Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1183: Joe into the city

"You..." Li Zhenbang looked at the soldier in front of him in amazement. He always felt that he was quite shameless. He didn't expect this soldier to be shameless than himself!

It stands to reason that the man's money will help people to eliminate the disaster, but the guy in front of him is not merciless with the money, but he won't do anything!

"Big brother, let's be accommodating! I'm really in a hurry! My family is still waiting for treatment!" Li Zhenbang forcibly endured it, continued to say in a low voice, and secretly passed a handful of gold coins up again.

As the saying goes, having money can make the ghosts push the ghosts. These two gold coins add up to 20 or 30 gold coins. It's just a gate, and it should be enough to say it.

"Thank you, then you raise the curtain and let me take a look." The guard unceremoniously accepted and made concessions to prevent Li Zhenbang from picking up the hat, and asked him to lift the curtain that was covered by the hat.

"I..." Li Zhenbang was so annoyed that he wanted to scold others, but in the end he endured it.

"Okay! Alas! I'm just afraid to scare you, since you insist on doing this, then I'm sorry!" Li Zhenbang sighed and raised the curtain of the hat a little.

The guard leaned forward, but when he saw Li Zhenbang's face, he was shocked and screamed. The other guards hurriedly raised their spears to isolate Li Zhenbang.

"I said it a long time ago, it will scare you if you don't believe it." Li Zhenbang shook his head helplessly.

Naturally, Li Zhenbang chose to enter Haolixi City to prepare for a pass. After all, he and the person on the pass looked different, and even the disguise would be very different.

So Li Zhenbang simply gave himself a severely burned dress, which was very realistic. There were burn marks on his face and neck. At first glance, it was not long after the first burn. Layers of blisters were not only realistic but also Very scary, if I saw this at night, I thought it was a hell!

"You...what's your situation? Is it an infectious disease?" The guard pointed at Li Zhenbang and asked.

"The house caught fire a few days ago, and it burned during the fire fighting. My family was injured more severely than me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come to the priest for treatment." Li Zhenbang said with a pained expression. With the camouflage on his face, Li Zhenbang's expression looked particularly hideous and terrifying.

"Who knows if this is a burn or an infectious disease? If it is an infectious disease, what will the people in the city do?" the guard yelled.

When the people around heard the guards' words, they all dispersed in a rush, especially those who were closer to Li Zhenbang, wishing to run two miles away.

Infectious diseases are not a joke. From the pain, they are intolerable. The family spends money like water, and they may even leave life-long sequelae. In the worst case, they can be passed on to hundreds of thousands of dead bodies.

"I warn you! Leave now! Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!" The guard said, handing the spear forward and hitting Li Zhenbang directly.

Li Zhenbang grinned in embarrassment. He didn't expect that he would eventually become a cocoon and confuse himself.

Just when Li Zhenbang was hesitant to leave, a horse-drawn carriage that looked rather high-end drove from a distance and stopped in front of the city gate. The guards who collected the money hurriedly bypassed Li Zhenbang and greeted him.

The coachman looked at the guard proudly, and handed him something that exuded a creamy white light similar to a waistband, but it was much smaller than a normal waistband, and it exuded the aura of a fifth-order light magic core.

After receiving the badge, the guard looked at it, and immediately returned it, nodding and bowing to the person in the car, but the person in the car ignored him.

Instead of being annoyed, the guard nodded and bowed at the carriage with a flattering smile, then turned his head and his expression changed, shouting loudly at the people to disperse and don't get in the way. But because of Li Zhenbang, there are no more people at the gate of the city.

"Huh!" The coachman snorted, his eyes full of disdain, he ignored the guards, flicked the whip, the tall horse shook off its four hooves, pulled the carriage and rushed directly against the guards, almost to the guards. Bumped into flight, the carriage went away.

The guards didn't care at all about it, and watched the carriage go away before turning around to deal with Li Zhenbang.

"Who is that person? Why don't you have to line up? And it doesn't give you any face, and it doesn't put you in your eyes!" Li Zhenbang said uneasily.

"What do you know? The car is an honorary bishop, who has been honored personally by His Majesty the Pope! Not to mention a small gate, even in the city of Haolixi, it can be rampant. Lord!" Maybe it was because Li Zhenbang had just received gold coins but didn't do anything, or it could be because Li Zhenbang was fighting for him. The soldier who collected the money took the initiative to explain to Li Zhenbang.

"You haven't seen the person in the car, how do you know who is in the car?" Li Zhenbang asked.

"Didn't you see the honorary badge just now? That's the best proof of identity!" the guard explained.

