Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1177: You Mingtang

"Wait? When does it have to wait until they are tall? If they keep shooting arrows like this, should we keep waiting?" the young mercenary asked puzzledly.

"It will stop soon!" Li Zhenbang said in a deep voice.

"How do you know?" the young mercenary questioned.

Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows without giving any explanation. It's not because Li Zhenbang can't explain it, but because it's mysterious that makes people more awe-inspiring.

In fact, as long as you think about it a little bit, you will know that bows and arrows are not that fun. One is that arrows can’t be carried too much, and the other is that archery requires a lot of arm strength and hurts your hands. It can shoot more than 20 arrows. People who wield weapons are no longer ordinary people.

It seemed that it was to confirm Li Zhenbang's words. In less than a minute, all the arrows stopped.

The young mercenary looked at Li Zhenbang in disbelief, the guy in front of him was absolutely amazing!

The young mercenary just wanted to stand up and check the situation outside, but was grabbed by Li Zhenbang and forced his head back.

"Wow!" A whistling flew past the young mercenary's ears, and an arrow flew past the young mercenary's side and stuck straight into the ground behind him.

The young mercenary was startled in a cold sweat. The whole person stayed there, trembling slightly, but did not dare to move.

Not everyone is surrounded by Li Zhenbang. There are several mercenaries who have escaped the catastrophe just now. The probe wanted to check, but the arrow was directly named.

Only one person was lucky. In addition, he reacted a little faster and barely saved his life. However, the entire flesh on his right cheek was pierced by the arrow, turned outside, and his right eye was not spared.

The mercenary screamed and fell to the ground, covering his face and rolling on the ground, joining the queue of those who had been injured but had not yet died, and howled in pain.

"Brothers on the opposite side, we are just a group of mercenaries running alone. We are not transporting any valuable treasures, but ordinary daily necessities. We can't make such an excitement! Did you find the wrong person?" The elder mercenary shouted.

Everyone lowered their bodies, quietly waiting for the other's response, and no one dared to show up easily, for fear of becoming the next dead soul under the arrow.

The elder mercenary shouted for a while, but the surroundings were silent, no one responded at all, and there was no strange sound.

If it were not for the corpse lying on the ground, the screaming companion, and the arrows all around, everyone would suspect that everything they had just experienced was an illusion.

"My friend, let's draw a road! How can you stop? It's not a problem to keep going like this, it's not good for all of us!" The older mercenary continued to shout.

However, no matter how the older mercenaries shouted, the other side didn't make any noise. Obviously, the other side had strict discipline and was not comparable to them, and the other side didn't seem to be prepared to talk to them.

"Friends, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the past. We are all doing things for others. We can't fight to kill the net, right? It's no good for everyone! Why don't you take a step back and let us leave the goods? How about you let us leave? "The elder mercenary continued to shout, continuing to want to negotiate terms with the hidden enemy.

The elder mercenaries were already screaming dry, but the other party seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and no one talked.

A mercenary couldn't help standing up and wanting to take a look, but as soon as he stood up, a sharp arrow pierced his throat.

The mercenary fell on his back, covering his neck with his hands, trying to say something, but he spurted blood along the corners of his mouth, he could only make a hissing sound, then his body twitched a few times, his eyes widened and his eyes filled with noness. Reconciliation and fear.

Li Zhenbang narrowed his eyes, patted the young mercenary on the shoulder, then pointed to the distance, slowly moving his lips without making a sound.

Although the young mercenary was puzzled, out of trust in Li Zhenbang, he nodded. He understood Li Zhenbang's lips, what Li Zhenbang said to him was, I said run, you run!

"MD, then let's continue to consume like this, I don't believe it, no one else will come along this road, in the end it will see who can consume it! Don't you just let go? I won't go out. Come here if you have the ability, and let you taste the greatness of Grandpa at that time!" A mercenary roared furiously.

"Your grandpa is here!" A cold voice came from the mercenary's head.

The mercenary suddenly looked up, only to realize that a man in black clothes and a black mask did not know when he had been standing on the truck above his head. At the same time, a big knife followed, and before the mercenary had time to react, a big head rolled aside.

"Run!" Li Zhenbang yelled, and at the same time stood up abruptly, without looking, waved the wind cutting sword in his hand at the top of his head.

Li Zhenbang didn't know when a black-clothed masked man appeared above Li Zhenbang's head. He didn't expect Li Zhenbang to react so quickly and hurriedly met him with a long sword in his hand.

