Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1257: Xingshi asks crimes

After hearing the crisp sound, Li Zhenbang's body stopped for a moment. Instead of opening the window, he looked down at his waist and found that there was an extra jade waist pendant.

Li Zhenbang took off the jade waist pendant and looked at it carefully. There is nothing special about the jasper waist pendant. It looks similar to ordinary waist pendants, not even as exquisite as some decorative waist pendants, but it is held in hand. Li felt comfortable all over and could not help but refreshed.

"Huh?" While Li Zhenbang was still looking at his waist drop, he suddenly felt something on his chest. Opening the clothes gently, a familiar jade bottle came into view.

This jade bottle was the one that Li Zhenbang once gave to Elena, and it contained no ordinary things, but tree soul marrow liquid!

Seeing these two things, Li Zhenbang already understood in his heart, and shook his head with a wry smile. Obviously these two things were given to herself by Elena, one is helpful for her soul recovery, and the other is the best product for restoring vitality and spiritual power.

Li Zhenbang didn't try to take the tree soul liquid. Although the tree soul liquid was good, he didn't dare to try it easily. He didn't know his current physical condition.

He didn't dare to try the tree soul sap easily. After experiencing the black panther soul invading, he didn't dare to eat indiscriminately.

"Your Majesty the Beast King is here!"

Li Zhenbang did not wait for the sumptuous meals, but first waited for the Beast King. Think about it, too, it's impossible for the pig clan guards not to inform the Beast Emperor of the fact that he woke up.

Li Zhenbang hurriedly put the tree soul essence into the space ring, and Tyrone just appeared at the door.

Elena is still sentimental to return the tree soul liquid, but Li Zhenbang will not accept the tree soul liquid. He knew very well that the tree soul fluid had a greater effect on Elena, and it could continue her life, and he didn't want to lose such a friend.

He wouldn’t let the Beast Emperor transfer the Tree Soul Marrow Liquid on his behalf. The Tree Soul Marrow Liquid is not an ordinary thing. It is a rare treasure for anyone. Li Zhenbang dare not use the Tree Soul Marrow Liquid to test Tyrone’s. Character.

"Hi, your majesty!" Li Zhenbang saw Tyrone walking in alone, and hurriedly bowed to the Beast King.

"I heard that you woke up, so I put aside the things at hand and rushed over immediately." Tyrone nodded and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is bothering, the kid is really ashamed to not be!" Li Zhenbang lowered his head slightly, and said a little embarrassingly.

Of course he wasn't really embarrassed. When the Beast King gave him a face, he couldn't help but follow. Catering is also a social etiquette.

"The big prophet said, you are a distinguished guest of our evening federation, how can I neglect! How do you feel?" Tyrone looked at Li Zhenbang, and asked with concern.

"Fortunately, the body is slowly recovering. It is estimated that it will not take long to return to normal." Li Zhenbang said with a smile.

"That's good. At first, I felt that your soul power was very weak. I was almost scared to death. I thought you were going to die! If Elena didn't let me rest assured, I would do everything possible to get some recovery. The soul power medicine." Tyrone said as if it were true.

"Really? Thank you, Majesty! If you really get the medicine to restore the soul power, your Majesty must not be stingy, I will remember it!" Li Zhenbang looked gratitude.

"Uh..." Tyrone was stunned for a moment. He thought that Li Zhenbang would be polite, and then his goal of pretending to be a man was achieved. But this Li Zhenbang was a little too unconventional to play cards, and for a while he didn't know what to do. How to continue.

"Um... that... don't worry, if you get it, it will definitely be given to you. Tell them what you want to eat. Don't dare to say anything else. It's okay to eat and drink well." Tai Long hurriedly changed the subject.

Li Zhenbang was secretly funny in his heart, but he didn't puncture it either. Instead, he looked at Tyrone expectantly, "Your Majesty, I heard that there are many treasures in the treasury of the Twilight Federation. I don't know if there are any treasures that are helpful for soul recovery. ?"

"I haven't heard of it! I'll go back and check it out. If there are any, I'll send them over for you to use."

"I put aside some urgent matters when I came, and now I have to go back and deal with it. After all, emergency documents can't be delayed, so you can rest here! I'll leave first." Tyrone finished speaking, and stepped out without waiting for Li Zhenbang to reply. Out of the room.

Seeing Tai Long's footsteps hurriedly wishing to disappear immediately, Li Zhenbang resisted and did not laugh out loud.

As soon as Tyrone left, the pig clan guard brought in a few people carrying a large tray. The tray was filled with various foods, including meat and vegetables, and even desserts.

The pig guard filled the table with the food in the tray, then greeted Li Zhenbang and quit, leaving Li Zhenbang facing a table of food.

