Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 1001 Inexpensive Divine Crystal

Zhong Zihan took the auction house ticket, smiled and rubbed Bai Coldly's head, "Thank you, I will give you a small gift tomorrow as a return."

"No need, sister Han can go to the auction with me." Bai coldly said with a smile.

"What are you going to buy?"

"I have an unknown treasure I got from the system, and I'm going to put it up for auction. If it sells for a lot of money, I'll buy some magic medicine and pills to help with cultivation."

There is no big power behind Bai Coldly to help him, and he doesn't have much money, so he can't buy too precious treasures.

She had also participated in auctions before, but most of the time she just joined in the fun and couldn't buy a single auction item.

"Sister Han, you must have a lot of treasures, and it would be nice to put some up for auction. Shrouding the Heavens Auction House charges very little commission, only one percent."

so little?

Zhong Zihan was surprised that the auction house's commission for the main universe was between 10% and 30%.

If you sell this treasure for one million, you need to distribute one hundred thousand to the auction house.

However, if the treasure is sold at an auction, the price is higher than the normal sale price, so someone will give the treasure to the auction house, otherwise the money will be even less, who will go to the auction?

"Don't they make money?" Su Yu asked.

"The purpose of the Shrouding the Heavens Auction House is not to make money, but to collect those extremely rare treasures, and attract those who own treasures through ultra-low commissions.

Everyone in Kitahara City knows the purpose of the Shrouding the Heavens auction house, but no one rejects it. "Bai coldly explained.

I see!

Su Yu suddenly realized.

Speaking of which, he really has a treasure.

A palace made of earth mother precious jade!

The value cannot be measured!

A small piece of Earth Mother Jade can improve one's understanding to a certain extent, and the improvement brought about by a palace made of Earth Mother Jade is even more terrifying. Su Yu will not easily sell the Earth Mother Jade Palace.

This treasure can definitely become a treasure handed down from generation to generation by a big family or a big force.

In the future, Su Yu also wants to combine the Su family and make the Su family an emperor and immortal family!

In addition to the palace built by the mother of the earth, there are also the energy crystals transformed by Kronos, the relics of the horned king, the relics of the red king, and the relics of the heads of the three sects and six paths.

He and Zhong Zihan just devoured and absorbed the crystals containing energy, collected some weapons and treasures, and prepared to return to Fluctlight Sacred Land to exchange for God Crystals.

Now it seems that maybe all those treasures can be auctioned off.

"Bai coldly, how much is the god crystal in Kitahara City worth?" Su Yu asked.

"Shen Jing? It seems to be a hundred yuan and a piece of Shen Jing." Bai coldly bit his finger, thought for a while and then said.

"One hundred yuan and one divine crystal? You mean one hundred original coins?" Zhong Zihan couldn't help asking.

"Of course, it's one hundred original coins. The original coins are common in the human Realm. You may not be able to buy Shenjing with the currency of a small place. After all, the currency of a small place can only be used in a certain area. In a big city like Kitahara City Cities can’t use it, but it’s easy to buy with Primitive Coin.”

Bai coldly explained to the two of them. Judging from her tone, it seemed that Shenjing was not a good thing. It looked like it was everywhere, and no one even bought it.

Su Yu and Zhong Zihan looked at each other with surprise.

Su Yu changed his mind and thought of a possibility.

People in the original big world depend on the system to become stronger, and they can become stronger by completing tasks, but absorbing the god crystal is time-consuming and laborious, and it is much more boring than completing tasks.

Most people don't absorb Shenjing, and choose to complete the task to become stronger, and the price of Shenjing will naturally become lower.

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