Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 538: Distinguishing The Inheritance Of The Gods


"What a scary little white rabbit!" Even in the battle, Elsa was speechless.

An ordinary little white rabbit with no special bloodline has become a demigod-level existence in this world.

The demigod level is beyond the peak of the king level. The body or soul has been transformed into a god body or soul. The strength is far beyond the peak of the king level, but there is still some distance from the gods.


The demigod-level little white rabbit is no longer making cute sounds, but roaring like beasts.

The little white rabbit kicked its hind legs at an extremely fast speed, and Setsuna suddenly appeared in front of Elsa.

"Damn it!" Elsa struggled to dodge, the little white rabbit twisted its body and kicked out its hind legs again.

It's over!

Elsa felt desperate, with a demigod kick, she would be disabled even if she was not dead!

Is that the end?

"I still want a child, I don't want to die like this." Elsa whispered.


"Sister Sha still has this idea? I will definitely work hard!"

Elsa was ecstatic, and then her delicate body was hugged into a warm embrace.

Su Yu hugged her to escape the blow, and Elsa let out a long breath, "Run away! This rabbit is very strong!"

"No hurry." Su Yu lowered his head and pecked Elsa.

Elsa was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Now is not the time to flirt, run away, there are countless opportunities to escape."


Elsa felt a slight pain coming from below, and she was suddenly dumbfounded.

Su Yu nodded in satisfaction, still playing so softly, as expected of Sister Sha, her figure is just fine.

"Look, I'll take you to eat rabbit meat later."

"How is it possible?" Elsa blurted out.

"Everything is possible."

Su Yu mysteriously smiled. He had already discovered the flaws of the spirit beasts in the forest. They are powerful, but not very intelligent.

The big white rabbit bared its teeth at Su Yu, its scarlet pupils revealed killing intent, and it might charge up at any moment.

Su Yu showed his big white teeth, and threw a small stick casually.

"I'll give you a little present."

The big white rabbit opened its mouth and swallowed the wooden stick. It exerted all its strength and was ready to attack Su Yu.

Suddenly, it felt severe pain in its abdomen, like overwhelming the river.


The big white rabbit was foaming at the mouth, its eyes were lax, its expression was dull, and its body fell to the ground twitching.


The golden stick broke from under it, spurting out a lot of blood, making Su Yu feel a chill down his lower body.

My good fellow, this rabbit is really unlucky!

Elsa's eyes widened, "Xiao Yu, your attack method is so wretched!"

Forehead. . . . . .

The Golden Crow sets in the west, the Moon Rabbit rises, and the sun and the moon rotate.

Under the moonlight, Su Yu and Elsa ate rabbit meat around the campfire.

"Little bunny is so cute, I didn't expect it to taste so good." Elsa took a bite of the rabbit meat and made a misleading sound comfortably.


Elsa's eyes lit up, thinking of something.

"Let's go back and roast Sister Xian's Jade Rabbit!"

"Sister Xian will beat you to death, but that is Sister Xian's favorite Jade Rabbit."

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched, how dare she think!

That is a beast!

The little rabbit destined to become a god!

Fairy Chang'e's pet is now Yun Xian'er's pet. On weekdays, Yun Xian'er will hold Jade Rabbit to play around, and she can't dote on her.

"How did you find me?" Elsa asked curiously.

Then Su Yu told her what Houtu Niangniang had done. He didn't bother to lie to his seniors, so why not tell such things?

He will not use this power indiscriminately!

Elsa was stunned when she heard the words, "You won't change my mind!"

"Of course not. When did I force you?" Su Yu rolled his eyes.

"Did you see those two stone monuments?"

Elsa nodded, "Tianyu Great Emperor and Xuandu Datianzun! They are really strong! That aura of supremacy is too strong, too stalwart."

Su Yu put his big hand on Elsa Xiang's shoulder, and said softly: "You have the ultimate Yang body, and one day, you will be able to have that kind of power."

