Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1116: Antidote? poison?

"As the **** of night elves, I will make the night elves an eternal myth, the rulers of the entire continent, and the people who make rules! Only the night elves are the most powerful race in the world!" Illidan had some Said frantically.

The eyes of some night elves lit up, and Illidan's words sounded a little crazy, but they made their hearts lively.

They have had the experience of being suppressed or even exploited by other races. In the eyes of many people, the night elves are just a small race, they are only vassals of the orcs, they can only assassinate and sneak attacks, and their reputation is not even as good as betrayal. The elves of the night elves have a poor social status.

If they can really become the rulers of this world and the people who set the rules, they can all stand up straight in the future and can trample underfoot those who have insulted them.

"The night elves have not ruled the entire continent because the moon gods are not merciful and fraternity? It's a joke! The orcs have beast gods and war gods, the holy court has light gods, many races have their own gods, and the human gods are even more. , They didn't rule the entire continent, why did the Moon God let the night elves rule the continent?"

"And why do the night elves rule the continent? What is the meaning of ruling the entire continent for the night elves?"

"The night elves yearn for comfort and freedom, not war, bloodshed, or sacrifice at all! You keep saying that you are the night elves god, but you don’t know the night elves, and you even want to let the night elves fall into endless During the war, what on earth did you intend?" Harvey Harris didn't know where the courage came from, so he pointed to Illidan and asked.

"Ease and freedom? Huh! It's funny! Without a strong background, who can make you easy? Without absolute strength, who would make you free? Privileges are for people with background and strength! Night elves without anything Clan, who will allow you to be comfortable and free?" Illidan sneered.

Harvey Harris was so naive. At first glance, he opened his mouth comfortably and shut his mouth freely without being beaten by the society.

No matter how the world changes, how dynasties change, there is a truth that will never change, that is, the fist is the last word!

"Ask them, when they face other people, are they comfortable and free?" Illidan pointed to those with anticipation in his eyes, and questioned Harvey Harris.

Harvey Harris looked at the night elves suspiciously. He didn't have many missions, but he usually did missions with people in his tribe. As for the experience of contacting other races alone, he had almost no experience.

Even if he is in contact with other races, his strength has reached the golden warrior, and there are many night elves around him, and people of other races often don't take the initiative to provoke him.

But other ordinary night elves are not like that, especially those night elves under Shirley. They have already experienced countless eyes, not only from other races, but even many night elves from other tribes.

Wandering night elves without a tribe are extremely pitiful. They are always struggling on the edge of life and death, but they always have a pitiful income. At the same time, they have to run for the holy water enough to keep them alive. They can completely represent the night elves. The life of the night elves at the bottom of the clan.

They live very humble, even if they are reluctant, they still have to do the dirtiest and most tiring work, earning only a meager income, just to eat a bite without being starved to death, and a mouthful of holy water not to be thirst to death.

Those night elves who had suffered from the hardships of life ignored Harvey Harris, but looked at Illidan expectantly. If Illidan could really get them out of their current lives, it would not be impossible to believe in him.

"" Harvey Harris pointed to the night elves, not knowing what to say.

"Shirley, don't you want to say something?" Harvey Harris turned to look at Shirley. Those night elves who looked forward to Illidan were all hers.

Shirley pursed her mouth and did not speak. The reason why they had to find the Moonstone was not how attractive the tribe was to them, but because they needed holy water to survive. If Illidan can really free them from the shackles of holy water, what does it matter who they believe in?

"You..." Harvey Harris looked at Shirley in shock. He didn't expect Shirley to betray the Moon God.

"Have you seen? The holy water is your night elves' death hole. It is the deceit of the Moon God to you, and I, Illidan Khaxu, is your new god, which will lead you out of the Moon God's control and make you truly free. The night elves!" Illidan smashed his arms, as if embracing everyone.

"God of the night elves, how do you let us get rid of the troubles of holy water?" a night elf asked excitedly.

"The poison of holy water to you has reached a deep-rooted situation, so trying to get rid of the troubles of holy water is not an overnight thing."

