Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1018: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet

As soon as this price came out, there was an uproar in the audience. Others increased by 8,000. The number of people in VIP room No. 076 directly increased by hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands. This is basically the rhythm of trying to crush others.

"It seems that VIP No. 076 is determined to win the magic core of Feng Lei Diao! I don't know if other VIPs are interested in the magic core of Feng Lei Diao? This is the mutant magic core of Wind Lei Diao of the seventh-order monster, although it cannot be said to be unique. , But it is absolutely rare in the world."

"You must know that this is a magic core containing the dual attributes of wind and thunder. If it is embedded in weapons and equipment, it will provide the blessing of two magic elements. The speed and elegance of the wind, the domineering and sturdiness of thunder, are against the enemy. Said, it is definitely a terrible experience..." Hu Nai started the praise mode and started to talk.

Under Hu Nai’s advocacy, there was another change on the big screen, two million gold coins, No. 099 in the VIP room of the bidder.

"No. 099 VIP bid two million gold coins, are there any VIPs who continue to increase the price?" Hu Nai continued to ask.

The numbers on the big screen changed again at this time, 2.5 million gold coins, number 021 in the VIP room of the bidder.

Hu Nai was stunned, but there was no movement in VIP room No.021 for a long time, and he didn't expect to bid at this time.

The reason why Li Zhenbang chose to bid at this time was mainly because he didn't want the people in VIP room No. 076 to misunderstand that he wanted to make a malicious bid with him again.

He wasn't afraid of the people in VIP room 076, but because it didn't make much sense. Regardless of who wins or loses, it is the auctioneer who will make a profit in the end.

The two of them didn't get the benefit of a penny, and instead just threw out the real money, which was really not worth the gain.

In VIP room No. 076, the person who was called Mr. Xue with the quotation device looked at the other people in the room, frowned and said, "They are also interested in inner alchemy."

If Li Zhenbang and Omega were here, they would be surprised, because the people in this room knew about Naidan.

"Could it be that they just want to buy the magic core, and don't know that this is the inner core?" A black-clothed man analyzed softly.

"Who would spend 2.5 million gold coins to buy a Tier 7 magic core under normal circumstances? You can buy a Tier 8 magic core for almost this price!" Old Xue shook his head and said.

"Although the magic core of Fenglei Diao is a seventh-order, it is not inferior to the eighth-order magic core, so the price is still normal?" The man in black couldn't help but explain.

"Regardless of whether it is normal or not, this inner alchemy must be ours!" Old Qiu glanced at Feng Lei's inner alchemy on the stage and interjected.

Xue Lao nodded, but looked at Qiu Lao's eyes with a little embarrassment, "If we bid now, will the other party think we are targeting them? We will be in trouble if we compete maliciously at that time."

Xue Lao's worries are not unreasonable. They have been pitted against each other for a long time. For this inner alchemy, they are determined to win, but they don't want to see the people in VIP room No. 021 bidding maliciously with them.

The price of this inner alchemy is already very high compared to the seventh-order magic core, and even surpasses the general eighth-order magic core. They don't want to make extravagances.

"Three elders, why should we be afraid of them? If it's a big deal, we'll follow them to the end!" The black-clothed man said proudly.

"Bastard! Our sect's money was not brought by the strong wind, can the sect's money be wasted casually?" Old Xue gave the man in black a fierce look.

The man in black was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak any more. Although he had some status in the sect, he was nothing more than the three people in front of him.

The reason why he can stay in the VIP room is not because of how important he is, but because these three people need to be served, otherwise he is not qualified to appear here.

"VIP No. 021 bid 2.5 million gold coins for the first time!" Seeing no one bidding, Hu Nai directly started the offer.

"What shall we do?" Xue Lao frowned, and looked at Qiu Lao nervously.

"Wait a second, if no one makes an offer, then we can't control that much. This inner pill must not be given to others!" Qiu Lao narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I don't think we need to worry so much. The inner alchemy is very important to our sect. Even if we spend more money, it will not matter. If it weren't for the scarcity of the inner alchemy, our sect would have become the largest sect. !" Young Sect Master looked at the inner alchemy's eyes flashed with a light.

"Young Sect Master, let's wait!" In the end, Old Xue chose to follow Old Man Qiu's suggestion, and did not bid immediately.

"VIP No. 021 bid 2.5 million gold coins for the second time!" This price has far exceeded the seller's psychological price, and even exceeded the auctioneer's estimated price, so Hu Nai is not prepared to continue to delay. Time Urgently, there are still several lots in the future!

"Two million six hundred thousand!" Suddenly someone in the audience shouted with a placard.

