Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 99 The Law Of Heaven And Earth (Sixth)


The giant python attacked Su Yu as fast as lightning, even Su Yu had no time to react.

The body was sent flying by the giant python, hitting rows of big trees.

"it hurts!"

Su Yu stood up with difficulty, even with the armor on his body and Vajra's undamaged body, he felt as if his body was about to split open.

"What kind of strength is this giant python!"

Vajra's undamaged body can be injured just by the shock, this level of strength is simply terrifying!

Su Yu's Vajra from Sun Wukong has good physique, the first rank Realm's attack can't break through his defense, and the second rank's attack can only hurt him, it can't hurt his root at all.

"I still don't believe it! I can't kill you big python!"

Su Yu became ruthless, activated his supernatural powers, his body gradually swelled, his muscles bulged, and his armor grew bigger along with his body.

The giant python hesitated to attack, and the little guy in front of him turned into a giant twenty meters high at this time. Just by taking a look at those solid muscles, one could feel the huge strength in them.

"Have you reached the limit!" Su Yu muttered to himself.

This is the strongest state he can play at this stage, and he is like the sky and the earth! Ten times bigger! Ten times stronger!

Su Yu, who is in the state of heaven and earth, has a strength of a million catties!

This number far exceeds the limit of the first rank Realm and has reached a higher level.


Su Yu clenched his fist, and a torrential force rushed into his heart, as if he could shake the sky with one fist, split the ground with one palm, and push all enemies horizontally!

"I can only support this state for half a minute, and it seems like a quick fix!"

Su Yu raised his head and looked at the giant python with a cruel smile, "Now it's my turn to attack!"

The golden cudgel turned into a 100-meter-long giant stick, and under his million-jin strength, he swung it so violently that the ground seemed to tremble.

The giant python turned into flesh under this stick, the stream was cut off by the golden cudgel, smoke and dust rose everywhere, countless birds and beasts in the forest were frightened and fled in all directions.

Xiao Xiao, who had escaped far away, looked back and looked in the direction of Su Yu in shock, "What the hell is that breath!"

Su Yu unlocked the supernatural power of Fatianxiangdi, his body returned to its original shape, and he lay on the ground to recover his strength.

"Hahaha! What a powerful force."

Su Yu said heartlessly, after a long time, he regained some strength, stood up with difficulty, and walked in front of the severed hand.

"Thank you for the teleportation spar you left behind, otherwise I might really not be able to get out."

Su Yu touched his chin, does this count as Karma Samsara?

The two of them wanted to kill Su Yu, but happened to bring Su Yu the teleportation spar back home.

"You shouldn't have shot me. If I were you, I would absolutely keep silent and let him be trapped in this Minor World forever."

Thinking of what the mature man said, a murderous intent flashed in Su Yu's eyes, and Zero One Higher College actually set out to frame him.

"Zero One Higher College is rotten and needs to be rectified."

Su Yu muttered to himself.

zero one college

The receiving teacher knocked on the door of the principal's office, holding a storage ring in his hand, carefully looking around.

"come in."

The headmaster's deep voice sounded from it.

The reception teacher pushed open the door and greeted the principal respectfully. The principal is not only higher in status than him, but also much stronger than him in strength. The strong in the cultivation world respect him, so he should treat the principal respectfully.

"How is the matter going?" The principal took a deep puff of the cigar in his hand, and exhaled a circle of white smoke.

"It's already done, but if the Su family finds out, we'll all die." Teacher Jieyin said in a low voice.


The principal curled his lips in disdain, as if he looked down on the cowardly appearance of the receiving teacher, "Don't worry, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you. Who would know that we framed Su Yu? The forces that cooperate with us will never say anything about it." Yes, once this matter is leaked, most of the Su family may be mobilized."

The teacher's eyes widened, and he looked at the principal in disbelief, "Most of the Su family? What is Su Yu's identity! Isn't he a member of the Su family branch?"

"Of course not. Su Yu is a direct descendant of the main line of the Su family. Have you ever heard of the title of Great Emperor?" the principal asked.

"I know, the one who dared to challenge the existence of Odin II for a woman, and successfully walked out of the encirclement of the God Court, although he was not the son of God, but unexpectedly broke through the limit, powerful terror, reversed the Earth Fire water wind The four kinds of power, the genius who got the chaotic energy." The teacher who received the guide was talking, and suddenly realized something.


"That's right, Su Yu is his son, but obviously, he didn't inherit his father's chaotic energy."

"I heard that Su Wanling is the cousin of the Great Emperor of Jidao, and the Great Master of Boxing Dao is his father, so Su Yu is not."

Teacher Jieyin took a deep breath, and felt chills in his heart. If the matter is revealed, it will definitely cause a big earthquake!

The Su family will never let Zero One College go!

"Hahaha, the son of the Great Emperor died in our hands, don't you know it's an interesting thing?" The principal threw a storage ring to the welcoming teacher.

The receiving teacher caught it in a panic, swept away his spiritual sense, and was startled by the treasure inside.

"You deserve it. Remember, don't tell it. We are grasshoppers tied to a rope now."

Teacher Jieyin nodded, and retreated silently. Not only was he not excited about getting the treasure, but he was very panicked.

Ji Dao The Great Emperor is a lunatic, if he comes to the door, it will be troublesome.

Su Yu in the forest has already taken out the snake gall of the giant python, but looking at the huge snake gall in front of him, he still dare not open his mouth.

Forehead! !

How disgusting!

There is actually a white parasite wriggling on the gallbladder of the snake. The parasite is about one meter long, like a white silk thread.

"Forget it, what if you get poisoned."

Su Yu took out the parasites from the snake gall, and then put the snake gall into the storage space.

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