No wonder it became the sword worn by the ancient dragon king. No wonder it became the symbol of the dragon clan in ancient times.

This dragon sword actually has such powerful properties!

Even his quasi-Tiandao level strength cannot be observed from the sword body.

So how precious is the material of such a long sword? !


It’s simply unimaginable!

Thinking of this, he subconsciously called up the system panel and wanted to see the data of the Dragon Sword.

【Weapon data】

Name: Dragon Sword

grade? ? ? ?

Features: Transparent sword blade

Material:? ? ? ?

Supporting Sword Technique: Dragon Sword Technique (nine styles in total)

Alias: Sword of Decomposition

Explanation: The Dragon Sword is the most powerful weapon of the dragon clan. It has the ability to decompose. With the matching sword skills, it is absolutely invisible to the gods and ghosts!

Explanation: Decomposition can decompose the enemy and the enemy's weapons into the most pristine particle state in the world. This state cannot be treated, repaired, or actively restored. In other words, when the enemy is decomposed - he is dead!

Explanation: The material of this dragon sword cannot be queried. It can be proved that the material of this dragon sword does not belong to the mythical world.

Seeing this, Daozu Boqing couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Not to mention the origin of the Dragon Sword, just talking about the condition of this sword is enough to shock people! Its sword-making material does not belong to the mythical world? ! !

If this is the case, then it also proves that in this world, besides the world of myth, there are other worlds? !

This is so surprising!

Suddenly, Nao Qing thought of something.

In his previous life, his own world had the theory of parallel worlds and multiverses.

Could it be said that the theory of this world is the same as that of his world? Will there be a parallel world? !

This is impossible!

But on second thought, it's not impossible.

After all, there are already some clues about the material of this sword.

Moreover, the system also said that in addition to these rewards, he had already peeked into some secrets.


Understand the secrets on the Star Stone.

When he suddenly realized the way of quasi-heaven, the mysterious Dragon Hall, the dragon statue, and that mysterious world.

There's no way it's somewhere in mythology.

Before, he thought that this world might be a small secret world created by the powerful dragon clan, specifically to leave the ownerless dragon origin.

But thinking about it carefully, things were not as he had deduced.

If we follow this line of thinking -

What kind of world would there be outside the mythical world?

This dragon sword is made of materials that do not belong to this world, and it is also the sword held by the dragon king of the dragon clan in ancient times.

Then why are there no records about the Dragon Sword among the dragon clan today?

Could it be said that the first Dragon King of the Dragon Clan had traveled to other worlds in ancient times, or even in further eras?

But if there really is another world, why does it appear without any records? !

Thinking of this, Daozu Boqing couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

It seems that there are some conspiracies and unknown existences in these things.

"Hongjun of Heaven...the Great Burning Heavenly King."

He put away the dragon sword and whispered the names of these two heavenly beings.

If you can get some information by searching, maybe you need to look at these two mysterious heavens to learn something.

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