Hu Nai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the price had already been reached, and there was still someone in the audience who would bid.

In fact, the people sitting down the stage do not mean that they have no money. It is just that they have not consumed up to a certain standard, or have not sold enough items on the countertop, so they did not get the tickets for the VIP room. After all, the VIP room The quantity is limited and it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

The audience just finished the offer, and Hu Nai hadn't had time to say anything. The price on the big screen immediately changed, and it directly became three million. It was not someone else who was bidding, but it was the VIP room No. 076 that had been waiting for the opportunity. .

Li Zhenbang and Omega looked at each other. Now they can be sure that the people in VIP room No. 076 absolutely know that this is not a magic core but an inner alchemy. If no accident, they might even know about the inner alchemy. The effect of.

If it is normal, Li Zhenbang would not bother to fight, let the other party bleed, but now that he knows the effect of the inner alchemy, and also knows that he has a special role for the summoned beast mage, Li Zhenbang can't let any one go. He didn't want to let go of the inner alchemy he saw, even if it was a level three or four.

Maybe the energy of the inner alchemy is too small to have any effect, but it is very likely that the inner alchemy will provide a skill for the summoned beast mage. This is too precious for Li Zhenbang, who does not know how to fight or magic!

Imagine that when you are fighting with someone, you can cooperate with the attack of the contract summoned beast, and suddenly give the opponent a few magic, regardless of the damage, it is enough to scare the other party to death. Know that when fighting, a little bit of distraction may lead to final defeat.

Li Zhenbang will never let go, whether it is to improve his future survivability or combat ability, because these abilities are different from contract summoned beasts. If the contract summoned beast is regarded as an external force, then these skills are tangible personal abilities.

Feng Lei Diao's inner alchemy has been raised to the price of 3 million gold coins, everyone on the court looked at each other, no one asked the price anymore.

No one thought that a magic core of a seventh-order beast could be sold at such a price. If this were to be said, who could believe it?

Seeing that VIP room No. 021 did not follow the price, the people in VIP room No. 076 breathed a sigh of relief. If 3 million can successfully win this inner alchemy, it can’t be regarded as a big gain, but it is definitely not a loss. , The conservative price in their hearts is actually 3.5 million gold coins.

Just when the people in VIP room No. 076 thought that the winning ticket was in hand, the information on the big screen changed, 3.5 million gold coins, the bidder VIP Room No. 021.

Seeing this price, everyone in VIP room 076 was a little dumbfounded. What does the person in VIP room 021 mean? Did you guess that the price in the heart of yourself and others is not good?

"Damn! What do they want to do?" Old Xue stared and roared.

"MD, Old Xue, bid, directly kill him with four million!" Young Sect Master clenched his fists and shouted in a low voice.

Although Elder Xue was angry, he didn't stun his head like the Young Sect Master, and hurriedly looked at Old Chou. At this time, it was not the Young Sect Master beside him who could make the final decision, but the old enemy who was the second elder.

I saw Old Qiu glanced at VIP Room 021 with a gloomy look, his eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully, and then he gave a few words to Old Xue...

"Will they still bid?" Li Zhenbang glanced at VIP Room 076, and then asked aloud.

"It should be!" Omega said uncertainly.

Morgan Harris looked straight at Li Zhenbang and Omega. What are these two people doing? Why don't you spend millions of gold coins without blinking your eyes? Not to mention the night elves, even the royal family of the Twilight Federation might not be able to do this!

As if to confirm Omega's words, suddenly a voice came from the VIP room No. 076, and it sounded in the hall.

"We Wanhuazong bid four million gold coins! My friend number 021, I am Xue Renyong, the third elder of Wanhuazong, this...the magic core is very important to our Wanhuazong. How about selling me a thin face? Friends!"

Hearing the words of VIP Room No. 076, Hu Nai frowned, and then vaguely looked at a corner of the auction venue.

Although Wanhuazong’s bid has far exceeded expectations, it is actually breaking the rules for Wanhuazong to do so, which is equivalent to using the title to suppress people.

In this way, even if someone wants to continue to increase the price, I am afraid they will give up. After all, offending a large sect for a lot is really not a crime.

The person in the corner pondered for a moment, shook his head, and signaled Hu Nai not to act rashly. After all, the price of Wanhuazong is too high, and it is not a malicious price reduction, and the only competitor is VIP Room 021, so let's take a look at it for the time being.

"Wanhuazong?" Li Zhenbang muttered softly, the name sounded familiar.

Omega frowned slightly and reminded softly: "Water is impermanent."

"MD, it's really narrow!" Li Zhenbang narrowed his eyes and hatred in his heart.

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