Zhao and the others nonchalantly, "The matter has been resolved."

That solves it?

Mi Zhao and the others were both surprised and delighted. Originally, they all thought that Mu Cheng, as the land here, and there might even be a more powerful existence behind him, should be difficult to deal with. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. But who would have thought that Shaoyang would settle these matters lightly and skillfully?

Mi Zhao and the others didn't have any doubts about Shaoyang's words.

Since Shaoyang said it was resolved, it must be completely resolved!

Sure enough, when the altar was built next, it had already become very smooth. Everyone quickly built the foundation of the altar, and then began to arrange various formations around the altar, faintly communicating with the real era they were in.

The purpose of their coming here can be said to be more than half completed!

However, Shaoyang also knew that this was not the end. What you have done so far is just the basics. The real key is to come into contact with the top powers of this time shard.

I just don't know when these existences will come...

Mu Cheng, Huan Jia and the others are nothing but pawns!


On this day, the construction of the altar was completed, and Shaoyang, Mi Zhao and the others drank and celebrated on the altar, which was also a reward for everyone's hard work in the past few days.

But at this moment, suddenly under the moonlight, a shadow flickered, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

But I saw that person came to Shaoyang and the others calmly like a stroll in the courtyard, showing a smile, "Little old man, come and ask for a drink, I wonder if it's okay?"

Mi Zhao and the others couldn't help but feel nervous, they didn't see how the latter got here at all!

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