White light bloomed below, above the void, Su Yu had a cold expression, overlooking the earth.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

Su Yu stretched out his palm, thunder roared in his palm, and the huge thunderball condensed, seeming to destroy everything.

The terrifying breath made the giant who was still breathing tense.

"Huaguang Human Race, I'm waiting for you in Jiuyou The Underworld, the elves will definitely win, and the Fluctuating Light's defeat is a foregone conclusion!"

Su Yu was calm when he heard the words, "Is this your last words?"

"Last words! Hahaha! Elves don't die! Samsara lives forever!" the giant roared frantically.

"What a wretch."

The thunder ball fell, carrying an incomparable coercion, and the violent force stirred up the space, and faintly, the space produced slight cracks, as if it could not bear this majestic force.

It lasted for tens of minutes

The thunder light gradually dissipated, and the giant had disappeared.

Su Yu looked at the purple skirt elf, "Your name."

A trace of loneliness flashed in the eyes of the purple-skirted elf, as if it was because of the death of the giant, "Selia."

"Your guards were all killed by him. I didn't get Contribution Points, so I can't let you go. Now you have only one way to go, and that is to tell us the location of the other small elves. If you don't agree, you will die."

Su Yu beckoned, and the black dragon sword that fell on the ground flew back, and the gap on it was gradually recovering.

"It's time to change your sword." Ying Yanhan said.

"After returning, I will exchange for a new sword."

Celia hesitated. If she confessed her comrades, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties. If she did not confess her comrades, she would die herself!

after a long time

"Yes! I'll tell you! But you must let me go!"

"Of course, I always strictly keep my promises." Su Yu smiled, and his simple smile made Celia trust him a little.

"In the south, there is a small team, the number should be around 60 people. The realms are generally in the realm of the gods, and some of them are the gods of Immortal. This place is on the outskirts of the elf empire, and the ambush elves are not very powerful."

Yin & Yang rotated in the palm of Su Yu's palm and imprinted on Celia's abdomen, forming a Yin & Yang pattern.

"The Yin & Yang seal, formed with the true meaning of my Yin & Yang law, connects the divine power in your body. Once you use the divine power privately, the Yin & Yang seal will carry your divine power and explode. At that time, you will undoubtedly die!"

Celia was silent and did not resist.

From a certain point of view, she is still very smart, but she is too proud to be caught by Su Yu so easily. Whether it is intellect or resourcefulness, she can be regarded as top-notch.

Of all the enemies Su Yu has seen, the mind is at the top.

a few days later

In the canyon, a group of elves are recuperating, there are about 80 people, Celia said more, Su Yu observed, there is indeed no star god, the strongest is the peak of the gods.

"Sister Han, follow the plan."


Ying Yanhan sneaked into the canyon alone, and when the team of elves approached, she staggered out of the grass and alarmed the elves.

After seeing the elf, Ying Yanhan's face was full of astonishment, and then fear arose, and he backed away again and again.

Seeing this, the elf team laughed loudly.

"Huaguang Human Race, I didn't expect to be alone, so beautiful, no worse than an elf princess, it's really a chance!" Some elves smiled evilly, and surrounded Ying Yanhan step by step.

"I want this woman, and if I catch fluctlight slaves later, I won't choose any more!"

"Fart! This kind of high-quality human race, one is worth a hundred or a thousand of those crooked melons, how can it be possible to give you an individual puppet!"

"Hahaha, yes, even if I give it to you, can you enjoy it?"

Ying Yanhan fled back in panic, and a group of elves chased after him.

Slowly, some careful elves noticed something strange. Ying Yanhan's escape speed was not fast, but she was always in front of them. Sometimes when they approached, Ying Yanhan got strength from nowhere, and her speed soared.

"There is fraud! Everyone be careful! There is fraud here!"

"Fartless liar! It's just a young woman, what are you afraid of, we have more than 80 people, are we still afraid that we won't be able to ambush!"

Ying Yanhan, who was escaping ahead, raised the corners of his mouth inadvertently, like a cunning little fox.


Ying Yanhan whispered.

Thunder appeared in the sky, and the purple thunder light condensed extremely quickly, reaching tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

The berserk energy startled all the elves, they raised their heads, the thunder had already fallen, and there was no way to hide it!

"Damn it! It's really fraudulent! Why didn't you say it earlier! What a waste!" An elf roared, using his strongest magical power to resist.

There are also elves who use defensive supernatural powers to seek vitality.

Ying Yanhan turned around, squeezed the mysterious seal with both hands, and the phantom of the White Tiger roared behind him, exuding supreme divine power.

Gengjin Yixiantian!

The White Tiger roared, spewing out a golden thread, only the thickness of a hair, but with a terrifying cutting force.

The characteristic of Gengjin is the ultimate sharpness, cutting everything, and endlessly. White Tiger is the master of Gengjin, and its supernatural power is at the top of Gengjin Realm!

The elves, who were struggling against the thunder, saw the golden thread approaching, and their hearts were torn.

When the golden thread touched their swords, it was like cutting tofu, and it passed gently without being hindered or stopped for a moment.

"Damn it! Damn the human race! You must die!"

"The elves are immortal! Samsara is immortal! Sooner or later, you will be sent to The Underworld by the elves!"

Puff puff!

The golden thread flashed by, and on the surface, the elf was not harmed.

next second

The limbs that were crossed by the golden thread fell off one after another.

Some elves were cut off in the middle, and their upper body fell on the ground, their eyes full of fear of the golden thread.

Some elves were lucky, only their arms were cut off, and the elf who lost his arm gritted his teeth. If it wasn't for the thunder that kept falling, he would definitely be the first to rush up and kill Ying Yanhan!

The light of the thunder became smaller, and three elves passed through the thunder, one met Ying Yanhan, and the other two met Su Yu.

"Human, you have chosen the wrong opponent!" The male elf slashed out with a sword, stirring up the situation.

The female elf draws the bow, and the arrow falls like the moon, enough to pierce the planet!

Magic Flash!

The pitch-black sword light seemed to be a devil devouring heaven and earth, devouring the male elf's Sword Qi.

"You are very strong, but that's it!" Before the female elf could finish her words, the arrow was already approaching Su Yu. It was impossible to defend against this distance.

A blue light flashed in Su Yu's left eye, and the arrow stopped five millimeters in front of his eyebrows. The energy on the arrow was surging, but he couldn't go any further.


The arrow broke by itself, folded in half repeatedly, and soon turned into a small ball.

The emptiness dissipated, and the ball lost its support and fell down.


The canyon disappeared instantly, and a deep pit appeared on the ground, bottomless, like an abyss.

The female elf frowned and said in a low voice: "What a strange power, I have never heard of such a power."

"Like the power of the mind, the power of Buddhism and the Protoss is very similar to this. Use the mind to mobilize the power of the gods to achieve incredible things. This kind of power is very advanced, so you must be careful."

The male elf seemed to have fought against Buddhism and the Protoss before, so he was very cautious.

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