Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 693 Reappearance Of The Extreme Heaven Sacred Picture

There are more and more Tianjiao on the platform, finally, the test is over!

Those who have passed the test gather together, and those who can stay here are all strong, and they all defeated ten geniuses of the same generation!

Xu Ying smiled, "Congratulations, you can enter the next round! The Land of Inspiration!"

"I believe that many people already know what the meaning of the land of inspiration is, but I still have to repeat it, this is my duty. Baidu, read more good-looking novels for free."


The holy map of the extreme sky descended, and the divine light bloomed, revealing the names on it.

Every name is powerful and terrifying!

Their names flow with their Tao and Dharma, and the strong Tao rhyme can crush the eternal blue sky!

Time cannot erase the names they left behind, because they have transcended the concept of time and become eternal beings.

At the top of the Jitian Holy Map, the first name!

Da Luo!

Defeated the great emperor of the demon king Xuandu Datianzun and stopped him from destroying the heavens again!

The pioneer of the imperial era!

The savior of the heavens and the world!

The first emperor in ancient times!

He is also the man who brought the Star Creation Atlas and the Extreme Heaven Sacred Map to the heavens!

He has many great achievements, but the world's impression of him is often only one sentence, defeating the great Tianzun of Xuandu!

This alone is an eternal miracle!

There is no need to describe his strength, and there is no need to publicize how many evildoers of his generation he has defeated like other Great Emperors.

No one remembers those monsters who lived in the same era as Emperor Da Luo, and the world only remembers the name Da Luo.

Two words!

Affected the ages, turned the world around!

The word "Da Luo" shines brightly on the holy map of the extreme sky, containing everything, and the aura of detachment surrounds it.

"Anyone who has seen those two characters will feel the greatness of the ancient emperor Da Luo, and the great power is unimaginable. The word "Da Luo", in the ancient empress of Da Luo, no young Great Emperor used these two words again. The word is used as a title. Baidu, read more good-looking novels for free." Liu Yi murmured.

"Is there no Xuandu?"

"Without Xuandu, when Emperor Daluo brought back the Atlas of Creation of Stars and the Sacred Map of Jitian, Xuandu Datianzun had already been defeated. Even if he had not been defeated, with the arrogance of Xuandu Datianzun, he would not Write your name on it." Liu Wing shook his head.

It's an honor to be able to leave your name on the Jitian Atlas, but does Xuandu Datianzun still need glory?

He stood at the top since he was born!

The second name under Da Luo is named Sun

"Who is Sun?"

"I don't know, some Tianjiao left their own names on it, and some left their titles. The ages have passed, and many legends are no longer available for investigation, but it should not be difficult to leave a second name on the Jitian Sacred Map. Simple."

Six Wings pointed to Jitian Shengtu, "The Dao rhyme on it is too heavy, and it is impossible to tell which names are left by the young Great Emperor, but there are some names that are easy to recognize, such as the first emperor on it, this title must be It was left by the ancient emperor Shihuang."

Su Yu also saw the name of the ancient emperor Shihuang, in the middle, it seems that it should be very far away from his era.

"The names on the Jitian Sacred Map are not sorted according to strength, but according to the time left behind. The ancient emperor Shihuang was born at the end of the Baidi era, which is far away from our era."

Speaking of the ancient Emperor Shihuang, Liu Yi was amazed. That man raised the status of the human race and made him a super-rich clan in all realms. His amazing legend is enough to make countless people worship him.

Su Yu looked and found the name of the Emerald Great Emperor above the Ancient Emperor Shihuang.

It seems that the time when the Great Emperor emerged was even farther away than the Ancient Emperor Shi Huang.

At the same time, he also saw the names of Emperor Golden Crow and Absolute War Emperor at the very front.

The name of the Emperor Golden Crow releases a rich golden rhyme, as if the sun is burning on it.

Jue Tian War Emperor has a strong fighting spirit, Jue Tian Battlefield! As if to tear everything apart.

On the other hand, the ancient emperor Shihuang carried a strong imperial prestige. When he saw the two characters, he could imagine his majestic and inviolable figure.


Su Yu saw that name, Pangu!

strong sense of strength

I can't help but step back

Liu Yi at the side cast a glance at Su Yu, secretly thinking that it was so.

He was coming for Pangu.

Cai Yunyun was attracted by a name that was well accepted, "Xiaoyu, the Chaos above is left by the Chaos Heavenly Emperor."

Cai Yunyun pointed to the holy picture of Jitian and said.

"Well, you have the legacy of Chaos Heavenly Emperor on your body, so you should be chosen by him."

"This lady still has the legacy of Chaos Heavenly Emperor? It's incredible." Liu Yi exclaimed.

Two supreme bodies, the relics of the chaotic Heavenly Emperor, what kind of scene is it when these gather on one person?

It's an era of rampage

It's all because of Taihao


Taihao should be the most impatient right now.

On the Jitian Sacred Map, there is Taihao, which is quite close to their era. It should be said that they are in the same era.

Su Wanling looked at Shihuang, dazed, "Is this fate?"

Yan Mei held Su Wanling's hand and said softly: "You are you, I believe that one day, you will be able to surpass him."


Su Wanling nodded with firm eyes.

In Blue Star, cultivation was suppressed, and he could become one of the strongest. In Universe, he is also destined to become that Power!

Lin Ye folded her hands and looked at the sky above.

"It really is Tianyu."

She was not surprised by this result. She had met Tianyu as early as in the land of Taoism, and Tianyu had guided her.

This existence standing at the end of the avenue should leave some good things behind.

Don't let me down.

After everyone had seen the holy picture of Jitian, Xuying said:

"On the Jitian Sacred Map, there are some peerless Powers, which intercepted fragments of the past time after they became powerful, and these fragments are all impressive fragments of them.

If you have a destiny with them, you will be called into their slice of time.

The Fa learned in it can be brought out!

The treasures obtained inside can be brought out!


It involves imperial soldiers and cannot be brought back!

The emperor soldier is unique, and time cannot reproduce the same emperor soldier. On the timeline, the emperor soldier will last forever.

If you forcibly move the emperor soldiers in the past time fragment, you will be attacked by the emperor soldiers from the original time and space!

Notice! Not everyone will be recruited, and those who have not been recruited will be sent away now, and the test of your star creation record is over!

Notice! To die in a fragment of time is to die for real!

Notice! Not all names have time slices! If you choose a name without a time segment, you can only consider yourself unlucky!

Notice! Everyone has three chances to touch their name!

Notice! Someone will be forcibly summoned! No need to touch names! "

at last

"Please choose carefully! Not all time fragments are beautiful, and there are many time fragments that must die!"

After Xuying finished speaking, Liuyi patted Su Yu's shoulder, "Friend, I wish you good luck."

"Good luck to you too."

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