As he approached the Dao Palace, the mysterious and mysterious Taoist sound came into his ears, and Su Yu felt that he had risen to the clouds, and the infinite laws were so simple in front of his eyes, as if he was a born Sacred, and the laws moved as he wanted.

The next moment, Su Yu's pupils became clear again, and he got out of that strange state.

"wake up!"

Su Yu drank in a low voice, with a prestige in his voice, which woke up Ying Yanhan.

Ying Yanhan was sober, "There is something weird here!"

In that state, she couldn't perceive anything except the Dao of Law.

If someone attacked and killed her at this time, she would definitely die!

This state is dangerous!


Su Yu exploded to the highest level of divinity, the vision behind him rose, chaos Shrouding the Heavens, golden flames blazed, the faint and empty Taoism was shaking, and the three supreme body divinity visions blended and stood side by side.

Ying Yanhan also stimulated the Zhiyang body to the limit, and the two walked into the Dao Palace hand in hand.

The door of Dao Palace was easily pushed open, and the sound of Dao inside was more intense, and what came into view were figures shrouded in divine light.

Every figure is hazy, like an Innate Sacred.

In front of these figures, there is an ancient existence sitting cross-legged, with strands of chaos hanging down, holding a rosary in his left hand and a stick in his right. He doesn't see his true face, but he feels supreme pressure!

The other party seems to be an extremely distant existence, sitting there, it seems to have penetrated through the ages.

When the two entered the door, all the hazy beings looked at him together, their gazes were like Heavenly Dao's watching, Su Yu felt that his own details had been seen through.

"The supreme divinity is rare. The three supreme divinities combined into one human body can be called an eternal miracle."

"It's amazing to be close to Tianyu."

"Great Emperor's capital, future prospects are limitless."

The voice sounded far away, as if it came from a very far away place.

But obviously they are all close at hand!

All kinds of unusual scenes are confirming something.

At this time, the ancient existence in the center set its sights on Su Yu. During Setsuna, Su Yu felt that he was not facing an ancient Power, but a Heavenly Dao!

Huanghuang Heavenly Dao!

"Dare to ask senior..."

As soon as Su Yu spoke, this ancient existence interrupted him.

"Needless to say, the visitor is a guest, just listen to the sermon!" A boundless voice came out of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, this ancient existence began to briefly explain what the Law of the Great Dao is.

"In the beginning, there was a God, whose name was Xuandu, and Xuandu was one, all the heavens and myriad ways, including everything, power, authority, self, Karma, personality, luck, origin, root, way, concept...all of them .”

While talking, he mentioned Xuandu Tianzun, Su Yu listened, this ancient existence was not wrong, the origin of the heavens now indeed comes from Xuandu Tianzun.

The other beings were fascinated by it, and Ying Yanhan was also immersed in it.

After a long time, Su Yu gained a lot and took another step on the path of the gods.

At the end of the sermon, someone asked: "Dare to ask the venerable, why is he added with the three highest bodies! As far as I know, according to the verification of the ages, any creature has at most two highest bodies! The birth of the three highest bodies is impossible. matter."

Su Yu frowned, the question was obviously referring to him.

The first three supreme body in all ages!

And the ancient one in the center is called Dao Zun?

Dao Zun, this name is too big!

In the name of Tao, it is called Venerable!

What a horror!

In the battle for the Great Dao, whether it is Xuandu Datianzun or Tianyu Great Emperor, they are both hailed as the pinnacle of the Dao, and now that someone is calling Dao Zun, is it possible that he is also standing on the pinnacle of the Dao?

Dao Zun said: "Existence is reasonable!"

One after another, people asked questions, all of which were very profound, but Dao Zun answered them one by one, like everything in the world, nothing can escape his cognition.

After everyone finished asking, only Su Yu and Ying Yanhan hadn't asked.

The two became the focus once again.

"Junior, since you are destined to listen to my lecture, you can ask a question!" Dao Zun said.

"Daoist senior, may I ask when did you prove the Tao? Why haven't I heard your legend." Ying Yanhan asked.

"I proved the Dao in the distant beginning of the age, called Venerable, with the name of Dao, the oldest Venerable, the first deity.

The heavens and worlds were destroyed and recast by Xuandu, and my legend was cut off because of this. "

Proved in the beginning?

Ying Yanhan was shocked. The Era of Absolute Beginning was an extremely brilliant era. Innate Sacred struck across the starry sky, and countless terrifying existences were born and destroyed. Ten peak existences were born one after another, named Ten Heavenly Venerables!

Today, the name of Tianzun is rarely heard, and the legends are cut off. Only the legends of Good Fortune Tianzun, Xuandu Da Tianzun and Zheng Tianzun are still faintly circulated.

Naturally, Xuandu Datianzun needless to mention, everyone knows his strength, Zhengtianzun even rebuilt the emperor's road, promoted to Great Emperor, known as Emperor Zun.

As for the good fortune Tianzun, she has seen some in the classics of Fluctlight Sacred Land.

Just a glimpse of it is amazing!

Legend has it that he has something to do with the birth of the most mysterious mixed good fortune body among the twelve supreme bodies!

Zheng Tianzun is the tenth Tianzun, Xuandu Da Tianzun is the Nine Heavens Zun, and Good Fortune Tianzun is the number one, but the other party is actually called the first Tianzun!

The oldest one!

"The senior has such great power, why didn't he appear in the world?" Su Yu asked.

"This is just a remnant of mine, not the main body."

Su Yu felt a little strange, but he didn't know what was wrong. The feeling Dao Zun gave him was completely different from the idea of ​​Xuandu Da Tianzun before.

The idea of ​​Xuandu Datianzun feels insurmountable to him, but Daozun feels like Heavenly Dao to him.

"In this era, it is very glorious, a supreme body and a tri-high body were born at the same time.

Your aptitude is the strongest I have ever seen, I want to accept you as an apprentice, are you willing? " Dao Zun said to Su Yu.

"Junior already has a Master."

"I can pass on your Tianzun scriptures, the secret techniques of Tianzun lost in the heavens, if you want, come forward."

Su Yu didn't answer, and walked towards Daozun step by step.

When the distance between him and Dao Zun was less than three meters, Su Yu's complexion changed, revealing a domineering and majestic aura.

At this moment, Su Yu changed into a different person.

"Too fake!"

"What's so fake."

"Your acting skills are too fake."

The vision rises, Su Yu is like a god and a demon.

"Oh? How did you see that?"

"From the beginning of the sermon, there have been loopholes. The content of the sermon seems to be high-end, but it is actually what our Realm needs and can understand.

And the presence of these existences, their breath, is not like a god, but more like a Venerable.

Let a group of Venerables listen to the law of the gods? Isn't it true that they are playing monkeys, and they still look contented? It's really ridiculous. "


Su Yu paused for Setsuna, and said again: "You call yourself the first Tianzun! And you say that I am the most talented person you have ever seen, this is the main reason for my suspicion!"

The air of chaos shrouded Dao Zun's body shook, "Why?"

"You are definitely not the first Tianzun! If you really saw Xuandu's talent, you would never say such a thing!"

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