Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1159: Horror gap

"I didn't see it, your dwarves actually value equality for all? This really surprised me!" Li Zhenbang looked at Lao Dong and Xiao Keduo in surprise.

"What we dwarves have always valued is that everyone is equal, otherwise how could we sell weapons to everyone in need!" Xiao Keduo said with a proud face.

Li Zhenbang looked at Xiao Keduo with weird eyes. This reason is really shameless. Where they are all equal, they are obviously making a fortune in war.

"Zhenbang, you don’t want to think about it. If we only sell weapons to the Twilight Federation, how can you humans have room for resistance? There is only one life. We produce weapons because we have compassion for life and our painstaking efforts. Who can understand? Alas!" Xiao Keduo shook his head and sighed.

After listening to Xiaokduo's words, Li Zhenbang was a little speechless for a while. The dwarves are a race of the Twilight Federation, and it is understandable that the weapons he produces are only supplied to the Twilight Federation.

But if they really did this, the consequences would be unimaginable! Imagine a group of orcs wearing sophisticated weapon armor made by dwarves on the battlefield, facing a group of humans wearing paper armor, it is completely a tiger into the flock!

Maybe human beings can also create powerful armored weapons with their hard work, but before that, human beings will definitely have to pay a heavy price, and it may even be the price of genocide.

Li Zhenbang knows very well that Zhao Tianlong is not a mediocre person. He is very different from the previous kings of the Carlo Empire. The biggest difference is that Zhao Tianlong is ambitious.

Zhao Tianlong has a private department that specializes in weapons and armors, in order to prevent wars and get rid of the shackles of the dwarves on humans.

Over the past few decades, human research has yielded certain results. In the research and development of high-end weapons, there are still high-end weapons comparable to those produced by the dwarves. However, the high-end weapons produced by humans consume more manpower and financial resources than the dwarves. As for the mass-produced weapons and armors, the quality gap with the dwarves is relatively large.

Li Zhenbang had always thought that the dwarves exported weapons to make money, but he didn't expect the dwarves to have such an idea.

It is a bit ironic to say that the world's largest weapons supplier's greatest ideal turned out to be equality for all and world peace.

However, according to the concept of the dwarves, they are indeed doing very well, at least the proportion of weapons built by the dwarves that the troops of various countries have on the mainland is more in line with the concept of balance. As for the armament in the dark, it is beyond the control of a dwarf race.

After chatting with Lao Dong for a while, Xiao Keduo led Li Zhenbang into the world's number one gate, and into the interior of Tielushan.

As soon as he entered Tielushan, Li Zhenbang was shocked by the situation inside Tielushan.

Iron Furnace Mountain was originally an iron mine, but the inside was hollowed out by the dwarves. The dwarves built their own kingdom inside Iron Furnace Mountain.

The interior of Tielushan is not like other palace halls, giving people a noble atmosphere of grace and luxury, but here it gives people a sense of majesty and majesty.

"Are you all living here?" Li Zhenbang pointed to the rows of iron gates and looked at Xiao Keduo suspiciously.

"This is not where we live. This is the Tibetan Army Cave. It contains our weapons. Each room is connected and connected to other places. Once a battle occurs, we can enter the combat position as soon as possible." Xiaokduo explained.

"The above is our living area." Xiaokeduo said, pointing to the top of his head.

"Above?" Li Zhenbang looked up at the top of his head, and saw nothing other than a huge black roof.

"Come with me!" Xiao Keduo took Li Zhenbang around a bend and saw a wide stone step directly above the roof.

Li Zhenbang followed Xiao Keduo up the stairs, and when he stepped onto the roof, he found that this place was completely unique.

There are dwarves everywhere on this floor. The dwarves go in and out of the rooms, looking very busy, and occasionally can hear the noise of children, full of life.

"Are your people living on this level?" Li Zhenbang looked at it and felt that although there were a lot of people living here, it would seem that it would be too small for the entire population of the dwarven race.

"From here up to a dozen floors are the living quarters of our dwarves." Xiaokeduo said.

"You should live on the top floor, right?" Li Zhenbang asked casually.

"How did you know?" Xiao Keduo looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously. It was obvious that Li Zhenbang came here for the first time, and he hadn't told Li Zhenbang where he lived. Why did Li Zhenbang guess it all at once?

