The cultivation method mastered by the Heavenly Slaughter Peak Master is to bloom the most brilliant flower of law in the killing process.

Fighting, fighting, and fighting can be used to comprehend the law and increase strength.

In Fluctlight Sacred Land, the cultivation method of Heavenly Slaughter Peak Master is also extremely special and powerful.

Su Yu nodded and walked into the inheritance temple step by step.

Qingchu looked at Su Yu's back, and smiled faintly, "Master, what Cultivation Technique can you get for the disciple you entrusted?"

"Hope you don't disappoint me."

Not all of Fluctlight's Sacred Land disciples have practiced the scriptures of the ancient Emperor Heavenly Devil.

Heavenly Devil Gudi is the most evil, weirdest, and extreme Devil, countless creatures hate him and penetrates the bone.

But it has to be admitted that the Heavenly Devil Ancient Emperor is indeed formidable and terrifying.

His scriptures are full of magic, and his mind is not to a certain level, so he can't control the scriptures of Heavenly Devil. Update the fastest computer side:/

There was once a scholar who believed that his own mind was Transcendent, so he chose to face the ancient emperor scriptures of Heavenly Devil.

When he turned the first page, he went crazy!

He shouted: "Heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

The weird magic is hard to guard against, as long as you get close, you will be affected, even if it is Universe Venerable, it will be slowly affected.

Over time, Sacred Land attached great importance to the magic of the Heavenly Devil scriptures, and gathered the power of many Elders to seal it.

Some pretentious disciples were a little unhappy when they heard about it. They all expected to succeed in cultivation, to be honored as ancestors, and to be happy and happy.

Fluctlight Sacred Land placed the inheritance in the deepest part of the inheritance temple, except for the Holy Master of Fluctlight Sacred Land, no one knows the exact location!

In the Temple of Inheritance

Total darkness

Stretching out his fingers, Su Yu turned his piercing eyes, and the golden light fell on the darkness. He didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't see through the darkness.

"The Inheritance Temple is so dark, how to choose the Cultivation Technique inheritance?" Su Yu couldn't help but said.

As soon as the voice fell, a stream of light appeared in front of him.

When the streamer was about to flash across Su Yu's body, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the light spot.

Strong golden body formula!

body cultivator Cultivation Technique!

The fit with him is not high, and it is not suitable for him to practice.

A lot of information emerged in Su Yu's mind.

"It turns out that this is how he chose to inherit the Cultivation Technique." Su Yu murmured.

Streamer contains a Cultivation Technique, when Su Yu's hand approaches, it will remind him whether he is suitable for that Cultivation Technique.

If it fits, Su Yu can hold it, crush the streamer, and the Cultivation Technique will be automatically engraved in his mind.

Another six or seven streamers appeared. Su Yu approached and found that the distance of each streamer was not short.

At Su Yu's speed, he can only get close to three!

"It's a different kind of test."

Su Yu squeezed the seal with his hands, turning one into three.

One qi turns into three clears, the left Taoist body and the right Taoist body touch the streamer respectively.

Boy magic!

Not suitable!

Ninety-nine Heaven Swallowing Technique!

Not suitable!


Su Yu kept getting close to Liu Guang, and every time the result he got was inappropriate!


There are more and more streamers, even if Su Yu uses one Qi Transformation Sanqing, he still can't grasp all of them.

"Isn't Liu Guang embarrassing people?"

Su Yu couldn't help complaining.

It's too bad!

Will someone catch them all?

His heart gradually became impatient.

"Your mind is disturbed!" Anan Ke, the Goddess of Destiny, said suddenly.

"My heart won't be messed up!" Su Yu's eyes were red, her breath fluctuated, sometimes rising and sometimes falling.

"Your state is wrong! Something is affecting your mind!!" Goddess of Destiny Anan Ke said with certainty.

"What should I do?" Su Yu regained his sanity and asked through gritted teeth.

"Calm and concentrate! Your mind is in turmoil! The state is extremely bad! If you are an ordinary person, you will already be Qi Deviation!

Your physique prevents you from Qi Deviation, but if it goes on for a long time, there will be problems with your Realm foundation! " said Ananke, the Goddess of Destiny.

"Your distracted mind is influenced by the outside world! Instead of appearing by yourself!

something deep in your heart! Stimulated by external influences to grow bigger! led to this incident!

Use absolute reason to suppress this heart ape that shouldn't exist!

Immortals and Buddhas are originally made by mortals, I am afraid that mortals will not be strong!

If you can subdue this ape, you will have a bright future! "

Everyone has a mind ape, and if you subdue the mind ape, you will gain great wisdom, no matter what you do, it will be easy, you will not give up halfway, and you will not feel difficult.

Ananke is the Goddess of Destiny, also known as the god of the strongest will, her willpower can turn back the chaos!

The understanding of the heart is very profound!

Perhaps, in terms of cognition of the original heart, only Zhunti Saint and Yingying Saint can surpass her by a head.

Su Yu's five hearts are upward, and Qi concentrates on it.

The irritable heart gradually subsided...

Su Yu's consciousness was face to face with a monkey that looked somewhat similar to him.

The monkey jumped up and down, scratching its ears and scratching its cheeks, as if it couldn't stop for a moment.

"It's time to end!" Su Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the monkey.

"I am you, you are me, I am the real you, stop suppressing your own heart, accept me, we will merge into one, and the real me will be born!" The monkey said to Su Yu.

"No, you are not me, you are just a part of me, a very small part."

Su Yu shook his head and grabbed the monkey with one hand.

The monkey was startled, "How could you catch me! How did you do it!"

The heart ape is invisible, even Mental Energy cannot touch the heart ape.

Only when one understands one's original heart can one meet Xin Yuan, but Xin Yuan clearly senses that Su Yu has not understood one's original mind!

"How could you meet me if you didn't understand your true heart!" Xin Yuan roared, stretched out his sharp claws, and attacked Su Yu.

"is that useful?"

Su Yu held Xin Yuan's arm with the other hand and exerted a little force.

Xin Yuan's arm was twisted, and it was twisted into a twist by Su Yusheng!

"How is it possible! I have no body! There is no way my arm will become like this!"

"Everything is possible."

In Su Yu's mind, the white light shone slightly.

That is a power left to him by God, the omniscient and omnipotent god of the West.

At this moment, Su Yu understood who gave him this power.

He also faintly understood the meaning of the power that God left him.

God has two powers, one is the power of creation, the law follows his words, and even Chaos will cooperate with his will to open up the world by itself.

The second is the almighty authority, what you think in your heart, you can do it!

God left him with a small portion of omnipotent authority!

This power is very weak, but it is enough to help Su Yu solve the predicament.

"God, you want to pass this almighty authority to your successor through my hand." Su Yu murmured.

This small group of omnipotent authorities can do very little.

Even if the Universe Venerable gets it, there won't be much gain!

The only function is to give it to God's successor, that is, Ning Zirou!

After Ning Zirou absorbs this point of omnipotent power, she can introduce the power of omnipotence!

This is an introduction, an introduction to firewood.

"It's over, your appearance is completely an accident!"

Su Yu squeezed Xin Yuan to death.

Xin Yuan didn't understand where he lost until he died.

How strong is God's omnipotent authority?

He can create a big rock that he can't even lift, but the next second, when he wants to lift the rock, he can lift it smoothly.

Almighty power is power beyond logic!

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