"You need to take the medicinal herbs I specially prepared for you for a long time. During the period of taking the medicine, you don’t need to drink the holy water. At first you may feel a little uncomfortable, but when your body is completely free from dependence on holy water, you will be completely free. !" Illidan took out a herb and showed it in front of everyone.

This herb looks similar to the shape of mint, except that it is completely dark and exudes a strong dark magic element.

Suddenly, a night elf's body began to twitch, his expression was very painful, and he hurriedly reached out to grab the kettle with holy water on his waist. It turned out that before he knew it, he hadn't taken holy water for a long time, and his body began to appear abnormal.

"Put it in your mouth, chew it up!" Illidan waved his hand, and the black herbs fell directly into the night elf's hands.

The night elf hesitated for a moment, then retracted his hand reaching for the kettle, and stuffed the black herbs in his mouth into his mouth.

As soon as the black herbal medicine was taken in, the dark magic elements in the black herbal medicine spread rapidly in the mouth of the night elves.

The night elves felt a shock, and the pain seemed to ease a little, no longer hesitating in his heart, and hurriedly chewed.

With chewing, the dark magic elements contained in the herbs became more concentrated and spread more quickly, and the juice of the herbs also spread all over the night elf's mouth and flowed down the throat.

The night elf felt that the physical pain was not as immediate as taking holy water, but his spirit became relaxed. The slight physical pain and the spiritual comfort were mixed together, and there was an alternative sense of comfort, which was unexpectedly uncontrollable. Shen groaned.

About three to five minutes later, the night elf slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with excitement.

"God of the night elves, you are so great! I feel very comfortable now, I really don't need to take holy water! I am willing to believe in you forever!" The night elves cried excitedly, and kept kowtow at Illidan. Express gratitude and surrender.

The eyes of the other night elves all showed a hint of surprise, and they all looked at Illidan, and their eyes showed a longing for black herbs.

Illidan did not disappoint everyone. He spread his hands. There were dozens of black medicinal plants floating around him. Even if there was one plant per person, it was more than enough.

"Please give me the elixir to get rid of the holy water from the night elf god?" A night elf raised his hands and bowed to Illidan.

The other kneeling people also followed suit and bowed down to Illidan.

Strains of black herbs fell into the hands of the night elves who bowed down accurately, and even the night elves who had taken black herbs before got another one.

As for those who didn't bow down, Illidan was not stingy. Even Li Zhenbang and Omega were no exceptions. Everyone had a black herb in their hands.

The night elves who bowed down did not hesitate, and directly stuffed the black herb into their mouth, chewed and swallowed it, and then everyone's face showed a sense of extremely comfortable satisfaction.

Shirley waited for the night elves who were still standing, and looked at the black herb in their hands with some hesitation, but they didn't swallow it immediately.

Li Zhenbang frowned and looked at the black medicinal herb, put it on the edge of his nose and sniffed it, then carefully took off a leaf, licked it on the tip of his tongue, and chewed it twice, his complexion changed suddenly.

"Bah, baah!" Li Zhenbang spit out the leaves in his mouth vigorously, then took out water to rinse his mouth continuously, and threw the black herbs on the ground at the same time.

Li Zhenbang's abnormal moment attracted everyone's attention, and those night elves who bowed down looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

When they saw Li Zhenbang throwing black herbs on the ground and constantly spitting out to gargle, their expressions began to change, and finally their eyes became very angry.

"Li Zhenbang! Do you know what you are doing? You are disrespectful to the night elf god, you are going to be put to death!" A night elf turned around, pointing at Li Zhenbang, and roared as if to show his loyalty. Tao.

The other night elves who had taken black medicinal herbs all seemed a little annoyed. They seemed to blame themselves for not accusing Li Zhenbang at the first time, so they criticized Li Zhenbang one after another, and some even started to swear.

"Do you know what he gave you?" Li Zhenbang pointed to Illidan and asked loudly.

"Of course it is a good medicine to relieve the Holy Water from controlling us!" a night elf replied loudly.

"You are all deceived! This is a kind of mental poison, which may temporarily relieve your pain and even relieve the influence of holy water on you, but if you take it for a long time, you will definitely be better off in the end!" Li Zhenbang screamed decisively Tao.

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