"You keep saying that everyone is equal, but don't you still have privileges?" Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What kind of privilege is this? All the rooms are determined by everyone. After the dwarves get married, they will be separated from the family, and then they will draw their own houses and live wherever they are drawn. The specifications of each floor here are basically the same. It's the same, that is, there may be some surprises in the details."

"In fact, everyone has their own preferences. Some people like the low-level. If you choose the middle and high-level, you can choose to exchange with others. If you are willing, you will exchange." Xiaokeduo explained.

"Are you giving each family a house?" Li Zhenbang looked at Xiao Keduo in surprise.

"Not only do we divide the house. For example, the cost of weddings and funerals is also arranged by our royal family, and standard weapons and equipment are free, but they generally use weapons and equipment that they build or are handed down from home."

"There are many similar things, such as raising children without spending money, children's education without spending money, and our royal family will also pay to support people when they are old. Anyway, you will know if you stay here a little longer." Xiaokduo continued.

"Your welfare is really not average!" Li Zhenbang couldn't help but sigh.

"That is! I dare say that the whole continent, our dwarves are treated the best! How about? Are you interested in living here?" Xiao Keduo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Forget it! I don't believe that there will be pie in the sky! If that's the case, you can just lie at home and wait for death? Where are so many dwarves willing to work hard to build weapons and equipment? Will the dwarves go out to be mercenaries? Don't they also go out to make a living?" Li Zhenbang shook his head.

"There are some dwarves who just like excitement, so they become mercenaries. As for building weapons and equipment, they are naturally loved by dwarves, and they are integrated into the blood!" Xiaokduo said excitedly.

"Okay, okay! It's all integrated into your blood, right?" Li Zhenbang said perfunctorily.

"Forget it, hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. I will take you to see everyone's work status and you will understand! Come with me!" Xiao Keduo continued to walk up with Li Zhenbang.

After walking through the living quarters, Li Zhenbang suddenly felt a wave of heat, and there were waves of clanging and knocking on metal.

Li Zhenbang knew in his heart that he seemed to be entering the work area soon.

Sure enough, after turning a few turns, a group of dwarf brawny men with naked upper bodies came into Li Zhenbang's eyes, and these dwarf brawny men were surrounded by a burning stove.

These dwarf strong men vigorously waved the hammer in their hands, and tapped the weapons and equipment in their hands intently.

Some people’s weapons and equipment are already taking shape and are trimming the details, while some people are clearly just beginning. On closer inspection, these weapons and equipment seem to be sold to the country and used to arm various teams of standard equipment.

"They are..." Li Zhenbang looked at Xiao Keduo suspiciously, and he could feel that most of the dwarves here are relatively immature in their techniques, as if they were new to contact.

"They are all apprentices, and they use to build standard equipment to practice their hands. Those standard equipment are basically built by these people." Xiao Keduo explained.

"You mean, the standard equipment used by the armed forces is theirs? And it's just to train them?" Li Zhenbang stared at Xiaokeduo with his eyes rounded.

It was really hard for him to believe that the sizes and models of the standard equipment were exactly the same, and the error between the two pieces was so small that it was negligible. The result was only for the apprentices to practice.

"That's right!" Xiao Keduo nodded, "All master forging masters start from this step!"

In Li Zhenbang's heart, there were some uncomfortable feelings. The apprentices were just standard equipment used to practice hands, but humans spent a lot of money, material and manpower, and couldn't reach it.

But human beings turned a blind eye to this, and were rather complacent in order to be able to create high-end weapons for the dwarves. They forgot to create such a weapon and equipment and the difference between the consumption of the dwarves. Ridiculous thing!

It was like a fisherman driving a boat, throwing down countless baits, and finally caught only a small fish by casting a net. But when he saw a person on the shore catching a fish, he wanted to laugh at the other person who only caught a small fish.

"I'll take you to the top again!" Xiao Keduo patted Li Zhenbang and shouted loudly.

The voice here is too loud, and Xiao Keduo is afraid that Li Zhenbang will not hear him.

Li Zhenbang nodded, and walked up after Xiaoketuo, he wanted to see what else was on it.

Then he walked through the three-story hall where the apprentices were working, and Li Zhenbang appeared in front of his eyes one by one, the door of each room was wrapped in thick beast skin.

"This is..." Li Zhenbang asked, pointing to the door of the room.

"This is to increase the sound insulation effect, so as to prevent the sound of forging in other rooms from coming in and affecting the creation of the masters here." Xiaokeduo said casually pulling the rope outside the door of a room.

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