"Good guy, what are you doing weird here?" Su Yu didn't believe in evil anymore, and used various methods to turn the iron sheet into powder.

Roasting, thundering, wind grinding, etc., the power of Dao Yun was pushed to the extreme by him, but the fragments could still be recovered.

"The power of fate, you can't be immune!"

The iron piece in Su Yu's hand disappeared with a bang, and he forcibly erased the iron piece with the force of fate, but the next second, the iron piece appeared again.

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched, even the power of destiny, which is ranked among the top in the law, doesn't work?

How did the Mullen family collect such a weird thing.

"Immortal? I will integrate you into my weapon and make it work well." Su Yu picked up the iron piece and walked out of the treasure house.

Outside, Su Jiu and the others had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw Su Yu coming out, they all smiled and asked what they had gained.

"Let's go! Treat you to a big meal!" Su Yu raised his arms high, causing a burst of cheers.

At this time, Modern found a photo of the statue. Su Yu narrowed his eyes. The three goddesses of timing, the daughter of Zeus, are extremely special gods among the main gods, and they hold the power of time.

There is also Della, the hydra sea in Olympus mythology. Legend has it that it has nine heads. If one of its heads is cut off, two heads will be born immediately. It is the son of Typhon, the ancestor of monsters.

He didn't recognize the other statue, which seemed to be the flame giant in Nordic mythology.

"Stealing my spoils, although it's not a very strong idol, it's also a little uncomfortable." Su Yu muttered.

The statues of the three goddesses of timing are somewhat attractive, after all, it involves the power of time.

The Su family took off in a mighty way, and Modern watched their leaving back in the castle in a daze.

"Father, I will prove you wrong, my talent is not inferior to anyone, including you.

Now the Mullen family has nothing, but I still want to make the Mullen family brilliant. For this, I can bet my life! "

Modern held his chest with one hand and said solemnly.

Mullen's! Will rise from the ashes!

"Wow! This is vermilion fruit? Wouldn't it be too wasteful for us to eat it as fruit?" Su Jiu looked at the food in front of him in surprise.

They were in the most famous restaurant in Great Britain at this time, and there were so many of them that they almost filled the entire restaurant.

"Eat it! Just something small!" Su Yu said grandly.

"Waiter! Serve all your dishes ten times!"

The waiter Little Sister was shocked, ten times! The number of Spirit Stones required is sky-high!

How can someone eat like this!

"Are you sure you want to go ten times?" the waiter asked in a low voice.

"Of course! Go get ready!" Su Yu said with a smile.


The waiters have worked in the restaurant for a long time, and they have their own set of skills to recognize people. These people are dressed in style, and they are either rich or expensive, and they are definitely not short of money.

The manager of the restaurant was also very surprised, ten times!

This is the first time he has received such a big order!

"Hurry up and prepare! We must have a good meal for our distinguished guests today!" the manager said hastily.

The delicious dishes were served quickly, the hind leg meat of the sixth-grade thunder cow, the meat of the seventh-grade sea beast, and precious spiritual fruits and vegetables were all over the table.

There are a total of 100 tables in the restaurant, and Su Yu and others occupy more than 80 tables, and each table has served all the delicacies ten times.

The Su family feasted on it, and Su Yu couldn't help admiring that it is indeed the most famous restaurant in Great Britain, and the taste is really top-notch.

"Well, this grilled shrimp is delicious." Cai Yunyun's cheeks were bulging, filled with food.

Lilith next to Su Yu was serving food for him, but he stopped Lilith, "I can eat by myself, and you can eat some too."

"Yeah." Lilith nodded.

In front of the restaurant, four girls were stopped by the waiter.

"Why did you stop us?" the leading girl asked.

The four girls are all beautiful, with ethereal and noble auras, as if they were born noble.

The waiter was stupefied for a while, and remained silent.

"Hey, can we go in?" The girl waved her hand in front of him, and the waiter let them in stupidly.

It took a long time for the waiter to react.

"Didn't I come to stop someone from going in? Why did I send four people in?"

"However, it should be fine, those four girls don't look like bad guys, yes, beauty is justice!"

The four girls walked into the restaurant, frowning when they heard the laughter one after another.

"Isn't this the most exclusive restaurant? Why is it so noisy?"

"Sister, you have the breath of a god, you are the son of God!"

The girl squinted her eyes and whispered, "A person who stole the power and inheritance of the gods? It's a strange world, where mortals can so easily steal everything from the gods."

"Our time is the Great Resurrection..."

The girl was covered by another girl, "Don't talk nonsense!"

And this scene happened to be caught by Su Jiu, he felt a little strange, why did the four young girls have such a strong aura?

When Su Jiu faced the four girls, he felt like he was facing an ancient god. That was the difference in the level of gods.

"Cousin Su Yu." Su Jiu raised an eyebrow.

Su Yu understood, the two walked out of the restaurant and communicated above the clouds.

"Have you noticed the four girls in the restaurant?" Su Jiu asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"I felt a strong unknown aura from the four of them. I can't describe that feeling. For example, in front of them, I feel like an ant." Su Jiu said in a deep voice.

Su Yu also felt strange, Su Jiu is the son of God, and there are still people suppressing him at the level of gods?

The two returned to the restaurant, and when the four of them passed by, Su Yu cast a casual glance. Update the fastest computer side:/

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Back to his seat, Su Yu's heart was filled with turmoil, and he recognized one of them.

Hestia! The goddess of the stove and the home, is also one of the virgin goddesses, and one of the twelve main gods of Olympus.

Unlike other goddesses, she doesn't like messing with relationships, and believes that love is faithful, even gods must follow.

The first child of Cronus and Rhea, the second generation God King, the big sister of Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.

She is extremely ancient, and has a special status on Mount Olympus. Although she is not as powerful as Poseidon and Hades, she is respected by other gods.

Together with Athena and Artemis, they are regarded as the three goddesses on Mount Olympus, an absolutely chaste and flawless goddess.

According to legend, Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Apollo, the god of light, both courted her and fought over it. In order to maintain peace, Hestia rejected the two of them and swore never to marry by Zeus's hair.

If it was just Hestia, Su Yu wouldn't be too surprised, because he had already seen the resurrection of the gods.

Beelzebub, the demon king who walked out of The Underworld, had met him face to face.

The three girls around Hestia made him vigilant, and the only ones who could be with Hestia were the gods who were also Olympus.

Among the gods of Olympus, there are Artemis, the three goddesses of timing and the three goddesses of fate in the form of girls.

Artemis was already in Tianji City, and Su Yu had already seen her statue, so it was certain that it was not Artemis.

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