Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 660: Demon Suppressing Project

"What are you doing here?" asked the spirit of the stele.

This is an evil place where the old demons are suppressed. If you are unfortunately infected with the breath of the old demons, you will instantly turn into a devil.

Just like that deformed big octopus.

"I want to ask the senior for help."

"I can't help you, as you know, I'm responsible for suppressing the Great Old Demon. Below me is the body of the Great Old Demon. If I leave, this universe will collapse. Devilish Qi, even the God's Mansion can't resist, the God's Mansion after the fall will even lose its intelligence, and become a Devil Dao puppet."

The spirit of the stele doesn't know what Su Yu asked it to do, but it knows that it can't leave here!

"I want to pull a star god into this space! I just ask the senior not to let him out!"

Su Yu's plan is that they work together to lure the demon star god into this space, and then let the spirit of the stele teleport himself out, so that the star god and the deformed giant octopus will fight each other.

The deformed giant octopus is definitely not the opponent of the star god, but the star god can't do anything to the deformed giant octopus.

Both sides are extremely evil creatures, just suitable for getting together.

The spirit of the stele thought for a moment, and agreed to Su Yu's plan, "It's just the words of the star god, there is no problem. To break this space, at least the power of the Universe Venerable is needed."

it is good!

At the same time, the soldiers on the Western Continent did not listen to Su Yu's words, but continued to stay here.

Bai Taotao was still eloquently telling the soldiers that Su Yu was a demon.

Suddenly, a soldier noticed something, "Something is approaching!"

The soldiers got up quickly and got ready for battle.

"What is it!"

"It's a green liquid."


All the soldiers froze for a few seconds, then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, I was scared to death! It turned out to be some green liquid, which probably flowed out from a space crack connected to a pool in Otherworld." The soldiers wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

"That's right, this is just an ordinary liquid, at most it has a special color."

"I'll show you if this thing is poisonous."

Wu Huang smiled and walked towards the green liquid, he suddenly felt flustered, as if countless ants were biting his heart.

what happened?

Wu Huang stared at the green liquid not far away, feeling chills down his spine.

He wanted to turn back, but the soldiers behind him were still joking. With his strong self-esteem, he could only forcibly suppress the fear in his heart and walked into the green liquid.

Wu Huang closed his eyes tightly, his heart was beating violently.

One minute

two minutes

Nothing happened for three minutes, Wu Huang opened his eyes and found that he was not attacked, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Let me just say, this thing is not dangerous at all!" Wu Huang turned around and said with a smile.

But they found that the soldiers had their eyes widened, their legs trembling, and their eyes were terrified.

"Hey, why are you so scared?"

The soldier stretched out his fingers, his teeth chattering, "Behind you."

Wu Huang also panicked, and the fear in his heart was spreading, "Hey, don't make such a joke, you are joking, right?"

Must be joking.

Wu Huang pulled out an extremely forced smile, and turned around mechanically.

A big green hand pressed hard on his head, "Human! Have you ever seen this person?"

The green liquid rose up, forming a very familiar appearance to Wu Huang.

"Speak, the demon actually spoke!"

"It's rubbish."

Star God exerted force, Wu Huang's body exploded, blood spattered everywhere.

"Have any of you seen it?" The Star God turned to look at the soldiers.

"Yes, we have seen! Don't kill us! We will tell you what you want to know!" The soldier yelled in fear.

The Star God grinned ferociously, "I hate you guys! He's a bastard, but he's a hero to you."

The green liquid rises and rushes forward.

Do not!

don't want!

The soldiers were frightened and tried to attack the green liquid with all their strength, but with little effect.

puff! !

The green liquid swallowed many soldiers and expanded rapidly.

The officer sitting in the rear was terrified, he thought of Su Yu's words.

Immediately regret it.

"Damn it! Where have you been! Why don't you come out and stop the demon! Since you are the savior! You should do it to the end! Now that the demon is born, where have you been!"

"And the Lord of the Divine Court! Where did you go! Why didn't you show up! Aren't you the number one person in the world! It's your responsibility to protect Blue Star! Where have you escaped to now!"

"What Shenting is the patron saint of Blue Star? It's all nonsense, a bunch of bastards! Now Blue Star needs you! You are not here!"

The officer yelled crazily, venting hysterically.

He knows that own career is over!

So many soldiers died because of his wrong decision-making, even if he escaped alive, he would definitely become a sinner of Blue Star!

Be spurned by all generations!

The green liquid quickly spread to his location, and the five-meter-high body of the Star God appeared, "Are you the leader of those ants? You should know where that bastard is."

"I know, please don't kill me! I can take you there, and I can help you suppress the other party." The chief begged humbly, like a bereaved dog.

"very good."

"However, I don't need men."

The star god grabbed the chief's head with his big hand, and his spiritual thoughts violently invaded his sea of ​​consciousness, destroyed his true spirit, and read his memory.

The star god fell into the memory of the officer, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

"What a magical planet, there is such a great opportunity as a statue, and a group of mortals got it, what a waste of money!"

"That person was originally called Lin Ye. She is the most powerful person on this planet, and has many inheritances from powerful divine residences. It's really good. I'm more interested. Her taste must be very good. I want to taste her taste slowly. "

Seeing the memory about Su Yu, the Star God couldn't help but be taken aback, "Know the real name of the God's Mansion? He can easily get the inheritance of the God's Mansion, he is the savior, and he has wiped out the cancerous tumor of this planet.

This kid is favored by this planet! "

With the favor of the planet, luck is greatly increased, everything is easy and smooth, and things that are difficult for others to accomplish can be easily done by the planet's patron.

Practice very fast, go out and fall to pick up artifacts and so on.

Like this son of fortune, the demon star god has eaten dozens of them.

When a son of fortune encounters a strong enemy, he will usually turn defeat into victory, but the demon star god is a star god-level terrifying god mansion, even if the opponent's luck is great, he can still kill him!

"It's been a long time since I ate son of fortune, I really miss it, I hope you can taste it better." The monster star god grinned grinningly and pressed his hands hard.

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