The food is not exquisite, but it is definitely rich. It’s just that Li Zhenbang is like a person who has recovered from a serious illness. There is no appetite. He just drank a few mouthfuls of vegetable soup and porridge, and ate a little light. Vegetables, and then I can't eat anything.

Li Zhenbang opened the window, and a gust of breeze blew through, with a faint fragrance of flowers in the wind, which made him a little more comfortable.

"Zhenbang, you really woke up!" Just as Li Zhenbang was thinking about what to do next, a woman's surprise voice sounded in the courtyard.

Li Zhenbang looked up and saw that it was no one else but Elena and Hu Feier.

Elena's face was full of joy, but Hu Feier did not know why her face was flushed.

"You are here! Come in!" Li Zhenbang greeted the two with a smile, and then took the initiative to open the door to greet him.

"Big Prophet, if you go in, I won't go in." Hu Feier said, standing at the door, a little bit twisted.

Elena looked at Hu Feier and laughed "pouch", but she didn't force it. She naturally understood why Hu Feier was like this. She asked Hu Feier to wash Li Zhenbang's body at the time. Obviously, this matter made Hu Feier a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with her?" Li Zhenbang looked at Hu Fei'er in a puzzled manner. He had the impression that Hu Fei'er was not such a twitchy person.

"She?" Elena glanced at Hu Feier, saw Hu Feier's threatening eyes, held back a smile, and joked: "She's okay. Recently, she may have needle-eyes and dare not see people."

"The eye of the needle? I didn't see it!" Li Zhenbang heard Elena's words and looked at Hu Fei'er, only to find that Hu Fei'er tilted her head to the side and her pretty face turned redder.

"Well, don't look, don't look, I feel embarrassed about Mayfair!" Elena said, pulling Li Zhenbang into the house, helping Hu Feier alleviate the embarrassment.

"Elena, thank you!" After the two entered the house, Li Zhenbang thanked Elena directly.

"Thank me for what?" Elena looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

Li Zhenbang smiled slightly, handed the jade bottle to Elena, and at the same time took off the jade pendant from his waist.

"You need it more now, it will be of great help to your recovery." Elena shook her head and refused.

"My current body is really not blessed, the tree soul juice is the most suitable for you, and I don't dare to eat indiscriminately if I am killed now. The way I am now is caused by indiscriminate eating." Li Zhenbang shook his head, insisting on stuffing the jade bottle and waist drop into Elena's hands.

"What's going on? Is it because you've been eating something?" Elena looked at Li Zhenbang in confusion.

"Oh! That's right!" Li Zhenbang sighed, and told Elena about swallowing the inner alchemy, but didn't tell her about the panther soul. He just said that there was a problem with the body after swallowing, and then he didn't know anything. Up.

It's not that Li Zhenbang didn't want to tell Elena, but he didn't want Elena to worry about him. He had already regarded Elena as a friend, not a partner of interest.

"Don't forget it, I'm not willing to give it to you! But you have to keep this waist drop, it can speed up your soul recovery." Elena did not twist and contrived, and generously accepted the tree soul sap, but Refusal to take back the waist pendant that is of great significance to her.

"Actually, I can't bear it either." Li Zhenbang saw that Elena took the tree soul fluid without hesitation, smiled and put the waist pendant back, hung it on the waist, then patted it, showing off at Elena Something.

Elena's actions made him very happy. It should be like this among friends, sincere and not pretentious.

"Cut, what's the show? This is just what I lent you, and when you recover, you have to return it to me!" Elena looked at Li Zhenbang provocatively.

"Stingy!" Li Zhenbang curled his lips and looked at Elena dissatisfied.

The two looked at each other, and finally couldn't help laughing.

After Elena was gone, Li Zhenbang sat alone in front of the window and carefully recalled the contents of the practice book, wanted to see if it was similar to the current situation, and to find out if there was a way to quickly restore soul power.

"Li Zhenbang, you are so courageous!" Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open, and an old man of the tiger race rushed in with eyebrows and eyebrows.

Seeing the visitor, Li Zhenbang's eyes twitched, and his heart trembled. This person turned out to be the uncle of the lord Beast Emperor of Haifeng City-Tigel.

"Uh...who are you?" Li Zhenbang pretended to be blank, and looked at Tigel suspiciously.

"You dare to forget who I am? Okay! I'll let you think about who I am!" Tigelhu glared, and the momentum of a saint-level power rushed towards Li Zhenbang.

Tiger didn't come to play this time. One was entrusted by the Beast King to teach Li Zhenbang, and the other was for Haifeng City.

Li Zhenbang made such a big disturbance in Haifeng City and caused such a big loss to Haifeng City. As the lord of Haifeng City, it is impossible for him to ignore it. Li Zhenbang must give him an explanation.

"Puff!" Li Zhenbang spouted blood fiercely, and went into a coma directly...

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