And Elsa's Zhiyang Body is the strongest among all the senior sisters!

The gods she inherited are a little Golden Crow, as well as the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and Fenrir, the world-destroying wolf in Norse mythology.

As early as after the gap in space, Su Yu returned to Blue Star, and was determined to test why all the senior sisters were the supreme yang body in the supreme body.

What they have in common is that they all have the inheritance of the little Golden Crow, carrying the blood power of the little Golden Crow.

After verification, Su Yu clearly divided the inheritance of the gods.

The statue inheritance is divided into:

Supernatural powers | magical skills (for gods in mythology possess supernatural powers, have great power, and belong to the category of techniques)

Example: Su Yu's supernatural powers are "Law of Heaven and Earth", "Physical Transformation into Ten Thousands", "One Qi Transforming into Three Purities", "Fiery Eyes", "Vajra Is Not Bad", "Three Heads and Six Arms" and so on.

Cultivation Technique (the means used by gods to become stronger, but Western gods generally do not have Cultivation Technique inheritance. According to Su Yu's guess, it is because Western gods rely on blood to become stronger, all of them are born Sacred, while Eastern gods generally have Cultivation Technique, of course There are also some not)

Examples: 1. Su Yu's "Dapin Celestial Immortals Jue", "Tao Te Ching" and "Wa Huang Jing"

2. When Cai Yunyun got the inheritance of Athena, she didn't inherit the Cultivation Technique, only the magic skill, the origin and the artifact.

Origin (all gods have inheritance, it is the most essential thing of gods, people cannot perceive when the origin of gods merges into the body, but after obtaining the origin, people can break the boundary between man and god and set foot in the realm of gods)

Example: All the Sons of God can cross the boundary between man and god without much effort, as if he himself can cross the boundary between man and god.

The speed of cultivation becomes faster, and the speed of comprehension of dao rhymes becomes faster. Even with the suppression of the universe heaven court, all the sons of gods can easily step into the peak of king level or even demigod.

If the inherited gods are of the wind attribute, it will be easier to practice the rhyme of the wind and get closer to the rhyme of the wind.

1. Odin is in charge of the power of the sky and the power of wind. It is easier for Lin Ye to practice space and wind than to practice other dao rhymes. Space dao rhyme is an advanced dao rhyme, but in her perception, it is easier than practicing the way of fire Rhyme and so on are even simpler.

Divine Armament (some gods will pass it down, or it may not be passed down, it may appear as a single individual, specifically manifested as a weapon of the gods, often need to tell the specific deeds of the gods to appear)

Example: 1. Cai Yunyun awakened Athena and got Athena's victory spear; when awakening Zeus, she got the Thunder Staff Spear.

2. When Elsa awakened Fenrir, the demon wolf who destroyed the world, she didn't get the artifact; when the senior sisters awakened the nine big and small Golden Crows, they didn't get the artifact.

Bloodlines (only Fractionated Divinity spirits will pass on bloodlines. Generally, there are only the above four kinds of gods, and they will not inherit the power of bloodlines. They are rare types in the inheritance of gods. After people get bloodlines, they will transform into corresponding physiques, not It will transform into its creature, and after obtaining the powerful blood, it is possible to expel the weak blood)

Example: 1. The senior sisters obtained the blood power of the little Golden Crow and transformed into the most yang body among the twelve highest bodies, instead of giving up the human body and turning into a little Golden Crow.

2. Linye received the power of Chaos' bloodline and turned into a chaotic body in the twelve supreme bodies, but did not turn into chaos.

3. When Cai Yunyun awakened Athena, she did not get the power of blood, which shows that not all gods have blood.

4. Elsa first got the power of Fenrir's bloodline, and I don't know what kind of physique it transformed into, and then she got the bloodline of the little Golden Crow, and her physique changed into the Yang body. The bloodline was suppressed and assimilated, and disappeared.

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