Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 540 Seeing Xuandu At The End Of The Road

I do not know how long it has been

Su Yu woke up in the warm embrace, and he couldn't help hissing after waking up with tingling pain all over his body~

It hurts!

Su Yu's face twitched, the pain was so painful that it pierced his heart, and his soul was trembling.

The divine sense checked Own's body, and he was seriously injured as expected. I don't know when he has been used to being seriously injured.


My soul!

Su Yu was pleasantly surprised to find that his own soul had turned into a divine soul, but unlike before, it was not a golden divine soul, but a white divine soul.

Why is it white?

Su Yu was puzzled, the part of his soul that had turned into a divine soul before was clearly golden!

Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it!

The white soul is not bad, but it is not as cool as the golden soul.

Su Yu got up with difficulty and found himself in Elsa's arms, and Elsa had passed out.

After checking, Su Yu couldn't help frowning, Elsa's health was very bad and she needed to be recuperated urgently.

To be injured in this forest is to declare death.

Elsa, who fell in a pool of blood, has a shocking beauty, but his heart is no longer here, to live, he and Elsa must live!

He won't allow Elsa to die!

Nobody wants to die!

Su Yu resisted the pain and gave Elsa a chance to stabilize her injury.

After regaining some strength, Su Yu began to look around.

With the sky above their heads, they should have fallen into a hole in the ground.

"Did this burrow originally exist under the lake?"

Su Yu guessed that this burrow should be seen by diving into the lake, and he used the light of primordial light to raze it into a deep pit, and fell down by accident.

Surrounded by murals, there are many weird lines on the walls, like mysterious words of ancient sacrifices.

"The murals that exist in the Great Emperor secret realm?"

Su Yu was vigilant, but anything involving the Great Emperor was not a simple thing, and a little carelessness would lead to death.

Let's go out!

But Su Yu was very curious about what was on the mural.

"Done! Starve to death the bold! Starve to death the timid!" Su Yu gritted his teeth, carried Elsa on his back and approached the mural.

Su Yu's body was tense, and if there was anything wrong, he would turn around and run away.

Nothing happened until we got close to the mural.

The murals are abstract, Su Yu went to the starting point and found the first mural.

In the first painting, a spot of light suddenly appeared in a dark space.

A spot of light appeared in the second painting, and many abstract creatures were kneeling, such as a giant dog with nine heads, a sacred elephant with wings on its back, a giant god with a huge figure, etc. Many creatures were kneeling at this spot of light before.

In the third painting, the light spots become more shining, and more and more creatures kneel down.

In the fourth painting, there is only one spot of light, and the other creatures seem to have disappeared.

The fifth painting turned into many living beings kneeling and worshiping light spots again, but careful Su Yu discovered that those living beings had changed and were no longer the original living beings.

In the sixth picture, only light spots remained, and in the seventh picture, it resumed again, and the cycle continued until the end, a total of forty-eight cycles.

Counting the initial one, that's forty-nine times.

"What does that mean? He betrayed forty-nine times? Then rose again forty-nine times?"

what is this?

Emperor Perseverance?

Su Yu continued to walk forward, and what caught his eyes was the big blood-red characters.

In the beginning, there was Tao, and its name was Xuandu.

Xuandu Dao, supreme good, supreme evil, supreme, supreme.

Create something out of nothing, the body is the way!

See Xuandu at the end of the road!

There are not many words, but they all admire an existence named Xuandu.

In a trance, Su Yu turned into a small fish, wandering in the long river of time, going upstream, witnessing the years.

Time is a long river, rolling and flowing, boundless, without end.

Era turns, and in the long years, there are too many secrets buried, even the great sages cannot understand all of them.

He happened to catch a glimpse of the birth of Qingtian Power, who performed his legend, and finally ended, and then a new legend was born. They are all so stalwart, so great.

In the early days, a Sacred was born, and those who can survive in this era are all strong.

The strongest person in this era is called Tianzun, origin life body, chaotic source life body, and extreme powerhouse.

One day, a holy god was born between heaven and earth. . .

He was able to suppress other Sacreds when he was born, and possessed unmatched power. He was arrogant and shining, and he was the most powerful existence in that era.

All the heavens Sacred is less than one ten-thousandth of him, and one day, he will go one step further and become stronger.

All the Sacred go to worship the Holy Spirit standing at the apex.

He is sung as the Great Heavenly Venerable and praised as the ultimate.

The name of the Great Heavenly Venerate is not his own name, but the title of many Sacreds, with the big characters in front, a metaphor that he surpasses other Tianzun.

His name is Xuandu, and he has been called Xuandu from the beginning to the end. Even if other Sacred call him Da Tianzun, he still thinks he is Xuandu.

He is extremely proud, and thinks that the great Tianzun is just an achievement that can be easily obtained, and does not represent him.

See Xuandu at the end of the road!

It is Sacred's praise to him. When you approach the Time Limit of the Great Dao, you can see the Xuandu standing at the peak.

He represents the ultimate avenue, the end of the road, no matter what path you take, you can't get around Xuandu in the end.

Maybe he was tired, or maybe he was irritable, Xuandu destroyed the heavens, and countless Sacreds died in his hands.

Sacred, who has great power, is not as good as a hair on him, and even a single thought of him cannot be changed.

The thoughts fell, and the heavens collapsed.

Or maybe he's getting interested again.

The idea rises, and the heavens repeat themselves.

Going back and forth, no one knows what Xuandu's heart is.

Until the forty-ninth time, maybe Xuandu was exhausted, allowing a young man named Da Luo to rise up and finally overthrow his rule.

Is Xuandu dead?

I don't know! Perhaps only the existence of the so-called Great Luo Ancient Emperor knows.

As the screen turned, Su Yu stared blankly at the big characters in front of him.

He touched his face subconsciously, and murmured: "Is that true?"

Perhaps, one day when he reaches the extreme of the road, he will be able to verify the truth.


In the dark, Su Yu heard someone guiding him.


Su Yu's expression was complicated. He vaguely felt that this guidance was dangerous, but he also understood that danger also represented opportunities.

Things related to Xuandu, the chance should not be small.

To go or not to go?

It was difficult for Su Yu to make a decision. For the next few days, he hid in the burrow to heal his wounds, and went outside to find food to bring back when he was thirsty or hungry.

Fourteen days later, Elsa woke up slowly, holding Su Yu tightly, tears falling down.

Su Yu patted her on the back and comforted her softly.

"It's passed."

Elsa also saw those big characters, she was also in a trance, and was pulled into that piece of time and space.

Sure enough!

These big characters are a piece of time and space!

"Who made such a big deal? Trapped a period of time and space into the words? Could it be Tianyu Great Emperor?"

Su Yu regretted coming to this secret realm, it was too weird.

Obviously not what he can explore at this stage!

According to Little Fatty's introduction, this secret realm has a time limit, and it will be excluded once the time is up.

All he has to do is to find his own wives and take them through this time together. If someone falls in this secret realm, he will be so heartbroken that he can't breathe.

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