However, the black masked man obviously overestimated the quality of the long sword in his hand, and at the same time underestimated the sharpness of Li Zhenbang's Slashing Wind Sword.

The two swords collided together, and the Zhanfeng Sword directly cut off the long sword in the hands of the black-clothed masked man. The Zhanfeng Sword did not stop, and slashed across the black-clothed masked man's chest without hesitation.

The black-clothed masked man looked at the broken sword in his hand incredibly. He did not expect that among the mobs of single-handed gangs, there would be someone with such a sharp weapon.

Hearing Li Zhenbang's shout, the young mercenary jumped out in the direction Li Zhenbang pointed out just now without looking back. At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, that is to run, keep running!

"Okay, stop!" Just when the young mercenary could no longer feel the killing sound behind him, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Hearing this voice, the young mercenary felt relieved, because the voice was not someone else, it was Li Zhenbang.

After relaxing, the young mercenary realized that all his clothes had been soaked in sweat, and his body began to tremble a little because of the tension.

"I... are we safe?" the young mercenary asked breathlessly.

"It should be safe for the time being." Li Zhenbang nodded.

"For the time being? Then let's go!" The young mercenary said as he wanted to take his legs and continue running, but found that his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it was a little difficult to move.

"I...what's wrong with me? I can't move?" The young mercenary was terrified in his heart. The more afraid he was, the more he felt his body could not move.

"Don't be nervous, relax a little! You probably haven't killed anyone before? Just get used to it from now on!" Li Zhenbang could feel the fear of the young mercenary, and said with relief.

The young mercenary stared at Li Zhenbang with wide eyes, just getting used to it? Can you get used to killing? Isn't this a joke?

"Are you going to rest here for a while and wait for me, or go back and have a look with me?" Li Zhenbang asked casually.

"What? Go back and see? Are you crazy? The other party is a murderous demon! We finally escaped, why do you still want to go back? Isn't that going to die?" the young mercenary exclaimed excitedly.

After escaping from there just now, the young mercenary had made up his mind and would not go back after being killed. Not only don't go back, but as far as possible from there.

"Aren't you surprised? The people on the other side are obviously well-trained with tacit understanding, and there are so many people. Such a team is absolutely impossible for ordinary robbers."

"What we are transporting this time is just ordinary living supplies, even ordinary robbers don't look down on them, let alone them. It's definitely not that simple! Are you not curious, don't you want to go and see it?" Li Zhenbang picked it up. Raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I don't want to!" The young mercenary shook his head into a rattle. For him, he would rather live well than kill him because of curiosity.

"Uh..." Li Zhenbang didn't expect this guy to refuse so happily. It seemed that this guy had been frightened by the opponent.

"Well then! You are here waiting for me, I will go back and see by myself." Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders.

In fact, he didn't really want to take this guy back. This guy is obviously a burden, and once a fight occurs, it will put him at a loss.

The reason why he asked, was that he didn't want this guy to feel that he had left him down, so as not to affect his future trip to the Holy City Haolixi City.

After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, he didn't hesitate to turn around and quickly ran towards the previous battlefield. It's not a long time now, and maybe we can get some useful information.

The young mercenary looked at the back of Li Zhenbang going away, feeling very entangled in his heart. If you don't go, the surroundings will be deserted, and it will inevitably be a little hairy in your heart alone.

"Wait for me!" The young mercenary gritted his teeth, fearing that Li Zhenbang would not be able to catch up if he ran away, so he hurriedly shouted, and then stepped to catch up.

Li Zhenbang was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this guy to be a little energetic. If he knew that this guy caught up because of fear, he probably wouldn't think so...

"Or let's just forget it! Being alive is the most important thing!" the young mercenary persuaded, not knowing how many times he had persuaded Li Zhenbang along the way.

"Hush! It's almost here, don't talk!" Li Zhenbang waved his hand at the young mercenary, then catted his waist and touched the front silently.

The young mercenary hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, and followed Li Zhenbang's way, without making any sound...

"None of these cars!"

"None? Isn't it here?"

"Could someone sneak away? After we rushed up, several people escaped, but they have already been sent to chase them. They should not be able to escape!"

"Will it no longer be in this team? After all, those vehicles are all in the name of escorting living supplies, and things can only be in one of the convoys!"

"No matter where they are, they must not be allowed to transport things to Haolixi City!"

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