Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 76 The Final Knight (3Rd Update)

Holy See

"Please come in." Terry invited Ning Zirou into the Pope's Palace in a very gentlemanly manner. Just after entering, a statue of a god came into view.

This is a very kind western old man, dressed in simple white clothes, with kindness in his eyes, like the Integrated Union of all the beauty and kindness in the world.

"Miss Ning, this is the statue of God."

A flash of surprise flashed in Ning Zirou's eyes, which happened to be caught by Terry An, and she immediately thought that Ning Zirou hadn't lied to him, and she really liked the stories of the God of Light.

Perfect match!

Terry Ann smiled slightly. As the holy son of the Holy See, besides himself, who else can match Miss Ning?

"Miss Ning, our Guangming Holy See has already known many legends about God. As long as you know the name of God, you can get inheritance. I wonder if you are interested in hearing it?" Terry Ann said.

Ning Zirou secretly laughed in her heart. She also knew a lot about the legend of God, even more than the Guangming Holy See.

"I would like to hear the details." But with a playful heart, Ning Zirou agreed to Terry Ann's performance.

Terry Ann smiled and walked slowly to the statue of God, "God is an extremely powerful god, as far as we know, God is much stronger than God King Odin.

According to legend, the world was created by God. Unlike other gods, there is The Underworld in the light gods, and there are even demon kings, demon gods, etc. in The Underworld, but they dare not provoke God. "

Ning Zirou tilted her head to look at him, her big eyes were fluttering, she didn't know what she was thinking, "It's over?"

Terry's smile faltered, and he didn't know what to say. Could it be that what he said couldn't reflect the power of God?

"Do you want to hear what I know?" Ning Zirou smiled sweetly, pure and simple, making people feel protective.

Intoxicated by Ning Zirou's smile, Terry nodded subconsciously.

At this moment, a knight came out from the shadows and looked at Ning Zirou with great interest. At first he thought it was Terry An who wanted to seduce this woman with the help of God's legend, but now it seems that this woman is very interested in God, and Talent is good, with a little temptation, maybe you can join the Holy See of Light.

"Little baby, do you also know the legend of God?"

Ning Zirou's heart skipped a beat, she didn't perceive anyone here just now, even seeing the knight standing in front of her, she didn't have this person in her perception!

This is a strong man!

"I've seen the final knight!" Terry said respectfully.

There is no such thing as the Son of God, the Son of God's airs, and the status of own is placed very low.

The knight waved his hand, "You don't need to be too polite, your future achievements will definitely surpass me, just nod."

Terry shook his head. He was not the second generation without brains. He knew very well that this man was powerful enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with his father, and he was the trump card of the Holy See of Light.

It is also the existence of the ultimate combat power!

The ultimate knight!

He is a son of God! It is a four-winged angel. Although the god is not as good as himself and his father, his strength should not be underestimated. He once competed with Odin II and is one of the elders of the Holy See of Light.

Thousands of years have passed, his appearance remains the same, not affected by the passage of time at all, which shows that his strength is terrifying.

"I've met the adults, and the little girl does know something." Ning Zirou said respectfully.

She has been wandering in the entertainment industry all year round, and she knows more about human relationships than Terry Ann. From Terry Ann's performance, she can know that the status of this adult must not be underestimated.

To know! Terry Ann is the son of God!

The Cardinal must give the Son some Face!

But the person in front of him doesn't care about Terry Ann To put in one's eyes

"Interesting, tell me." Finally the knight said.

"Little girl, dare to ask, if someone obtains God's inheritance, what status will he get?" Ning Zirou lowered his eyes.

In the end, the knight grinned, "You can get the title of Holy Son and my protection at the same time. The meaning of my existence is to protect God's statue or God's inheritance. In the future, I can become the pope of the Holy See of Light and order Michael II."

"It's really exciting." Ning Zirou said.

Then she smiled slightly, "Then I'll start."

God is omnipotent, righteous, majestic, holy, faithful, loving, just, and the only true God. When he wakes up, the world is still in chaos, and there is nothing in the space.

So God decided to create the world!

Light was created on the first day, and Godbai said: "Let there be light!" Then there was light. God separated the light from the darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night. So there is day and night.

The next day the air was created, and God said: "There must be an air between the waters." Call it the sky.

On the third day the ocean was created, and God said: "Let the waters under the whole world be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear." The water and the dry land were separated. God called the dry land the Continent, and the place where the crowds gathered was the Ocean.

On the fourth day, Star was created. God said: "Let there be lights in the sky, which can be divided into day and night, as signs, and to set festivals, days, and years, and to shine on the whole earth." So God created the sun, the moon, and countless star.

On the fifth day, life and birds in the water were created. God said, "Water should breed more living things, and birds should fly in the sky on the ground." So God created fish and birds to allow them to multiply and survive.

On the sixth day, the creatures and people on the ground were created. God said: "The earth will give birth to living creatures; livestock, insects, and wild beasts according to their own kinds." So God created the creatures on the ground and classified them into their own categories. . God also said: "I will create man in my image and likeness, and send them to manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the ground, and all the insects that crawl on the ground." God created man in his own image.

On the seventh day, the earth and all things have been created, God rested, and blessed the sixth day, sanctifying the sixth day as a special day, because God completed the creation and rested on the seventh day. So Sunday is also a day of rest for human beings

Then he created seven angels to assist him, suppressed The Underworld, made the devil dare not make mistakes, and the devil dare not show his face. This is God. "

Ning Zirou's voice paused, and just when the knight and Terry thought it was over, she suddenly spoke again.


Terry's hand that was about to applaud Ning Zirou stopped in mid-air, and endless shock arose in his heart. Not only him, but even the final knight who had experienced countless major events were shocked.

In fact, Ning Zirou was also very nervous, she closed her eyes just after she finished speaking, because she didn't know if Su Yu was reliable, this is God! Not an ordinary god!

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