Tian Xing's heart beat faster, his blood spurted, and a huge shadow of fear surrounded him.

too strong!

This sword!

Even more terrifying than the fighting power he showed before!

Could it be that in just a few years, he has become stronger again?

In their Realm, every step of advancement requires a long time and energy, as well as enough opportunities. It took him thousands of years to go from the star god breakthrough to the world god, which belongs to extraordinary aptitude. .

It wasn't until he walked out of his hometown that he discovered the vastness of the world, the infinity of the universe, the geniuses like those who crossed the river, countless of them, and the talents he could never forget, the terrifying family, the powerful Sacred Land, and the forbidden land where all living beings fear. , the boundless abyss.


Tian Xing swallowed quietly, watching Su Yu walk towards him slowly, his muscles tensed, and the imprint imprinted on his heart ached faintly, as if a burning fire was burning his fragile heart.

"My lord." Tian Xing lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Su Yu's eyes.

Su Yu walked past him and did not kill him.

Tian Xing breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Su Yu didn't find anything.

"Bad little trick."

Cold sweat broke out on Tian Xing's forehead and fell to the ground drop by drop.

after a long time

Huo Sickle patted his shoulder and said worriedly: "They're gone."

Tian Xing raised his head with difficulty, just now he walked on the edge of Death, and almost got off The Underworld.

"Who are they? What happened?" Huo Sickle asked in a low voice, no matter how straight he was, he couldn't tell that something was wrong. He was straight, not stupid.

Tian Xing was silent, and looked at Huosi inexplicably, his eyes were very complicated.

In the end nothing was said.


He didn't want to get involved with Huo Sickle, or maybe he thought Huo Sickle couldn't solve it, so it would be a waste of effort to say it.

"I have a forbidden weapon, which was left to me by my Master. It is said that it can kill the Lord God. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth." Huo Sickle whispered.

"Isn't your Master a liar!?" Tian Xing looked at Huosi in surprise.

Huosi nodded, very distressed, "That's why I can't tell if it's true, if it's true, maybe it can help you, if it's false, then it's over."

Tian Xing's eyes flickered, and there was an inexplicable flash in the depths.


Or silently help him do things?

If he failed, he would die. From his point of view, Su Yu had a strong killing intent and would not give him a second chance.

Silently helping Su Yu?

The Killing intent on him is so heavy, what should I do if I kill him after the incident is completed?

It is also possible not to kill him, Tian Xing can only bet!

Wrong bet!


Not far away, the two stood together, the thick anger covered them, and the chaotic and violent atmosphere disturbed everything, making it impossible for others' divine thoughts to capture them.

"My lord, you won't kill him?" Huo Ya bowed his head respectfully.

"It's just an ant, kill it when the value is exhausted." Su Yu said flatly.

People who seem to be from the Relief Society besieged Su Yu because of greed, but in fact they are all just a knife, and Tian Xing is the black hand hiding behind.

He had been in the relief society for a long time, so how could he not know the character of the people in the relief society? Su Yu followed him to gather, and he didn't stop him or remind him.

The people from the Relief Society made provocative words, and Tian Xing immediately reprimanded them, irritating them, making them lose their minds, and then shot out in a hurry.

This is all in Tian Xing's calculation!

If not, why didn't Tian Xing take action when they besieged Su Yu?

He also pulled out the scythe!

His movements were small, but he was spotted by the careful Su Yu.

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