Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1037: Women don't let the beards and eyebrows

"Sister, what are you talking about? Are you crazy?" Morgan Harris looked at Jenny Harris in disbelief, he was a little suspicious of his ears.

It can be said that Jenny Harris grew up when he watched. She has the same liveliness and cheerfulness as other girls, but also has the persistence and vision that other girls do not have.

On the day of the Jenny Harris Bar Mitzvah, she was still talking to herself about her future partner.

Most girls are often full of fantasies about their other half, such as wanting a prince who is wholeheartedly obedient to themselves; for example, wanting a general who will gallop on the battlefield and command thousands of troops; for example, want a love. Freedom, you can take yourself to wandering knights and so on.

But Jenny Harris's idea is very simple. You don't need how high the status of the other party is, and you don't need how handsome appearance, as long as the other party is responsible, responsible, upright and kind, and loves herself wholeheartedly. Of course, if the other party is a handsome and handsome warm man, it is naturally better.

The Madirrek who makes people look nauseous and the handsome and handsome warm man in front of you are definitely not in touch with each other, and it is even contrary to integrity and kindness. As for wholeheartedly, it is basically a joke. His public wife is not down. The three of them, as for the women who had an affair with him, are even harder to count.

Seeing Jenny Harris, who was thinking about it day and night, appeared in front of him and agreed to be his own woman, Madir Lake couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

"Do you agree?" Jenny Harris ignored Morgan Harris, as if she hadn't heard him, her eyes were calmly staring at Madillake.

"This..." Madirrek groaned for a while, Jenny Harris wanted it, and the people of the Harris tribe wanted it too. He was not willing to let him give up either.

"Jenny, what nonsense, give me out!" Reagan Harris yelled at Jenny Harris.

"Father, do we still have a choice? People in our tribe can sacrifice their lives for the tribe, can't I sacrifice myself? I am also a member of the Harris tribe. I cannot be special just because I am your daughter. Because I am your daughter, I should stand up even more!" Jenny Harris looked at Reagan Harris firmly.

"Father, you have paid too much for the Harris tribe. I have grown up and it is my turn. Two million...We really can't get it out, we have no retreat!" Jenny Harris sighed He pressed his lips and shook his head.

"If you agree, as long as you take out a moonstone, I can go with you now!" Jenny Harris turned to look at Madilrek, her eyes were calm, but there was a trace of unwillingness hidden in her eyes. Helpless.

What can she do as a woman? Father has used the fate of the entire tribe to protect himself, for himself to give up his persistence, give up his honor and pride! Do you still have to watch your father be spurned by the tribe, become a shame to the Harris tribe, and become the terminator of the Harris tribe?

Madirrek wondered, he didn't know what two million meant, but everyone in the room understood.

"Jenny, I am more than just liking you, I fell in love with you from the bottom of my heart, but this does not mean that you can do whatever you want. I will definitely find the Moonstone for you, but one-third of the people and Half of the slaves are my bottom line, and I am already very sincere!" Madirrek's face was full of embarrassment.

"Moonstone, abandoning my people is also my bottom line. At most we can give you one-third of the slaves, and you can only choose half, and the remaining half is up to us." Jenny Harris did not give in at all.

"Naughty! Carol, quickly pull Jenny out of me! If you dare to let her in again, I'll break your leg!" Reagan Harris roared at the guard at the door.

Carol walked into the room and looked at Jenny Harris with some embarrassment, "Miss Jenny, please don't embarrass me."

Carol heard what Jenny Harris said, and Carol admired her very much in her heart. She didn't have to come to this muddy water, but she came without hesitation, and was even willing to be a victim of this transaction. He couldn't help but admire it.

"Father!" Jenny Harris looked at Reagan Harris excitedly.

"The Harris tribe without me is still the Harris tribe, but the Harris tribe without the Moonstone is nothing! The Harris tribe can’t just stop like this, otherwise you will be the sinner of the Harris tribe! You are my father , I will never let you become a sinner of the Harris tribe!"

"Father, if the Harris tribe must fall in your hands, then I would rather take a step first than see that day!" Jenny Harris looked at Reagan Harris firmly, with nothing in his eyes. The decisiveness.

"Jenny!" Reagan Harris' eyes reddened and his breathing became rapid.

