Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 1014 The Medicine Pill That Develops Potential

Su Yu remained silent, gently stroking the black gold card in his hand.

Immortals also have the troubles of longevity, and mortals also have the happiness of mortals.

Longevity does not mean that you will always be happy.


I don't know what's going on with him.


Su Yu sighed, and when he became stronger, he must summon the Su family.

Build the legendary Immortal Emperor Clan!

Bai coldly watched silently from the side. She was still young, and most of the relatives and friends around her were immortals, and they had never experienced life and death.

I don't quite understand the sentimentality between Su Yu and Zhong Zihan.

"Sister Han, as a god-given person, you live in the holy city, why do you have such feelings?"

Bai coldly doesn't understand that the people in the holy city are all strong, and being able to live in the holy city is a symbol of status and strength.

Countless people want to enter the holy city!

That's the ultimate Sacred Land in the original world!

"You will understand later." Zhong Zihan rubbed Coldly's head and said softly.

oh oh~

Bai coldly nodded suspiciously.

The maid on the side widened her eyes, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

What did she hear!

holy city!

These two people are from the holy city!

The place where the legendary patriarch of immortality sleeps!

The strongest force in the original world!

No wonder the boss values ​​him so much!

And gave him a black gold card!

It turned out that he was from the Holy City!

In this way, everything can be explained!

The maid has been working at the Shrouding the Heavens auction house for a long time, and she has seen more than one person with a black gold card, but all of them have one characteristic!


The weakest is the Universe Venerable level!

Not the weak among them!

Like some young people with Universe Venerable standing behind them, they can enter the box when they come to the Shrouding the Heavens auction house.

But they don't have a black gold card!

The black gold card will only be given to the strong!

The son of the city lord of Kitahara also came to the Shrouding the Heavens auction house today. As far as she knew, the son of the city lord of Kitahara did not have a black gold card!

Suddenly, the maid thought of something, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

I hear their conversation.

They won't kill me!

Su Yu was a little strange, why did the maid who massaged him suddenly tremble?

"The strength is a little weak." Su Yu said.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry." The maid said immediately.

The auction was still going on, and there were VIPs in the box bidding for the first auction item, which caused the crowd's emotions to run high.

The second auction item is three medicine pills. According to the old man, all three medicine pills are medicine pills with development potential.

This Medicine Pill can deeply tap the hidden potential of the human body.

Similar to treasures that can improve potential, they are always the most popular category of treasures. People bid wildly. In just a few minutes, the price of Medicine Pill increased to 50 million!

50 million for three Medicine Pills!

And the price is still going up!

"Fifty-one million! I'll give out fifty-one million original coins!" A tall man stood up excitedly and shouted loudly.

"Fifty-five million! These three medicine pills must be mine!" Another woman in red shouted excitedly.

"Fifty-eight million!"

"Fifty-nine million!"

"Sixty million!"


In the end, these three Medicine Pills, which could increase their potential, were won by a man in black at a price of 71 million.

Su Yu looked at the three Medicine Pills with great interest.

"Dear guest, if you like it, the auction house can find a similar Medicine Pill for you." The maid whispered.

"No, I'm not interested in Medicine Pill." Su Yu waved his hand.

He is interested in the method of refining Medicine Pill!

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