Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1138: Improvise

"What's the matter?" The old village chief looked suspiciously at the dog tribe in the tuxedo.

"Your stand!" The dog clan in the tuxedo squinted his eyes and said, staring at the old village chief.

"Position? Of course, my position is to firmly support the orcs. Can this be doubted?" The old village chief stared at the tuxedo dog tribe in surprise, as if she didn't understand what the tuxedo dog tribe meant.

"The orcs have two royal families, which one do you support?" The dog in the tuxedo leaned forward slightly, exerting pressure on the old village chief.

"Everyone is a citizen of the Beast King, no matter which royal family becomes the Beast King, I will firmly support it!" the old village chief said righteously.

The dog tribe in the tuxedo frowned slightly. He didn't know if this old guy really didn't understand or not. He had already said so clearly, how could he not understand?

Everyone knows that the dog tribe is a loyal supporter of the lion tribe, and the interests of the dog tribe are completely tied to the interests of the lion tribe. As long as the lion clan becomes the next beast king, the status of the dog clan will be further improved, and the corresponding welfare benefits will also be improved.

"The election for the new Beastmaster is about to begin. Who are you going to support?" The dog-clan in the tuxedo was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old village chief, his eyes full of threats.

Hearing the words of the dog clan in the tuxedo, the old village chief’s guess was confirmed, and it was indeed the case. It seems that what I had guessed before was not wrong, the monsters on the mountain and the phantom array are inseparable from their dog people.

The election of the Beast Emperor is not directly determined by a contest. The contest is just one of many ways. There are individual contests between candidates, and there are also contests between the younger generations of two royal families. The victorious side has to occupy a certain advantage, after all, the orcs speak with strength.

But even if the contest fails, you may not fail to become the Beast King, because the final result is based on the votes, and the Twilight Federation is also named after it.

However, the ballot is not a man, but each tribe has one, and the chief of the tribe or a person designated by the chief will replace the vote.

Some of the orc tribes are very large, such as the wolf tribe. There are more than 20 tribes in the wolf tribe, and each tribe can have a vote.

The management personnel of each town will also have a vote, and the votes of these management personnel are often uncertain. Generally, they will not vote for the royal family they are loyal to because of which race they belong to.

They often follow the actual situation. For example, if the current Beast King does not bring benefits or benefits to the local area, or does not satisfy them, then they are likely to vote for another royal family to compete. By.

Of course there will be some exceptions, such as accepting bribes privately, or because of favors, or having some handle in the hands of the other party, but such things are rare after all.

Villages like these without a sense of existence also have a vote, and these votes still occupy a large proportion. After all, a village composed of more than a dozen people is a village.

As long as this village pays taxes normally, and is formed by different races living together, and the formation time exceeds a certain number of years, then this village will have a vote with the same rights as the votes of other tribes and administrators.

If anyone can hold the votes of these villages in their hands, plus the votes of their vassal tribes, they will have a great advantage.

"To be honest, in fact, you really don't need to come here in person, just send someone to inform you. We only have one vote in our hands, which can't affect the overall situation." The old village chief said with a wry smile.

"One vote really doesn't have much effect, but if you hold the votes of all your villages in your hand, it still has a certain effect." The tuxedo dog tribe didn't evade any taboos, and said simply.

The old village chief was very entangled in his heart. The current Tiger Clan Beast King is still good to be honest, especially for ordinary civilians like them, the welfare treatment can be said to be an unprecedented good.

Even when the civilians and the nobles clashed, they would favor the civilians as much as possible. After all, the civilians belonged to the vulnerable group. Therefore, in the hearts of ordinary people, the current Tiger Beast King is still very good.

The previous lion clan and royal families paid more attention to the interests of the nobility and the upper class, and the taxation of ordinary civilians was relatively higher.

However, the lion clan and the royal clan cannot be said to be useless. When the lion clan is the beast king, it is generally strict in legislation and fair review, which is not a bad thing for ordinary people who abide by the law.

It's just that nobles and upper class people can often be exempted by spending money, and even homicide can be exempted by spending money. And civilians wanting to come up with this money for crime is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

The old village chief had his own considerations. The Tiger and Lion tribes were actually good choices, otherwise the Orcs would not have been the rulers of the Twilight Federation. But when it comes to personal interests, the old village chief still prefers the beast emperor to continue to be re-elected by the tiger clan.