"How do I feel that it seems to be the magic core of a fifth-order light system monster?" Li Zhenbang asked puzzledly.

"Unexpectedly, you have a bit of foresight. The raw material of the honorary belt just now is indeed the fifth-order light magic core. Each honorary belt is personally transformed by the pope, and only his majesty can transform the light magic core. The ability!" The guard said proudly.

"Then if it is modified by a Tier 6 or Tier 7 Light Element Demon Core, isn't it a higher level?" Li Zhenbang asked curiously.

"Of course, as far as I know, the highest-ranking honor badge is transformed by the seventh-order magic core, which can only be possessed by honorary elders." The guard's face was full of envy. Obviously, it is his dream to become honorary elder. One, but with his strength and potential, honorary elders can only be a dream.

Li Zhenbang, the honorary elder of the Holy See, still has some understanding. The honorary elder is not a symbol of strength, but a symbol of honor.

The strength of honorary elders does not necessarily have to reach the holy level, but their contribution to the Holy See is absolutely unparalleled. Honorary elders can enjoy the same treatment as elders, but they have no real power.

It is as if Omega is the honorary elder of the Wizarding Guild, enjoying the treatment of the elders of the Wizarding Guild, but has no real power.

The honorary elder of the Mage Guild is an affirmation of strength. Generally, only the holy mage who has a relationship with the Mage Guild and has a good relationship can have the opportunity to become the honorary elder of the Mage Guild.

The reason why Omega can become the honorary elder of the Wizards Guild is entirely because of Yang Bing. Yang Bing is the vice president of the Guild of Magicians, Omega is a loyal fan of Yang Bing, not to mention that he is a powerful emerald dragon.

"Hurry up! You have already affected the traffic! If you don't leave, you will definitely have a lot of trouble." The guard who collected the gold coins patiently persuaded.

"Okay! For the sake of your face, I won't enter this city!" Li Zhenbang nodded, turned and left without any intention of staying.

The guard curled his lips, but for the face of the gold coin, he was too lazy to care about Li Zhenbang. He waved his hand at the person behind Li Zhenbang and shouted loudly, "The people behind come and check!"

When the people around saw Li Zhenbang walking by, they all dispersed with a hula, as if Li Zhenbang really had an infectious disease.

After Li Zhenbang disappeared, the crowd restored order and continued to enter the city in an orderly manner...

"Gala...gala..." A carriage drove slowly from a distance, and finally bypassed the crowd and stopped at the gate of the city.

The guard glanced at the carriage. The carriage looked very ordinary, not like a high-ranking official's car. He frowned, pointed at the coachman and yelled, "Hey! What are you doing? Don't you know how to line up at the back? I didn't see it. Are there so many people and cars lining up to the back?"

The coachman glanced at the guard, who was the one who had received Li Zhenbang's money but did not let him into the city.

The coachman didn't speak with a stern face, raised his whip in his hand and slammed it at the guard.

"Ah!" The guard didn't expect that the coachman would dare to attack him suddenly, but he didn't react for a while, and was screamed in his face severely.

The other guards saw the situation here, except for those who maintained normal order, they all rushed over with their weapons, and surrounded the horse-drawn carriage.

The coachman stretched out his arms in a hurry. When the other guards saw this scene, their hearts were tight. Some guards even put their spears on the coachman’s face. As long as the coachman dared to resist, he would immediately give it to him. Poke a hole.

The coachman took out a small ivory-white waistband from his arms and shook it at the crowd, shouting impatiently: "You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

When the guards saw this waist badge, they hurriedly put away their weapons and stood there embarrassed. They didn't want to go or stay. This waist card is not a normal waist card. It is a waist card transformed with a seventh-order light element magic core, which is a symbol of honorary elders.

No one doubts the authenticity of this waistband, because the entire continent can transform the light system magic core and is still a seventh-order light system magic core, except for the Pope, there will be no second one.

"The little door didn't know that it was the honorable elder who came here. This is how offensive, because we are all dedicated to the safety of the holy city, and I hope the honorary elder will understand you!" The guard who collected the money hurriedly one knee Kneeling and begging for forgiveness.

"Get out of the way right away, we are going into the city! It's a big delay, but you are the only one to ask!" The coachman scolded with staring eyes.

"Get out of the way!" Hearing the coachman's words, the guards got up in a hurry and cleared a spacious road from the crowded city gate in a blink of an eye.

The coachman swung his whip and the carriage started slowly. Walking to the guard who was drawn, the coachman threw a gold coin at his feet, "I'll see you!"

The guard looked at the carriage that was going away with a stunned look. He suddenly felt that this sound seemed to have been heard somewhere, but he couldn't remember it anymore...

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