"Virtual hegemony competition? We can also participate?" Zhong Zihan was puzzled.

Shouldn't only students be able to participate in the competition held by the True Dragon Academy?

If outsiders are allowed to participate, isn't the True Dragon Academy afraid of someone deliberately making trouble?

"That's right, outsiders can also participate in the virtual hegemony competition of True Dragon Academy, but you can't get a ranking, and you can't choose your opponent!

Every year in the virtual competition, there are places for top 100 students. Once you become a top 100 student, you can enjoy the highest level of resource supply for the next year.

Countless students want to become one of the top 100 students, and this is extremely difficult, not only to compete with the students of the True Dragon Academy, but also to compete with the strong outsiders.

The strong outsiders can choose one of the top 100 positions. After defeating the student in this position, they can take their place. Next, there will be many students from the True Dragon Academy challenging you. As long as you defeat all the War Practitioners who challenge you, keep this position .

Then you can get a lot of resource rewards. Of course, this is also very difficult. After all, the students of True Dragon Academy have a strong sense of common honor, and they don't want outsiders to occupy the top 100 positions, so they face a lot of pressure. "

Bai coldly spoke, half an hour later, Su Yu thoroughly understood the details of the Virtual Tournament.

It can be understood that Chengzhenlong Academy has set up a hundred arenas, outsiders can choose to defend the arenas, and people in the academy will attack the arenas.

Students who are successful will be rewarded with generous resources in the next year, and outsiders who successfully defend the ring will also be able to get a lot of resources at once.

Due to the abundance of resources, every time the True Dragon Academy holds a virtual competition, it will attract countless outsiders to participate in the competition, hoping to become one of the top 100.

According to the difference of Realm, the competition set up the top 100 of Realm God level, Main God level, God King level and Venerable level respectively.

As for the top 100 Venerable competition, Su Yu clicked his tongue. The battle between the strong can destroy the Galaxy, and the aftermath can shatter the Star.

This shows how powerful the True Dragon Academy is. There are more than a hundred Venerable students, otherwise there would not be a top 100 position.

"Can a low Realm challenge a high Realm?" Su Yu asked suddenly.

The higher the Realm, the higher the top 100 position, the richer the reward resources. For example, the top 100 rewards of the main gods are more than a hundred times more than the top 100 rewards of the realm gods.

Su Yu can be sure that he can easily get the position of the top 100 main gods, and it is also very easy to be the first.

After all, his combat power is far from being as simple as the Realm on the surface.

Even in God King, he is at the overlord level.

Bai was coldly stunned, as if he didn't expect Su Yu to ask such a question.

She scratched her head, "A low Realm can choose a high Realm arena to challenge, but a high Realm cannot choose a low Realm arena."

But this rule is basically useless, the students who can enter the True Dragon Academy are all the best among the Tianjiao, each one is ridiculously strong, who can surpass them in a big Realm, and sit in the top 100?

From the beginning of the establishment of the True Dragon Academy to the present, no one has ever done it!

"Su Dage, you don't want to pick God of War Wang Baiqiang, do you? You just broke through the main god." Bai coldly whispered.

"That's right." Su Yu admitted generously.

Ah this!

Bai coldly is not optimistic about Su Yu, even if she thinks that Su Yu is from the Holy City, it is impossible for her to defeat the arrogance of the True Dragon Academy by surpassing a big Realm.

True Dragon Academy is second only to Holy City!

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