"I heard that the reputation of your Cry Flower Village is still good in the surrounding villages. If you can get the surrounding villages to vote for the Lion Clan, I can say a few words for you in front of the Lion Clan. I dare not say that the reward of hundreds of gold coins is not a problem."

The old village chief did not speak, it was not that he was shocked by the reward of these hundreds of gold coins. To be honest, at his age, and without children, money no longer appeals to him.

His greatest wish is still that the villagers of Ciaohua Village can live and work in peace and contentment, and live a happy life, which is enough for him. According to the past situation, it is undoubtedly the Tiger Beast King who can make the villagers live well.

The most important thing is that the Tiger Beast Emperor is kind to the villagers around Yunya Peak. I think back then, there were earthquakes and mudslides around Yunya Peak, and the surrounding villages were basically affected. It was the Tiger Beast King who brought soldiers to the rescue. The old village chief was dug out from the sand by the Beast King himself. .

Afterwards, the Beast Emperor exempted the surrounding villages from taxes and distributed living supplies for free, something that the Lions had never done in history.

In fact, the ordinary people of the orc tribe are still very simple, whoever treats them well, they will support whoever they are, and this is understandable, not to mention that there is such a relationship between the old village chief and the beast king!

To take a step back, for the sake of a vote, the Lions can actually do such a thing, treat the lives of ordinary people as a trifle, and use the lives of ordinary people as a threat. Is such a Lion really worthy of everyone's support? Once the Lion Race really becomes the Beast King, I am afraid it will be a disaster for ordinary people by then!

"Yang Cunfeng, you are not young anymore. This money is definitely enough for you to enjoy your old age. Besides, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about it for the whole village, right?"

"The strong laborers in your village are all trapped in the mountains now. If you don't hurry up to make a decision, if they do something good or bad, how can you explain to their family members?" The tuxedo dog tribe saw the old village Chang still didn't express his attitude, a little annoyed in his heart, and the words had already brought a threat of threat.

The old village chief's expression changed. He had already made a decision in his heart, and he was ready to perfuse, but he hesitated when he heard the threatening words from the dog in the tuxedo.

He didn't quite believe that the guy in front of him really dared to risk the world's disgrace, and he really killed everyone just for a vote, but he was afraid that this guy would really do it desperately.

"You should have already figured it out! I came here today and don't want to go back empty-handed!" The dog in the tuxedo stood up and placed the voting power in front of the old village chief, with a smug smile on his face. , It seems that the old village chief has already been eaten.

"If I choose to vote for the Lion Clan, will our children come back safe and sound?" The old village chief took a deep breath while looking at the voting power of attorney, and then looked at the dog clan in the tuxedo with scorching eyes. . He can only rely on votes, and he must get a positive answer to be at ease.

"The powerful monsters that appeared on Yunya Peak will inevitably cause casualties. We can only guarantee their safety as much as possible." The dog tribe in the tuxedo glanced at the old village chief and said casually.

The words of the dog clan in the tuxedo were ambiguous, and the old village chief's heart was suddenly pulled. Is it possible that someone has already been injured or killed?

"What do you mean? I gave you the votes. You can't guarantee their safety. What's the point of your coming here?" The old village chief stood up suddenly, clutching the collar of the tuxedo dog tribe, angrily Questioned.

Choosing the Lion Clan against his conscience has already made him feel uneasy. If he can't save all those children, then he will have to spend the rest of his life in guilt.

The dog tribe in the tuxedo slammed the old village chief aside, with a fierce look, "old man, you have to ask the monsters in the mountains, you can't ask me!"

"But I can remind you that if you don't sign, I can't guarantee what they will do then!" The dog tribe in the tuxedo tidied up his clothes and said in a gloomy tone.

"You... OK... OK... I sign..." The old village chief gritted his teeth, with red eyes, signed the letter of authorization on the ballot paper, and then handed it to the dog in the tuxedo.

"Isn't it okay? Why waste my tongue!" The tuxedo dog tribe glanced at the voting power of attorney. After confirming that it was correct, he patted the old village chief on the shoulder and said with disdain.

"When can you put people back for me?" the old village chief gritted his teeth and said.

"You can wait at home with peace of mind!" After the tuxedo dog tribe finished speaking, he put the voting power of attorney in his pocket and left without looking back.

The old village chief looked at the back of the dog in the tuxedo, clenched his fists, his body trembled slightly...

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