The ancient, wild atmosphere pervades that strange space, and the creatures in the strange crystal are extremely terrifying, none of them are majestic and majestic, and they all tend to be chaotic monsters.

Although Su Yu hasn't come into contact with these creatures yet, he subconsciously feels that these creatures are not like good people, they must be evil!

"Could it be that Shengxiantai is suppressing and sealing these monsters?" Su Yu guessed.

The master of Shengxiantai is extremely great, and it is very likely that he did such a big effort!

"What did you see?" Ying Yanhan swam to Su Yu's side.

"Monster, a monster with a terrifying shape! It doesn't look like a normal creature!" Su Yu said in a concentrated voice.

Ying Yanhan frowned, "Why are there monsters here?"

The three of them entered the strange space, the fog was hazy, Ying Yanhan and Xia Qiu barely saw through the fog.

"Sky-sealing stone! So many sky-sealing stones!"

Xia Qiu was surprised. When she saw the creatures inside the crystal, she showed a dignified expression, her body tensed up, and she was ready to fight at any time.

"This is Feng Tianshi!?" Ying Yanhan muttered in a low voice.

"That's right, this is the Heaven-Sealing Stone. Although there is no main mountain in the Dream Peak lineage, the Master has an extremely huge Heaven-Sealing Stone. You are from Tiansha Peak. It is normal that you have never seen the Heaven-Sealing Stone. Disciples from other peaks Most of them have never seen Feng Tianshi!"

Xia Qiu has a serious expression and a serious voice.

As the name suggests, the Fengtian Stone has the function of sealing, but this kind of seal is not a complete seal, but a seal to the own body, so that it will not be destroyed by time.

In ancient times, the Great Emperor had too much coercion, no hope for cultivation, and a gloomy future. Many Powers were unwilling to let their own descendants be born in this era, so they sealed them in the sealing stone, and waited for a good era to wake up and be born. Fight for hegemony. boundary.

There are also some powerful forces and powerful families who are seriously injured and cannot be rescued by magic medicine. Some of them will seal themselves.

In the same way, there are still some people who will use the Fengtian Stone as a large sealing formation, trap the living beings in it, prevent them from sleeping, and endure the pain caused by the baptism of the years day and night. The endless loneliness and loneliness will devour Dao heart , no matter how strong his Dao heart is, under the erosion of years, loneliness and loneliness will eventually break through Dao heart!

Obviously, what they encountered was the last situation!

These monsters are not self-sealed, but someone sealed them!

"These monsters seem to be products of the ancient times, and their ancient aura has a wild aura." Xia Qiu said in a deep voice.

In the ancient times, the Great Emperor was not yet born, the ancient emperor called Supreme ruled the heavens, swept the ten lands of Nine Heavens, and swallowed all the worlds with anger. That era was extremely bright, with all races contending for hegemony, and the evil geniuses were constantly born. No one can say that they are themselves. will go to the end.

It is a scary, but also an era full of opportunities and unknowns!

Su Yu slowly approached the crystal, the Tianming Dagger would appear at any time, as long as there was any movement, he would quickly cut it off!

He came to a crystal, the creature inside was shaped like a lion and tiger, with a layer of white bones covering its body, evil eyes growing between its brows, and a tail like a sickle.

"Are all the creatures in the ancient times so messy?" Su Yu murmured.


The bone liger opened its eyes, and Su Yu's figure was reflected in the huge pupils.

It seemed to be looking for something, its pupils slanted to the left and right, as if it didn't see Su Yu, and its eyes were not on him at all.

Su Yu looked into its pupils, "You can see me, no need to pretend."

Its pupils have already reflected Su Yu's figure. If you haven't seen Su Yu, you can only say that it is blind.

The white-boned liger raised its pupils, and stared at Su Yu closely, and a wave of invisible pressure fell down.

"Let me out, I can give you supreme power, infinite treasures, and let you become the overlord!"

"I don't believe you."

"I can make an oath on the great road, and I will never deceive you!"

The avenue is on the top, everything is derived, Yin & Yang change, if someone rescues me, I will give him treasures and power!

Before Su Yu could speak, the white bone liger made the oath of avenues.

Once the oath is completed, the ubiquitous Dao will be bound. If the bone liger violates the Dao oath, it will be backlashed by the Dao. The light one will lose the Cultivation Base, the serious one will disappear, the true spirit will be wiped out, and even Samsara will be reincarnated There may be none!

"This time, you can trust me, let me out quickly, and I will give you everything you want!" The bone liger shouted impatiently.

"You will indeed abide by the oath of the Great Dao and give me power and treasures, but after I accept it, you will shoot me to death."

Su Yu chuckled, he didn't even bother to use this kind of trick to deceive children.

It's really ridiculous that the other party wants to use this method to fool him.

"Impossible! I wouldn't do something like that!"

The bone liger wondered, how did Su Yu know his own thoughts!

It is a majestic demon source, how could it distribute treasures and power to a human being!

Su Yu shook his head, "I can't trust you, if you can give me the treasure and power in advance, I can let you out."

"It's impossible, I can't get rid of the Heaven Sealing Stone, how can I give you the treasure of power!" the bone liger said immediately.

Su Yu shrugged, "That's a pity, you lost the chance to regain your freedom."

Just when the two were silent, an ancient voice came from the depths.

"Humans, come to me!"

Su Yu looked into the depths, and there were two huge sky-sealing stones in the deepest part of the strange space. These two sky-sealing stones were the largest in the strange space. The one on the left was sealed with a magic dog with nine real dragon tails inside. On the right is a crow, whose scarlet feathers seem to bleed in the next second.

It was the scarlet crow that made the sound 1

Xia Qiu pulled Su Yu's arm, Su Yu looked back, Xia Qiu firmly shook his head, "Don't go, that magic dog is named Jiuyou Dragon! It looks like a mastiff, but in fact it is a giant dragon that has been upgraded nine times! When I was upgraded ten times, I encountered an accident and became a mastiff!

Nine Youlongs are extremely difficult to appear, one generation is passed on only one generation, and there has never been a scene where two Nine Youlongs meet in the endless years!

The ancestor of Jiuyoulong is still a legend in the Demon Realm, wreaking havoc on the heavens, slaughtering all races, and terrifying all spirits!

Every generation of Nine Youlongs is a symbol of tyranny and killing, and their appearance represents the troubles of the heavens!

It is necessary to unite all races to kill it in the cradle! "

Although this Nine Serenity Dragon has been sealed, it's better to be careful.

If you come into close contact with such a strong man, you will be succumbed if you are not careful!

Seeing this scene, Jiuyoulong spoke again: "I have been sealed, you can approach as you like."

Su Yu stopped, "If you have anything to say, just talk about it here."

"Human, you have the aura of a monster on your body. You are very high-level and appear and disappear from time to time. Can you tell me why?" Jiuyoulong asked.

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