"Junior Brother Su Yu, I am very puzzled about one thing."

"Senior Brother Xue, why not speak up."

Su Yu smiled lightly, Xue Qinghe felt good to him, elegant and polite.

It is more reassuring than Master.

After the Heavenly Killing Peak Lord brought him into the peak, he ran out of the depths of the starry sky and told him before leaving that he was going to kill a giant starry sky beast to add to the fun.

This style of behavior is difficult to make people feel at ease.

Su Yu also complained about killing the peak master more than once.

"Tian Gu, how did Junior Brother get it?"

The atmosphere became solemn, Xiaobai stopped working in his hands and stayed where he was.

Xue Qinghe stared at Su Yu.

after a long time

Su Yu smiled, "I was born with it."

"That's really enviable, junior brother, your luck is really terrible, it's enviable."

"Normal." Su Yu waved his hand.

"Double to the highest body, plus the body of the sky, if this is average, it will be difficult for me to find someone with better luck than you."

Xue Qinghe smiled wryly.

The two talked for a long time, and in the evening when the wind was blowing, Xue Qinghe got up to leave.

"Junior brother, special reminder, senior sister is about to wake up~"

Su Yu stood in front of Immortal Cave, looking at Xueqinghe who was gradually leaving.

Xiaoqing came, "Young Master, Miss Ying brought you news."

Su Yu took the jade card, which contained the news of Ying Yanhan, and only certain people could open it.

He released his divine sense to accept the news from Ying Yanhan.

Xue Qinghe! Something is different!

Su Yu's face remained unchanged, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Xue Qinghe is too perfect!

Perfect so that no one can live without any doubts!

It was this perfection that made Su Yu faintly feel something wrong.


There is no such thing as perfection.

The more perfect he is, the more he must be hiding something!

"Brother Xue, what are you hiding?"

Su Yu said silently in his heart.

long night

The moon shines on the earth

Su Yu sat cross-legged to practice, and Xiao Bai came quietly.

"What's the matter?" Su Yu slowly opened his eyes, the laws of time and space intertwined in the eyes.

What he practiced was not simply the law of time, or the law of space, but the law of time and space!

This is a law of fusion!

Compared with a single time and space, it is much stronger!

"My lord, it's time for you to rest."

"As a practitioner, there is no rest." Su Yu shook his head.

"My lord, only by combining work and rest can one cultivate faster."

"You go back, I will rest naturally when I am tired."


Xiaobai retreated.

In the side room, Xiaoqing saw Xiaobai coming back, and asked, "Sister, why are you back?"

"Young Masters don't rest."

Xiaoqing was a little depressed when he heard the words, "Then what should we do? If we don't serve the Young Master to rest within a hundred days, we will be disposed of."

Xiaobai patted Xiaoqing on the shoulder, "Don't worry, there is still a lot of time left for us, and we can always succeed."

"Sister, what will happen if we are dealt with?"

Xiaobai froze, "I will leave Fluctlight Sacred Land, struggling outside, precarious, may lose my life at any time."

"I don't want that."

"My sister won't let that happen."

Xiaobai gently patted Xiaoqing's back, comforting Xiaoqing.

next day

early morning

Su Yu walked out of the Immortal Cave, led by Xiaoqing, to the test temple.

The Test Temple is a place for Sacred Land disciples to test their comprehension of the laws.

"Young Master, the test temple is exclusive to the big powers. Due to the high construction cost, the small powers generally don't have the test temple.

Through the test, you can figure out how much you understand the law, and then you can make a training plan, specialize in a certain law, and quickly breakthrough Realm. "Xiaoqing explained to Su Yu while leading the way.

"You know Sacred Land well."

Xiaoqing was wearing a green radish skirt, she looked sweet, and she smiled sweetly when she heard the words.

"After joining Sacred Land, we all went through training, so we learned about Sacred Land."


On the way, after seeing Su Yu's badge, the disciples of Fluttering Sacred Land stepped aside one after another.

"Hello Senior Brother Su!"

The Outer Sect disciples of other peaks greeted him when they saw him, but the inner disciples did not need to say hello.

Only the inner disciple of this peak will say hello to the direct disciples of the same lineage.

When meeting direct disciples from other peaks, there is no need to say hello.

"Why do they look at me a little weirdly?" Su Yu walked all the way, the Outer Sect disciples respected him, but they all avoided him.

As if he was some kind of viper.

Xiaoqing covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Young Master, you are a direct disciple of Tiansha Peak, they will of course avoid you when they see you.

There has always been a strange phenomenon in Fluctlight Sacred Land, when the direct disciples of other peaks go out, there will always be many disciples clustered together, like stars holding the moon.

Heavenly Slaughter Peak is different, the disciples of this peak will not care about the trips of the direct disciples, let alone crowding around.

Young Master, you have also lived in Heavenly Slaughter Peak for a few days, and you have dealt with the disciples of Heavenly Slaughter Peak, do you understand? "

Su Yu thought about it carefully, and it was indeed so.

The disciples of Tiansha Peak all went their own way, let them kill people, and rushed to the front like lunatics.

If they are allowed to flatter horses, it is estimated that they will not be able to do it if they are killed.

"I didn't see any true disciples from other peaks on the road, so they didn't travel?"

"Young Master, the Sacred Land Festival is coming soon, they must all be practicing."

"Sacred Land Grand Festival?"

"Well, Fluctlight Sacred Land will hold a Sacred Land Festival every ten thousand years.

During the grand ceremony, disciples from various peaks competed for the front, and the ancestors gave many treasures. In the last Sacred Land festival, someone got the eggs of the ancient relics. "

Primordial Relics

Su Yu recalled the day when he entered the Fluctlight Sacred Land, he sat on the throne of the ancient emperor and got a chance.

That opportunity was very profound, and he couldn't analyze it for a while.

These days, he parses out the tip of the iceberg.

Suspected to be a treasure technique left by the ancient relics!

Seeing how profound it is, it should not be an ordinary treasure technique! www..co(m)

"How long is it until the Sacred Land Festival?"

"More than three hundred years."


Su Yu has not been born for more than three hundred years!

He couldn't help shaking his head, this is the trouble of practicing too fast.

Xiaoqing thought that the time was too short, and Su Yu was not ready, "Young Master, it's okay, I can't participate in this grand ceremony, but I can participate in the next one."

Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he just nodded.


The test temple has arrived

Walking into the temple, there are many disciples who are testing inside, and some people come to test with other disciples.

"Hey, the comprehension of the law is still not enough, just a little bit, I can breakthrough Realm." Some disciples shook their heads in frustration.

"Have you heard? Lin Ye, Yaoguang Peak's direct disciple, has already comprehended 30% of the law of chaos! The comprehension of the law of origin is also 20%!"

"The law of chaos? The law of origin? What is that, not the law of time, the law of space, what are you excited about?"

"The law of chaos, the law of origin, is more profound than the law of time and space! Even higher!

It is a higher law juxtaposed with the law of space and time! Very difficult to comprehend! Thirty percent of the law of chaos is stronger than fifty percent of the law of elements! "

"What's the matter! Sun Chunlan, the direct disciple of Motian Peak, took a test yesterday, and his comprehension of the law of nirvana and the law of life and death has reached 10%! You can breakthrough the Realm of the gods at any time!"

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