Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1118: Join hands

"Who am I? Your question is very profound. I will explain it to you for a while. As long as you know, I am a pure person, an upright person, a moral person, and a person who is free from low tastes. It is enough that you, an inhuman demigod, and I are not at the same level at all!" Li Zhenbang said cockyly.

Hearing Li Zhenbang's words, Illidan's eyes became sharp. This guy didn't like him from the very beginning when he saw him. After that, he demolished his own stage. Now he still plays with him. If he doesn't show him some color, how can he convince the crowd?

Thinking of this, Illidan's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light, and he released a mental attack on Li Zhenbang. Mental attacks are invisible and quality, and they are simply the best choice for launching a sudden attack, and they are not easy to be grasped.

Li Zhenbang's complexion suddenly turned pale, and then gradually flushed, his brows were only frowned, and then a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

"Dignified demigod, just this amount of breath? You can only sneak attack me, a person who has no power to bind a chicken. You demigod is really shameless." Li Zhenbang wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve and looked disdainfully. Said Illidan.

Illidan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Li Zhenbang very surprised. What he was surprised was not that Li Zhenbang mocked him, but because Li Zhenbang didn't seem to have anything unusual except for a spit of blood, and even seemed to be a little more energetic than before. This is simply incredible.

He knew the mental strength of his attack on Li Zhenbang just now. He was a semi-god powerhouse. Even if he didn't go all out, it shouldn't be the result.

It stands to reason that even if a person of Li Zhenbang's strength has not been directly attacked to death or become a vegetative person, at least he has to become an idiot. Where did he know that Li Zhenbang was actually always on guard against him jumping the wall in a hurry.

As a summoned beast mage who is more proficient in mental power than other professions, how could Li Zhenbang not beware of Illidan's mental attacks?

Li Zhenbang had already condensed into a shield with mental power to protect his spiritual platform. When Illidan's mental attack touched the shield formed by Li Zhenbang's mental power, Li Zhenbang's mental power shield shook violently. To be precise, it should be said that fluctuations are more appropriate.

This trick is a skill that Li Zhenbang has learned from the magic shield, which is to resist powerful forces through fluctuations, and it feels quite like two or two.

But the old saying goes, vigorously works a miracle, and one force drops ten times. In the face of absolute power, Li Zhenbang's strength is really not enough, so he was injured, but it was not as serious as the injury.

Although Li Zhenbang did not become a vegetable or an idiot, his mental power was still greatly shocked and traumatized. If Illidan came again, Li Zhenbang would absolutely not be able to resist it.

Neither Illidan nor Li Zhenbang discovered that when Illidan’s mental attack and Li Zhenbang’s mental power shield met, a trace of Illidan’s spiritual power was absorbed by Li Zhenbang’s spiritual sea. To be precise, it seemed to be Was absorbed by the acquired bag in the sky above the sea of ​​spirit.

After the acquired spiritual power, the bag quietly gave back to Li Zhenbang, which made Li Zhenbang seem to be a lot more energetic.

Seeing Li Zhenbang being attacked, Omega quit. Although he didn't know the strength of Illidan, he couldn't risk Li Zhenbang being attacked again.

"Asshole!" Omega roared, waved his fist, and attacked Illidan directly.

Don't look at Omega's attack, but he has already calculated it. His attack was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, it contained a powerful secret force. At the same time, he blocked Li Zhenbang with his body to prevent Illidan from attacking Li Zhenbang again.

With the powerful body of the dragon, combined with the wood magic elements, even if Illidan is a demigod, he should suffer a little loss. After all, Illidan is just a night elf. Unless Illidan becomes a true god, he will eventually be affected by a mortal body.

Although Illidan did not have the ability to see through Omega's body, he did not have the ability to see through Omega's body, but he felt some dangerous aura from Omega's body.

At this time, seeing Omega attacking him desperately, she didn't dare to underestimate it, and did not hardly accept Omega's attack, her body drifted away, and she moved a little away from Omega.

"God... Punish..." Illidan's index finger and **** were joined together to form a sword finger, pointing to Omega, his voice was flat and full of majesty.

I saw that Illidan's **** became as black as ink, and his eyes looked at Omega as if he were looking at a dead person.