Reagan Harris' eyes suddenly became firm, and he gritted his teeth sharply and said in a deep voice: "I have spoiled you for so many years, and today I won't let you mess around anymore!"

"Morgan, you and Carol took Jenny down to me. Without my permission, she is not allowed to go out. If she has any problems, I will strip you both!" Reagan Harris waved at Morgan Harris. Said firmly in his tone.

Morgan Harris and Carol glanced at each other, reached out and grabbed Jenny Harris by the arm, and pulled her out without saying anything.

"Wait a minute!" Madillake could see that Reagan Harris was serious, and he didn't want to pretend to disagree, so as to bargain with himself, so he hurriedly dissuaded him.

"This is my family affair, you shut up!" Regan Harris glared at Madirrek, without giving Madirrek a chance to speak, "What are you waiting for? Give me Jenny quickly Take it!"

"Stop it to me! I agree! Now Jenny is my woman, you all let me go!" Madir Lake saw that Jenny Harris was about to be dragged out of the house, and was anxious. If Jenny Harris is being caught Pulling out of this room, I am afraid he will never have a chance again.

However, Madil Lake clearly overestimated his right to speak, neither Morgan Harris nor Carol had him.

"Stop!" Madil Lake saw that there was no one or him. He couldn't sit still. He waved his hand, and suddenly a magic shield made of dark magic appeared at the door, stopping the three of Morgan Harris. Come down.

"What do you mean?" Reagan Harris narrowed his eyes, his tone already filled with anger.

This is the Harris tribe, not the Rek tribe, Madir Rek is here to shoot, it is simply hitting him in the face.

If only going alone, Reagan Harris, who is a seventh-level dark magician, would naturally not be afraid of Madirrek, who is only a sixth-level dark magician.

If it were not for the concern that the overall strength of the Lake Tribe is stronger than that of the Harris Tribe, coupled with the forces behind the Lake Tribe, Reagan Harris would never place Madir Lake, who is older than him and weaker than him. In the eyes.

"What do I mean? I have agreed, but you still want to go your own way. Wouldn't you put me too much in your eyes?" Madillake looked at Reagan Harris with gloomy eyes.

"This is the Harris tribe, not your Lake tribe. As the chief of the Harris tribe, what do I want to do in my own tribe, do I still need to ask your opinion?" Reagan Harris' voice was cold Said.

"Reagan, you have a seed!" Madirrek pointed to Reagan Harris and gritted his teeth. "For Jenny's face, I don't care about you today. I take a step back. I don't want the slave. I will send you one Moonstone in a few days, but Jenny must go with me today!"

Madirrek knew in his heart that if he couldn't take Jenny away today, I'm afraid there would be no chance in the future. Seeing that the deliciousness was about to be reached, how could he be willing to give up.

"I agree!" Before Reagan Harris had time to speak, Jenny Harris interrupted first, "but you have to set up a document stating when the Moonstone will be delivered, and what to do if it can't be delivered."

"Shut up! Our Harris tribe will never trade a woman for our future!" Reagan Harris roared.

What Reagan Harris said was awe-inspiring and enthusiastic, but if the woman Madil Lake liked was not Jenny Harris, but replaced by other women in the tribe, would Reagan Harris still persist in this way? I'm afraid he can't even say it.

"Father!" Jenny Harris couldn't help it anymore, tears slid down the corner of her eyes, the tears were full of the happiness of being surrounded by father's love, and she also carried the helplessness of being a woman.

"Regan Harris, don't be shameless! I have already backed down to this point, do you still want to be an inch? Do you believe that Laozi led people to annihilate your Harris tribe!" Madirrek stopped calling Reagan, but directly called Reagan Harris by his full name.

From this it can be seen that Madir Lake has been completely angered by Reagan Harris. He didn't expect that he had retreated so tolerantly, but the old guy Reagan Harris was still so ignorant to promote.

"Madir Lake, how old are you, who are you with? You not only dare to beat my sister's idea, but also want to destroy our Harris tribe. Are you bullying our Harris tribe without anyone? I am killing you alive now!"

There was a sudden shout from outside the door, and then he saw Harvey Harris rushing in from outside the door holding a long knife, rushing directly to Madir Lake...

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