Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1148: Not drunk

"Wanted by the Carlo Empire? What do you mean?" Xiao Keduo looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

Although he is the son of the Dwarf King, he doesn't pay much attention to current affairs and the like. He has the same hobbies as other dwarves, his favorites are drinking, training and forging.

"What else do you mean? I have been expelled from the Carlo Empire now and will never be able to return. If I return to the Carlo Empire, I will either lose my head or be imprisoned." Li Zhenbang picked it up. Raised eyebrows, the voice did not fluctuate in any way.

Although Li Zhenbang seemed indifferent, there was a trace of patriotism in his eyes, but the sadness and helplessness that Guo TM did not love me.

"Why? Without you, it would be impossible for the Royal Academy of Carlo Empire to get the first place. This is the first all-continent college competition. Your achievements are enough to be included in the history of the Empire of Carlos!" Exclaimed more.

"History is always written by those in power. I guess I will definitely include it in the annals of the Carlo Empire, but I should be a traitor!" Li Zhenbang shrugged and laughed.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's get drunk and get rid of our sorrows!" Although Xiao Keduo didn't know what Li Zhenbang thought, if he himself was regarded as a traitor, he would definitely feel very painful in his heart. The best way to suffer is to get drunk and leave.

"Shockdor, what does it mean to get drunk and relieve thousands of sorrows? This is not true. I drink because of meeting you. If you drink to relieve my sorrow, then forget it. I only found out after I left the Carlo Empire. No status is not necessarily a bad thing!" Li Zhenbang said triumphantly.

"Isn't it a bad thing to have no identity?" Xiao Keduo was confused by Li Zhenbang. He didn't even have a country. How could it be a good thing?

"A lot of people have already issued an olive branch to me. Alas! Gold shines everywhere!" Li Zhenbang said helplessly.

"A lot of people have given you the olive branch of invitations? I'm counted as one, and I also invite you to our dwarf race! You have to think about it!" Although Xiaokduo is not in politics, it does not mean that his brain is not good. , I immediately reacted and hurriedly sent an invitation to Li Zhenbang. He was very optimistic about Li Zhenbang.

As for the conflicts between Li Zhenbang and the Kahlo Empire, he doesn't care. Anyway, your Kahlo Empire is no longer needed, and there is nothing wrong with the dwarf race taking over.

"If I go to your dwarves, won't you cause trouble for you?" Li Zhenbang asked suspiciously.

"Problem? What trouble?" Xiao Keduo looked at Li Zhenbang in confusion.

"If the Karo Empire knows that I am in your dwarf race, it will definitely trouble you." Li Zhenbang explained.

"The Carlo Empire is making trouble for us? Cut, it would be nice if we don't trouble him." Xiao Keduo curled his lips and said disdainfully.

It's not that Shaukdor is arrogant, it's mainly because the dwarves have this confidence. The whole Twilight Federation should say that the most emboldened is not the Tiger Clan of the Beast King, nor the Lion Clan of the Prince, nor the divided Elf Clan or other races, but the Dwarf Clan that is engaged in the arms business.

To put it bluntly, even if all the races of the Twilight Federation are extinct due to battle, their dwarves will still stand tall, but this kind of situation will never be allowed by their dwarves.

"Let’s go! Let’s have a drink first. I heard that there is a place called God’s Domain Bar in Yongshou City. The wine there is very good. Let’s try it?” Xiaokduo’s eyes were bright, and he was obviously fascinated by God’s Domain Bar. long time.

Originally, Li Zhenbang didn't want to go. He was more concerned about Omega's news in his heart, and he wished to stay by Elena's side all the time, so that he could know the news of Omega for the first time.

But Xiaokduo was not an ordinary person, and Xiaokduo had saved his life in a disguised form, so it was really difficult for him to refuse this request, so he had to agree to take a look together.

As the most prosperous bar in Yongshou City, God's Domain Bar is not difficult to find. After a little inquiries, two people came to the door of God's Domain Bar.

The area of ​​God's Domain Bar is at least five or six hundred square meters, almost covering a street. And for some tall orcs, the gate of God's Domain Bar is also widened and taller.

Don't think it's just the afternoon, but there has been a lot of traffic from the front of the God's Domain Bar, and there is a constant stream of people entering and leaving the God's Domain Bar.

The feeling of the entire Gods Domain Bar is not high-end and noble, but rugged, wild and powerful.

Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo stepped into the God's Domain Bar, which was already overcrowded.

There are a lot of mercenaries and guards, some young people, and some beauties of various races who are dressed in coquettish and simple dresses, including some human women.

There are no VIP rooms here, only some high platforms are placed around the bar, some scattered tables are placed around the stage, some corners are also scattered, and there are a few more luxurious sets in the center of the hall. Deck.

Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo only came to drink, not to be cool and show off, so they sat down on the high platform next to the bar.

"What do the two guests want to drink?" The monkey bartender behind the bar asked Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang looked at Xiaokduo. He had been to some bars, but this was the first time for him to come to God's Domain Bar, so he just left him as he pleased.

Although it was also the first time for Xiaokduo, he had heard of some of the more famous wines in God's Domain Bar, and they were also very famous, so he ordered them directly, "Strong dark beer, rum, sunrise, godfather…"

Xiao Keduo ordered the wine he had heard of one by one. Li Zhenbang stared at him with his eyes widened. Is this guy crazy or addicted to alcohol? A total of 17 kinds of wine were ordered, each of which was two glasses, many of which were famous spirits he had heard of, and many of which he had not heard of.

"Shocked... is too much, right?" Li Zhenbang swallowed hard and asked.

"Don't worry, I'll treat!" Xiao Keduo thought Li Zhenbang was worried about the cost, and said with a pat on his chest.

"It's not a question of who treats guests. With so much wine, are you going crazy?" Li Zhenbang smiled bitterly.

"Where is this? Haven't you seen our dwarves drink in a bar? Normally, we all drink with barrels!" Xiao Keduo licked his lips, seemingly aftertaste.

Li Zhenbang curled his lips. He thought that Shockedo's words were bragging. He had seen a lot of people who drink a lot, but he had never seen anyone holding a wine barrel to drink.

"You don't believe see..." Xiao Keduo knew Li Zhenbang's expression did not believe him, so he looked around in the bar for a week and pointed a dwarf to Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang followed Shocked’s hand and looked at it. Sure enough, a dwarf was holding a barrel and pouring wine into his mouth. Look at the froth on the corner of this dwarf’s mouth. It should be barley wine, which belongs to beer. Strong liquor, but even this is not an ordinary person, it can be seen that the amount of belly and the amount of alcohol are not average.

"There is more over there!" Xiao Keduo pointed to a dwarf and said to Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang glanced at it. There were indeed a few people holding wine barrels and drinking, most of them were dwarves, there was also a bear warrior who was as big as a horse and a taller elephant warrior.

"It looks like I can only die with the gentleman today!" Li Zhenbang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Brother, I did not misunderstand you! Let's not get drunk today!" Xiao Keduo looked at Li Zhenbang excitedly.

At first the bartender also introduced what kind of wine he brought, but he adjusted the wine that he brought for a long time. The two of them just looked at it, and then they dried up in one breath.

Regardless of whether it is a strong drink or a relatively mild one, the dwarf is dry with one mouthful, and the human will accompany it with one mouthful, so he doesn't bother to introduce it, just go up one by one.

Li Zhenbang did indeed sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman. No matter how he drank, he would follow him. There were thirty-four glasses of wine in total. After Xiaoketo drank seventeen, Li Zhenbang accompanied him with seventeen.

Although the glass is not big, it is not beer. Spirits account for more than half of it. This can no longer be described by the amount of alcohol. It is simply a drink of life!

"Zhenbang, how are you...?" Xiaokeduo's tongue is already a bit hard. Although his alcohol volume is good, he has some reactions after drinking so much and drinking so much.

"Also... still the same sentence, give up... and die with the gentleman!" Li Zhenbang was not much better, his face flushed, and his tongue would not be curled anymore.

"Then come again...again!" Shockedo exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, come again, who... who is afraid of whom!" Li Zhenbang smiled, not afraid.

"Are you sure?" The monkey bartender saw that Li Zhenbang and Xiao Keduo's eyes were a little straight, and then saw a pile of empty glasses placed in front of them, and couldn't help asking.

He has been a bartender here for so long, and he has never seen anyone who can drink so many spirits at once, and he has to do it again. Where is he drinking? He is clearly playing his life!

The situation of the two people fighting for wine has been seen by others. No matter whether they can drink it or not, other talents shouted for them to continue. There are even some good people who are still yelling if they can. Do it again, and he will cover both of them.

"Someone...someone please drink, there is no reason not to drink, if you don't drink for nothing. Come on! Drink!" Li Zhenbang was already drinking and shouting.

The bartender didn't care, anyway, someone checked out, and even a few bartenders worked together. In the blink of an eye, thirty-four glasses of wine were placed in front of the two again.

"Zhenbang, come on, do it!" Xiao Keduo held up a glass of wine, raised his neck, and went straight on.

Not to be outdone, Li Zhenbang picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one shot.

The people around clapped and applauded.

"Let go of me!" A girl's scream suddenly sounded, overwhelming everyone's voice...

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