Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 102: Two sons of Hou Men

Li Zhenbang has been very leisurely recently. It is not that people are leisurely, but the heart is leisurely. People still go to class during the day to exercise and meditate at night. The threat of the poisonous sect has temporarily come to an end, the whole person suddenly becomes a safe state from extreme danger, and there will be an extreme change in mentality.

It's been a long time since Li Zhenbang went to the office of the civilian committee. There are fewer classes today and the physical training ended early. So Li Zhenbang chose to go to the office of the civilian committee to see everyone. Along the way, Li Zhenbang has already begun to plan to increase his body's training volume appropriately. Up.

"Huh? Zhenbang, why are you here?" Wang Peng asked in surprise when he looked up after he was busy and just saw Li Zhenbang walking in.

"Uh... President, you are here too! I haven't been here for a long time! I just have time today, come and take a look!" Li Zhenbang said embarrassingly.

Li Zhenbang has not come to deal with official affairs for a long time, but Wang Peng has not blamed him either. Now the trade union is on the right track, and the profits are very impressive. Everyone working here full-time now even earns more than the royal mercenary group that joins the academy.

Originally, Li Zhenbang was still paid monthly salary as usual, but Li Zhenbang refused, but Wang Peng still kept this salary for him, so he could take it away when he needed it.

Everyone had no opinion on Li Zhenbang's salary if he didn't work, and even everyone asked Li Zhenbang to get the highest salary, which was as much as Wang Peng's. Without Li Zhenbang, there would not be the current civilian committee, and everyone would have to rely on the academy to help them live. Li Zhenbang's contribution to the civilian committee is enough to allow him to worry about eating and drinking and tuition when he is in school.

"Hello, Zhenbang!" All the people in the office stood up and greeted Li Zhenbang. Regardless of their age, they called him Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang felt even more embarrassed.

Li Zhenbang didn’t know that since the ceremony of the college’s field training, Li Zhenbang has become the idol of all the common people. Everyone is proud to know Li Zhenbang, and he can go out and be proud of him for a few days, let alone these offices. A student working with Li Zhenbang.

What Li Zhenbang has done for the common people has made every member of the office respect Li Zhenbang from the bottom of his heart, so calling him Zhenbang will not feel awkward, but feel extremely honored. Of course, Wang Peng, as the chairman, would naturally not call him Zhenbang brother, but his name is Zhenbang, which is more enviable than Zhenbang brother.

The committee members who did not come to work today heard that Li Zhenbang was here, and they all put aside the things in their hands, and all rushed over to see Li Zhenbang. Some female committee members even saw Li Zhenbang and shouted excitedly: finally saw a living person!

Li Zhenbang looked at Wang Peng awkwardly and said, "President, shouldn't I come?"

Wang Peng looked at everyone's excitement, where there was still an office mood, both men and women were peeking at Li Zhenbang.

I had no choice but to say: "I really don’t know what to say. I want you to come, but I don’t want you to come. I hope you come because everyone wants to see you. If you don’t want you to come, you can understand, you come. Not only does it not help, it also prevents everyone from working properly!"

"Uh... then will I come in the future?" Li Zhenbang asked helplessly, scratching the back of his head.

"Personally, I still hope that you will come here as soon as there is nothing wrong. After everyone gets used to it, this will not happen." Wang Peng said with a smile.

"Uh... I can only do my best! As you know, I am suffering from internal and external troubles now! If you don't seize the time to improve your abilities, you will never see me any day!" Li Zhenbang said with a smile, his smile filled Sunshine and confidence.

Wang Peng is also aware of Li Zhenbang's current situation. If he is replaced by himself, the grave head grass does not know how tall it is. But seeing Li Zhenbang's smile, Wang Peng was taken aback. The sunshine and confidence in Li Zhenbang's smile made him a little dazed, and he secretly said: Facing such a situation, he can still be so optimistic, and it has to be moved.

"Oh! It's so lively today! I came by coincidence or not! Haha!" Suddenly there was a hearty laughter at the door, and everyone looked at it, and there was a smile on their faces.

Two people came in. They were gorgeously dressed and somewhat similar in appearance, but one looked more stable, with an aristocratic smile on his face. The other person looked brighter, with a smile on his face, his mouth wide open, and he laughed, apparently the one who just spoke.

"Oh! Why did you two come here in person? If you have any instructions, let the subordinates come and notify you." Wang Peng personally greeted him.

"Chairman Wang, you are too polite. Our visit this time is not as simple as a mission. We are going to discuss a business with you." It was the young man who seemed more stable.

"Oh? Please sit down. I don't know what business Mr. Hussein has to take care of us?" Wang Peng asked Hussein and another to sit behind his desk. Li Zhenbang was standing next to Wang Peng's desk at the moment, looking a little embarrassed. When he was about to return to his clean desk behind his desk, Wang Peng grabbed him.

"Zhenbang, I forgot to introduce it to you. These two are Prince Hussein and Prince Husele. Prince Hussein is the brother of Prince Husele, and their father is Marquis Hou Guangzu, the deputy lord of Jinguangcheng. The two sons, this is not the case. The outsider is Li Zhenbang, the vice chairman of our civilian committee."

Jinguangcheng? Li Zhenbang was stunned for a moment. There is a jokingly named Golden City in Jinguang City. It is rich in gold and is an important gold producing area of ​​the Carlo Empire. The officials there are all the favor of His Majesty the King! These two are not ordinary gold masters!

"Li Zhenbang? Are you the famous Li Zhenbang in the academy?" Hu Serei exclaimed in surprise. He is the one who looks brighter.

"Uh...I'm so famous, I'm just an ordinary person." Li Zhenbang said modestly.

"My God! Brother, he is the Li Zhenbang! My God! I actually saw a living person! I'm not dreaming!" Huselei cheered.

"Okay, Husele, I know he is your idol, but you shouldn't be so exaggerated! Sorry, brother Zhenbang, I made you laugh!" Hussein looked at Husele indulgingly and faced Li Zhenbang. Said with a slightly apologetic smile.

"Brother Hou joked, Ling's character is still very appetizing to me. I like people with straightforward character very much. But if I were his idol, I would not be ashamed!" Li Zhenbang said modestly.

"Brother Zhenbang, don't you know! Ever since he heard about what you did on the day of the training ceremony, he has been arguing every day for me to show him to see you. Today I can be regarded as seeing the deity! Estimated my ears The son can finally be cleaned for a few days, haha!"

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