Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1140: Memory recovery

"Gouganer!" Goudan's mother saw that Gougan'er was killed by a single blow, and screamed sorrowfully.

Goudan's father is blind, but he is not deaf. When he heard Goudan's screams, he wanted to know what happened, but his tongue was gone, and he wanted to ask what happened, only to make a whining sound.

Gou Dan'er's eyes were blind, but the others' eyes were not. After seeing this scene, everyone threw the food and drink aside, and they all looked at the Shar Pei dog orcs angrily.

The Shar Pei Orc glanced at the people with one-eyed contempt. He didn't put them in his eyes at all, let alone these people just standing there glaring at him, even if these people rushed up with weapons? The people on your side can take them all in one round.

"Beasts! You are all beasts!" The old village chief roared, raising his cane to rush up.

However, someone was one step faster than him, and had already carried a knife and chopped down at the Shar Pei Orc Beaten. The speed of this knife is extremely fast, and the momentum is strong, quite a master demeanor. This person is no one else, but Gootoubin who has lost an arm.

The Shar Pei dog was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would dare to take a shot against him, and he didn't expect that the person who shot was not weak at all.

But Shar Pei is a silver warrior, and Gou Toubin is just a black iron warrior. Even if his strength is already outstanding among black iron warriors, he is still a black iron warrior. Not everyone has the ability to leapfrog. Yes, not to mention Gou Toubin only has one hand.

Judging from the current situation of Gootoubin, if he was given enough time to grow up, he might still have a chance to compete with the Silver Warrior, but God did not give him this opportunity.

The Shar Pei Orc took a step back, letting Gootoubin's big knife cut off, and then raised his hand, drew two big axes from behind, and ran towards Gootoubin and chopped it over.

Gootoubin raised his sword to meet him, and the double axe fought with the broad sword.

However, Gootoubin only has one hand, and Shar Pei’s double axe chops down from top to bottom with great strength. Gootoubin is a little unable to bear the strength, and his body is slightly bent down, which barely takes Shar Pei. The dog orc hit.

The Shar Pei Orc suddenly lifted a kick, kicking Gou Toubin's chest, kicking Gou Toubin to the ground, then raising his double axe, rushing to Gou Toubin's head, and it went off.

Gou Toubin hurriedly rolled off the ground, avoiding the attack of the Shar Pei orcs.

But the Shar-Pei orcs are not forgiving. The double axe is like a spinning windmill. One move is as close as one move, and the other is as fast as one move. Kotoubin can only roll around the ground in embarrassment. The long knife has long been ignorant. where it goes.

"Aren't you very capable? Aren't you going to sneak attacks? You stand up? The people in Cry Flower Village are all rubbish, those in the car are rubbish, and you are rubbish!" The Shar Pei ridiculed while attacking. Swearing.

The battle between Gootoubin and the Shar Pei Dog Orcs completely ignited the anger of the villagers in Cry Flower Village, and everyone desperately attacked the Shar Pei Orcs and the Dog Warriors.

Those who lie on the carriage are either their relatives or family members or close friends, and the words of the old village chief made them understand that the injuries of these people are absolutely inseparable from the dog tribe, plus the dog eggs. The children were killed, and the people in Ciaohua Village could no longer restrain their inner anger.

The old village chief was a little confused. He didn't expect the villagers to be so excited, but he forgot that even he was not surprised when he was met with great respect and respect.

The dog warriors did not panic because of the villagers' attacks. Instead, they all became extremely excited. They raised their weapons and attacked the villagers.

The villagers originally came to the army, many of them came with bare hands, but even if they were fully armed, they could not compete with the elite dog warriors.

The villagers were unarmed and wanted to rush up to vent their anger, but they didn't expect to greet them with sharp swords. The result is naturally self-evident, the scene is not just as simple as one-sided, it is simply a massacre.

Seeing this scene, the old village chief roared and greeted him with a cane. Seeing the silver grudge shining on the old village chief's body, everyone realized that this unsurprisingly amiable old man turned out to be a silver warrior.

In fact, the old village chief didn't want to make things happen like this. He originally wanted to take the initiative to teach the Shar Pei the Orcs and ask him to apologize to the villagers and even make some compensation.

After all, the dog clan is a big clan, not their small Cry Flower Village can afford. What's more, people cannot be resurrected from death, but those who are alive still have to live.

However, what the old village chief never expected was that Gou Toubin would act on the Shar Pei Dog Orcs before him. As a result, he lost to the opponent and was humiliated. Even the people in the Cry Flower Village were insulted and abused, which led to arousing anger and aroused anger. Such a commotion.

