Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1026: Fusion One

After the ice cone pierced Mi Junxiong's chest, his power also decayed, pierced his chest, but got stuck in his chest.

Without the support of Li Zhenbang's mental power, Bing Cone disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Mi Junxiong's chest gradually seeped a bright red.

"Young Sect Master!" Old Xue didn't care about Li Zhenbang, so he rushed to Mi Junxiong's side, hugged Mi Junxiong, and shouted loudly.

At this time, Mi Junxiong's nasal cavity was mixed with blood in his mouth, and his face was a little purple because he could not breathe for a long time.

Seeing Mi Junxiong on the verge of death, Xue Lao couldn't care about the vindictive dominance, and hurriedly injected the grudge into Mi Junxiong's chest.

After the grudge entered, he directly forced out all the blood in Mi Junxiong's nose and mouth.

"Uh...cough..." Mi Junxiong took a deep breath, then took a quick breath, his purple face was slightly bloody.

"Young Sect Master! How are you? Are you okay?" Seeing Mi Junxiong's reaction, Old Xue asked hurriedly.

"Fuck... asshole! Kill... kill him!" Mi Junxiong raised his finger to Li Zhenbang, and shouted with breathlessness.

After speaking, Mi Junxiong turned his eyes and tilted his head to the side, his raised arms fell down, and he passed out into a coma.

Mi Junxiong's breathing became very weak, and his current condition was very bad, but fortunately, the man was not dead yet, Xue Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second Elder, Young Sect Master is seriously injured! Need emergency treatment!" Xue Lao shouted at the old Qiu in the air, ignoring Li Zhenbang who was close at hand.

"You take Young Sect Master and go first, I'll break it!" Old Qiu roared and waved his arm at Qiongqi.

The huge flame giant also waved his arm, and Qiongqi did not avoid this time, and was slapped on the ground with a slap.

At this time, the heroic move had avoided the attack range of the magma fire pillar, and wanted to sneak attack on Xue Lao who was holding Mi Junxiong with his back facing him.

But Yingzhao hadn't waited for any action, and suddenly felt his body stagnant. I didn't know when a flame hand sprang out from the ground and grabbed his hind legs.

The hero struggled hard, and the flame hand was directly pulled out of the ground, but the flame hand's arm was still connected to the ground.

At the same time, Old Qiu stretched out his hand to catch the heroic move, and the Flame Giant reached out at the same time, grabbing the heroic move in his palm.

"Brilliant move!" Seeing that the heroic move was taken away, Li Zhenbang was anxious. He picked up the wind-slashing sword that fell beside him, kicked his right foot on the ground, and rushed directly towards the arm of the flame giant in the air. .

"Li Zhenbang, take your fate!" Xue Lao held Mi Junxiong in one hand and shook it. The Burning Heaven Sword that had been cut on his arm was flung away and shot Li Zhenbang in the back.

At this time, the Burning Heaven Sword did not have the support of Li Zhenbang's internal strength, and the flame on the surface had already been extinguished, but if Li Zhenbang was directly stabbed by the Burning Heaven Sword, it would definitely be enough for him to drink a pot.


A sound of metal clashing sounded, and Li Zhenbang, who was in the air, suddenly turned around and crossed the wind-cutting sword across his chest, and the Fentian sword directly slammed into the wind-cutting sword.

Li Zhenbang only felt a huge force coming, his arms were a little numb, his chest was stuffy, and the corners of his mouth were a little sweet. However, his body shot backwards with this huge force, and even caught up with the big hand of the flame giant holding the heroic move.

Yingzhao twisted his body and struggled, but to no avail, facing the big flame hand, his struggle seemed a bit weak.

"Ah!" Li Zhenbang yelled, not knowing whether he was boosting himself, or reminding him of a heroic move, or because he was close to the flame giant and felt the hot wave.

I saw Li Zhenbang raising the Wind Slashing Sword high, which was covered with a thin, imperceptible white halo, and slashed at the arm of the flame giant who was holding the heroic move.

Old Qiu was very disdainful of Li Zhenbang's attack. How could the Flame Giant be a small summoned beast mage that could contend? Even the Golden Warrior wanted to cut off the Flame Giant's arm.

Even if Li Zhenbang took the artifact, it was useless. The artifact had to be placed in the hands of the right person. What's more, the Wind Slashing Sword in Li Zhenbang's hand was not a artifact, at best it was a semi-artifact.

But the next scene can be said to have surprised Boss Qiu, because after the flame giant's arm touched the Wind Slasher, not only did it have no resistance, but it seemed to be papery, and it was directly cut off.

Of course, the flame giant is not an entity, so the broken arm will not fall to the ground, but will dissipate directly in the air.

The flame giant opened his mouth and raised his head, seeming to be howling in pain, but he didn't make any sound.

Freed from the shackles of the flame giant, the heroic move spread his wings for the first time, and then steadily caught Li Zhenbang who was in the air.