Hearing what Illidan said, how dare Omega continue to attack him. That is God's punishment! Even if Illidan is not a **** but a demigod, but this name alone makes people afraid to despise.

Omega stopped hurriedly, and the wood magic elements on his body suddenly became rich, especially his hands. The emerald green wood magic elements seemed to burn in his hands, and his hands were completely invisible.

In fact, Omega did this deliberately. He does not want to expose the identity of the emerald dragon, so the wood magic element in his hand is to enhance his defense power, and the other is to hide the form of the dragon's claws. Palm of the hand.

Facing Illidan's so-called divine punishment, Omega had no bottom in his heart, so he tried his best to increase his defense.

Illidan was already a demigod thousands of years ago, and the ghost knew whether it was possible for him to be promoted to a true god. Although this possibility is very slim, he can't be careless even if it is only one in ten million. At this level of battle, once careless, the price paid is likely to be the price of life.

Seeing that Omega didn't dodge, but put on a posture that he wanted to resist, Illidan's expression became a little weird.

Omega's approach is indeed a bit beyond his expectation. It stands to reason that if a normal person learns that what he is about to face is a divine punishment, the first response should be escape or avoidance. People who want to resist either have absolute confidence in their own strength, or their brains are bubbling.

Looking at Omega's appearance, it is obviously not that his brain is bubbling, it can only be that he has absolute confidence in his strength.

Illidan did not underestimate Omega. Among all the people here, only Omega can give him a very dangerous feeling.

In fact, Illidan also felt danger from a person, this person was Li Zhenbang, but Li Zhenbang's strength seemed to be out of reach.

Despite this, Illidan still did not let Li Zhenbang's plan go, which is why he found an opportunity to start with Li Zhenbang first.

It is a pity that Li Zhenbang resisted his first attack, and Omega did not give him a chance to launch a second attack on Li Zhenbang.

"Your courage is really commendable. It depends on your courage to fear death for your friends. As long as you beg for mercy, I can forgive you! Even though you are not a night elf, I can give you a chance to be loyal to me!" Yili Dan did not immediately attack Omega, but patiently persuaded him, seeming to admire Omega.

"Many people may not have seen God's punishment in their lifetime, let alone accept God's punishment. I am honored and want to see how far apart I am from the so-called God!" Omega didn't appreciate it. Instead, he looked at Illidan proudly, and there was even a hint of excitement in his voice.

Hearing Omega's words, everyone looked at Omega with weird eyes, some praised, some admired, some mocked, some regretted, and so on.

Li Zhenbang hesitated and summoned the water spirit. After the water spirit appeared, he directly put his hand behind Omega. The water element seemed to be free of money, and it crazily poured into Omega's body and wood magic. The elements blend together.

With the help of the water elves, Omega felt a sense of pride in his heart. Not to mention that Illidan was a demigod, he was a true god. He also had the confidence to compete with Illidan.

Illidan's expression was very ugly at this time, his eyes fixed on Omega. I don't know if it was related to the power of this blow. The world outside the palace began to change color, dark clouds rolled, lightning was shining, thunder rolled, and heavy rain did not cause it, giving people a very dull feeling.

"I'll give you another opportunity to be loyal to me. I can make you a person below ten thousand people, and the most powerful person in this world." Illidan once again persuaded Omega, obviously he is very good to Omega Important.

"Want to subdue me? Then you should use your strength to speak!" Omega snorted coldly, her mental strength was highly concentrated, lest Illidan would also attack herself.

"Since you want to die, then I'm not welcome!" Illidan's voice was cold, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.


Suddenly, an unusually bright lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the entire palace, and then there was an explosion outside the palace, and Illidan's pitch-black fingers shook slightly.

A black light shot out at Omega, and Illidan's fingers returned to their normal color. Obviously, Illidan shot all the energy gathered on his fingers towards Omega.

The speed of the black beam is not fast, and even other night elves can clearly see the trail of the black beam.

Seeing the black light beams approaching, Omega's eyes flashed with excitement, and he raised his hands, ready to fight with his hands.


The black light collided with Omega’s hands, everyone stared at Omega’s hands in amazement, and Omega herself was a little confused...

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