Seeing that the villagers were slaughtered, no matter how good-tempered the old village chief was, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, so he started to kill.

The old village chief did not keep his hands, his joining began to bring casualties to the dog warriors. After all, the dog warriors had no silver warriors except for the Shar Pei Orc who led the team.

The dog warriors discovered the existence of the killer star of the old village chief, leaving only a few people to continue to slaughter the villagers, and the remaining dog warriors surrounded the old village chief.

Shiha was not idle either. He was helping Goutobin to deal with the Shar Pei Gou. With Shiha's participation, Gootoubin finally stood up, put the finger tiger on his hand, and fought side by side with Shiha.

Gootoubin is not very good at using big knives. He started using big knives after he lost one arm. He deliberately used big knives just to exercise the remaining arm.

The glove is actually Gootoubin's best weapon, but with one arm missing, the glove can no longer exert its maximum power. In the end, he had to use a finger tiger that is similar to the glove but has a stronger one-handed power.

The finger tiger used by Gotoubin is not the common type of finger tiger. In order to enhance the power of the finger tiger, each ring of the finger tiger has a sharp steel thorn. If it is hit, it will have four blood holes at once.

"Humph! Interesting!" The Shar Pei Orc took a deep breath and snorted coldly.

The Shar Pei Orc escaped a heavy punch from Shiha, but was taken advantage of by Gootoubin, and the steel thorn on the tiger made a hole in Shar Pei's chest.

It is a pity that the steel thorn only cut through the clothes of the Shar Pei Orc, and did not cause any substantial damage to the Shar Pei, but it just made the Shar Pei Orc shocked.

But this made the Shar Pei Dog Orcs put away their contempt and began to become serious. This time it was Shiha and Kotou Bin's turn to feel uncomfortable.

Shiha's physical fitness is good, but he can't use vindictiveness, and he is obviously at a disadvantage when fighting against the Shar Pei Orcs who use vindictiveness. But Gootoubin's strength is not as good as the Shar Pei Orc, plus one arm is missing, the attack can not be smooth and continuous, and there are many loopholes, even if it is two people, but it is still at a disadvantage.

The old village chief is also uncomfortable, regardless of whether he is a silver warrior, and his strength is even slightly higher than that of the Shar Pei dog orcs. If these dog warriors come up to challenge him one by one, he has absolute confidence in these people. All hit the ground.

But these dog warriors were not idiots. They knew that fighting alone was not the opponent of the old village chief, so they cooperated and attacked the old village chief in a tacit understanding.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves. No matter how strong the old village chief is, he only has two hands in the end. Faced with the continuous continuous attack of a dozen long spears, he seems a little restrained and unable to exert his full strength. However, the villagers in Ciaohua Village had long been unable to fight back, and were chased and slaughtered by several dog warriors.

After all, the old village chief is still old. Even if his strength is higher than that of a dog warrior, he can't stand the ravages of time. No matter his mental or physical strength, he can no longer compare with his youth.


The old village chief was negligent for a while and was caught by a dog warrior. A long spear pierced in the old village chief's ribs. Although the penetration was not deep, the old village chief's movements were still sluggish.

"Puff puff…"

The cooperation of the dog tribe soldiers was very tacit. Taking advantage of the painful movement of the old village chief, several long spears took the opportunity to pierce the old village chief's body again.

Although the old village chief struggled to resist and pulled away two or three spears that were piercing at the vital point, several spears pierced into his body without hesitation.

The strength of these guns was not light. The long spear pierced directly into the front of the old village chief and pierced out of the back.

Although the old village chief had avoided the critical point as much as possible, it was still fatal to be pierced with several spears, not to mention that several spears pierced his body without hesitation.

"Quick...Go..." The old village chief yelled with all the strength of his whole body, blood gushing out of his mouth, his body was stained red with blood, his eyes were wide open, his head tilted, and he didn't move.

"Old village chief!" Hearing the old village chief's shouting, Shiha and Gootoubin turned their heads and looked over. Shiha was stunned. Gootoubin roared and wanted to rush over, but was given an axe by the Shar Pei orc. Forced back.

Seeing the old village chief’s body being pierced by several spears, Siha’s eyes became bloodshot and his breathing became rapid. A picture appeared inexplicably in front of him. The body of a strong man was pierced, and the two pictures slowly overlapped. Together.

"Omega!" Siha suddenly yelled, and a terrifying wave of air violently spread to the surroundings.

Feeling this terrifying wave of air, everyone stopped their attacks, and looked at Shiha in a little astonishment...

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