Qiongqi also flew into the air with his black wings, and came to Yingzhao's side.

"You are looking for death!" Qiu Lao roared, and the broken arm of the flame giant grew back.

"Lao San, you take Young Sect Master and go quickly, they will hand it over to me!" Old Qiu urged again.

The flame giant's body began to shrink gradually, and the flame on his body became extremely dense, and finally shrank to about two-thirds of the previous flame giant.

Although the flame giant's body has shrunk, everyone can feel that the energy of the flame giant's body has become more violent, and the red flame on his body has faintly turned white.

The temperature of the surrounding space has suddenly risen a lot, the flowers and plants on the ground have begun to be rolled up due to lack of water, the leaves on the trees have all begun to curl up, and some leaves have even begun to show signs of yellowing and withering.

Qiu Lao's whole person has been completely integrated into the flame giant's body, and Qiu Lao is completely invisible to the naked eye.

"You all die for me!" The flame giant opened his mouth and roared, his voice shook his ears humming.

Xue Lao saw that Qiu Lao had been fully fired, and Li Zhenbang was no longer within his attack range, so he gritted his teeth and picked up Mi Junxiong to leave.

Mi Junxiong is seriously injured now. If he can't get treatment in time, it is very likely that he will really die. He doesn't dare to risk Mi Junxiong's life.

Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi looked at each other, Qiongqi nodded, and let out a low growl. The dark magic elements in his body rushed out of his body, and his body rose in the storm. It was almost the same as the flame giant, and then directly rushed towards the flame giant. Go up.

"Fusion!" Li Zhenbang shouted in a low voice, the heroic move turned into a spot of light, and then merged into Li Zhenbang's body.

"Ah!" Li Zhenbang let out a low growl, and he couldn't tell whether it was comfortable or painful.

After the roar, Li Zhenbang's body began to change, his black eyes turned emerald green, and the skin showed a strange texture, like a tattoo, the texture gleaming with green light. These shining textures do not violate the sense of harmony at all, on the contrary, it makes people feel comfortable in the body and mind.

Li Zhenbang's back stretched out two pairs of huge green wings. One pair of wings was very large, and the other pair was very small, only the size of a palm.

These two pairs of wings did not grow from Li Zhenbang's back, but were composed of wood magic elements, flapping gently behind Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang’s choice to merge with the heroic move was not a whim, but because the heroic move had no chance of winning when facing the old man by himself, and was completely suppressed. Therefore, he had to rely on Qiongqi to fight against the old man, and after he merged with the heroic move To deal with Xue Lao and Mi Junxiong who was in a coma.

"You two will stay!" After the integration was successful, Li Zhenbang didn't stay any longer, and rushed directly to Old Xue.

The flame giant Qiu's aging body just wanted to intercept Li Zhenbang after the fusion, but Qiongqi slapped the head of the flame giant fiercely.

At this time, the flame giant was no longer an illusory flame, and was almost about to form an entity, so Qiongqi's slap staggered him instead of slapped his head into a sky full of fire elements.

"Wow!" The Flame Giant roared, turned his head, and slapped Qiongqi severely.

Qiongqi and the flame giant are fighting together again...

Seeing Li Zhenbang coming towards him, Xue Lao felt a little anxious. He could feel that Li Zhenbang's strength is now very strong, even above him.

Despite this, it is not easy for Li Zhenbang to compete with him in a short time, and he believes that Li Zhenbang's state will never last. But what if he could tell? He can afford it, but Young Master Mi Junxiong can't afford it! No one can guarantee that Li Zhenbang will not be able to hold it first or the Young Sect Master will not be able to hold it first?

And if this fights, he can't take care of Young Sect Master. With the current situation of the Young Sect Master, it is possible to breathe at any time, even if he did not breathe, if Li Zhenbang took his hand to dominate the Young Sect Master while fighting himself, his current state might not be able to stop him.

It's not that Xue Lao never thought of taking Mi Junxiong to run first, but at Li Zhenbang's current speed, Xue Lao was not sure that he could take Mi Junxiong and escape smoothly.

Xue Lao took a deep breath, gently placed Mi Junxiong on the ground, and temporarily sealed the wound on Mi Junxiong's chest with a grudge, hoping to temporarily delay Mi Junxiong's injury.

"Li Zhenbang, I didn't expect you, a summoned beast mage, to be able to do this. If you stop here, our Wanhuazong can guarantee the past." Xue Lao slowly stood up and looked at Li Zhenbang calmly, as if he was the one. The winner is average.

However, no matter how well Xue Lao concealed it, Li Zhenbang still saw a touch of worry from the depths of his eyes.

"Leave the blame for the past? Xue Renyong, you don't seem to figure out the situation now!" Li Zhenbang twisted his head and said proudly holding the Zhanfeng Sword.

"Do you think you are determined to win now?" Old Xue waited for his red eyes, gritting his teeth and squeezing words out between his teeth.

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