The gate was severely deformed, Su Yu's fist was embedded in the gate, and he slowly withdrew his fist.

"It hurts."

Zhong Zihan: "..."

"This gate seems to have absorbed your divine power, and then bounced back to you."

"That's right."

Su Yu looked down at the trace of blood on his fist. The moment he hit the gate, an invisible force absorbed his divine power and weakened his power a lot. Otherwise, that punch would definitely break the gate.

"As expected of my strength."

Zhong Zihan rolled his eyes, hitting himself would definitely hurt him.

She turned into a dragon's claw, and the phantom of Black Tortoise loomed behind her.



After being attacked by Zhong Zihan with all his strength, the already severely deformed door finally couldn't hold on anymore, and a big hole was exposed.

A trace of blood also spilled from Zhong Zihan's fist, she swung her arms and walked through the big hole.

thump thump thump~

Zhong Zihan and Su Yu were walking in the dark space behind the gate, the floating black mist caught Zhong Zihan's attention.

She stretched out her hand, and the black mist floated onto her palm.

The blood of Black Tortoise in the body is boiling, as if to break the confinement and become holy.

"The power of Ba Serpent! These black mist are the embodiment of Ba Serpent's power, with its strong breath." Zhong Zihan said in a deep voice.

"If my guess is correct, Cronus is also here." Su Yu put his hands in his pockets and walked step by step into the darkness.

In the center of the dark space, the little girl is standing on a high platform with dense patterns on it, and the old man below is activating the big formation.

The little girl licked her lips, "Hurry up, soon that power will belong to me."

She can see the power of Cronus, as long as she gets this power, she will dare to fight even the Soaring Snake!

What kind of monster will Ba Serpent create with his powerful body and divine power that can destroy even time and space?

"I'm looking forward to it." The old man nodded, his eyes revealed, his eyes were wild.

If successful, he will create a monster!

A monster that surpasses the ancient remnants!

Comparable to the bloodline of the Ten Emperors of the Monster Race!

His name will be passed down through the ages, and countless beings from all over the world will discuss him!

This is the greatest honor for a scholar!

The old man opened his hands and activated the formation.


Su Yu came over, "Cronus, you seem to be in a bad state."

The little girl, the old man, and Cronus were all shocked.

"How did you get in here! This is the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, heavily guarded!" The old man's voice was hoarse, like the voice of a mortal who hadn't drunk water for ten days and nights.

The little girl bared her teeth and stuck out her three-meter-long tongue, "You dare to come back, you are so courageous, even I am surprised by your courage."

"Master Su Yu! Stop her! She wants to get my power, once she gets my power, she will turn into a monster." Kronos yelled.

The corner of the little girl's mouth cracked in an astonishing arc, her eyes changed into dark yellow animal pupils, and scales appeared on her body, "It's too late!"

The big formation emitted a dazzling light, and the chains that restrained Cronus vibrated and shrank. Cronus roared and roared, but it was of no avail. His body was rushing towards the little girl.

When approaching the little girl, his body seemed to turn into liquid, twisting and pouring into her body.

"Successful! Hahaha! My ultimate achievement! This is the monster I created!" the old man yelled frantically.

Su Yu resisted the dazzling light, his shape was like a thunder, and he walked faster than the shadow. Before the old man could react, he came to his back.



Su Yu's fist pierced through the old man, spraying a large amount of blood.

The light in the old man's eyes gradually dissipated, Death had already arrived, and there was still a smile on his face, which seemed to be a satisfied smile.

"My ultimate achievement has been born, and I have no regrets in this life!"

"Disciple of Sacred Land, be afraid! What you are about to face is a monster that has surpassed the remnants of the ancient times! A monster roaring in the world! A demon god with a perfect body and perfect divine power!"

The old man laughed maniacally, his voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

He died, but he died happily.

Zhong Zihan frowned slightly in the back, and her clenched fists were sweating a lot. She felt a heavy pressure. This pressure was the fear of unknown forces!

"The enemy this time is unusual." Zhong Zihan thought to himself.

The little girl's body suddenly changed, expanding rapidly, and her head changed into a snake's head.

The strong oppression caused Su Yu to retreat a certain distance.


The ground is cracked!

The ground of the dark space is extremely hard, and it is made of compound divine gold. Like the gate, it can absorb divine power and is extremely difficult to destroy.

At this time, the ground of the dark space is cracking layer by layer!

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