Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1264: getting Started

"Forget me? Forget yourself?" A trace of confusion flashed in Li Zhenbang's eyes.

"That's right, only by forgetting yourself can you concentrate all your mental energy and better integrate yourself. Only in this way can you summon what you want." The old man nodded and said firmly.

"How do I forget myself? Even if it is amnesia, I just forget who I am. I don't really forget myself, but I have to work hard to find myself. How can I forget myself?" Li Zhenbang has had memory loss after all. Those who have experienced it have a thorough understanding of amnesia.

"Forgetfulness does not make you really forget yourself, otherwise how do you fight? Forgetfulness is a realm that allows you to abandon distracting thoughts and focus all your energy on your calling. When calling, you have no distractions and just think about it. What you want to summon." The old man explained.

"When you summon, you must concentrate! Every time I use the summoning technique, I always want to summon a certain type of monster, or a certain type of monster, but the result is still most of the summoned. They are all poultry and livestock, and occasionally there are some rare beasts and rare birds. As for Warcraft..."

Li Zhenbang didn't continue speaking. He grew up so big that he counted the monsters that he had really summoned with both hands, so he was really embarrassed to say it.

"You just concentrated your attention and didn't reach the point of selflessness." The old man shook his head.

"Then what is ecstasy? How can we achieve ecstasy?" Li Zhenbang looked thirsty for knowledge.

"Recall the example of your successful call of Warcraft, don't miss any details." The old man did not explain, but let Li Zhenbang recall it.

"Successfully summoned the Warcraft?" Li Zhenbang whispered, and then fell into thought.

The success of the first summoning is an unforgettable thing for the summoner. The first time he summoned was not a monster of this world, but a wild horse, but he came to this world and became a head inexplicably. Tier 1 summoned beast.

Li Zhenbang carefully recalled his feelings at the time. Apart from excitement and surprise, he didn't seem to have any other feelings. And in the process of using the summoning technique, it seems that there is no special feeling.

Later, Li Zhenbang began to recall the scene when he summoned a monster in battle. The first thing Li Zhenbang remembered was the time when he was attacked by a man in black in Karo City. He desperately summoned a Tier 3 earth dragon monitor.

Had it not been for Omega's Inverse Scales to protect him at the critical moment, he might have already grown tall grass.

Li Zhenbang slowly closed his eyes, as if he was once again in the situation at the time, and then carefully experienced the psychology of the earth dragon monitor lizard when he summoned it.

You must know that Li Zhenbang didn't stand still and used the summoning technique at the time, but while evading the attack of a group of men in black, while summoning, he was even hit several times by the men in black during the period.

At that time, although Li Zhenbang had one mind and two purposes, he eagerly hoped that the summoning technique would succeed, because only if the summoning technique was successful, could he survive.

In the end, he actually succeeded, and he also summoned a terrific Tier 3 Earth Dragon monitor lizard. Although the ending was not changed by the Earth Dragon Monitor, the appearance of the Earth Dragon Monitor did help him solve some problems.

Li Zhenbang calmly remembered, felt it, and stood motionless.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's appearance, the old man didn't pay much attention at first. He felt that it would take Li Zhenbang a few days to touch some doorways, at least a few hours.

But slowly he began to be surprised. He felt that Li Zhenbang's condition was getting better and better, and he seemed to have entered an ethereal state. Although he has not reached the state of selflessness he said, it is very close, and it will not take Li Zhenbang to reach his current state in total for a stick of incense.

In the surprised eyes of the old man, Li Zhenbang slowly raised his right hand with the palm facing up. Although the whole movement was slow, it gave people a feeling of flowing water. Every subtle movement seemed to contain an inexplicable beauty. .

"Wood!" Li Zhenbang's lips lightly opened, and his voice was very peaceful.

As soon as Li Zhenbang's voice fell, a cylindrical wooden stake with a length of arm and a palm length appeared in Li Zhenbang's palm.

The old man was stunned. If Li Zhenbang summoned a summoned beast at this time, he would not be so surprised. After all, it is normal for a summoner to summon a beast, but Li Zhenbang actually summoned a beast. Cut the wood.

Although the wood is only the size of a palm, it is a piece of wood after all, which has already broken the threshold that the summoner can only summon monsters.

Although this is only a small step for summoning, it is a big step for Li Zhenbang to become a true summoner.

The first step is often the most difficult, at least until now, except for the old man himself, he hasn't heard of any summoner that can do this step.

It took him a whole week from truly understanding and starting to try to successfully summoning something other than the beast. If you count from the beginning of his research, then the time is even more incalculable.

Just when the old man thought that Li Zhenbang would open his eyes and show off with excitement, the abnormality arose.

I saw that the wooden stake in Li Zhenbang's hand began to change. At first, it was just that some fine debris appeared on the edge of the wooden stake. Gradually, the debris became more and more obvious, and Li Zhenbang's brows were wrinkled into a lump, and the sweat followed. The forehead dropped and his breathing became a little heavy.

The old man didn't know what Li Zhenbang was doing. Could it be that something went wrong because the progress was too fast? But he didn't dare to disturb Li Zhenbang easily, because he was afraid that Li Zhenbang would be harmed if he acted rashly.

Just when the old man was a little nervous and anxious, Li Zhenbang's body shook slightly, his eyes suddenly opened, and he arched his waist and gasped violently.

"What's wrong with you?" The old man hurriedly stepped forward to help, and asked nervously.

In any case, Li Zhenbang can be regarded as his first descendant. If Li Zhenbang is unable to comprehend or use it, it can be understood that his talent is too poor, but if there is danger in the process of using it, then there is a problem with his method.

If this is the case, it means that his method is likely to only apply to himself, and will have no meaning to the entire Summoner industry, and his research efforts in this life will be wasted.

Li Zhenbang waved his hand and said breathlessly, "It's's okay...on a whim, forgetting that there is a problem with my mental power, but the steps are a bit big, and my mental power is somewhat overdrawn. I just need a little rest."

The old man helped Li Zhenbang to sit down, and then picked up the wooden stake in Li Zhenbang's hand. He found that there were some carved traces on the wooden stakes. The traces were a little messy. After carefully distinguishing them, they faintly looked like a wooden sword.

The old man glanced at Li Zhenbang who was recovering cross-legged, and then looked at the wooden stake in his hand. He was a little surprised. Could it be that he just wanted to carve this wooden stake into a wooden sword?

Putting the palm of his hand on the trace of the wooden stake, the old man closed his eyes and felt it carefully. He did not feel any gold magic element, but felt some traces of wood magic element on the trace.

The old man knew it clearly. Obviously Li Zhenbang just wanted to manipulate the wood magic elements to change the appearance of the wooden stakes. As a result, his mental energy was consumed too much, and he failed just at the beginning.

Looking at Li Zhenbang, the old man shook his head speechlessly. This kid was too arrogant. He didn't learn how to crawl, so he wanted to try to run.

After about half an incense stick, Li Zhenbang slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, the recovery is getting faster and faster! The mental power seems to have increased a little too! Is your soul already recovering?" The old man looked at Li Zhenbang in surprise.

At the beginning, Li Zhenbang had to be lethargic for a few hours. Now he can recover before half a stick of incense, and his mental power has increased. In addition, he touched the threshold of the summoning technique so quickly, this little guy could hardly be a monster. ?

"It seems to be some signs of recovery, but the effect is not great." Li Zhenbang shrugged his shoulders, his tone rather helpless.

Li Zhenbang's current soul power and spiritual power are simply incomparable with the strongest period he used to be. If the strongest period was the light of the bright moon, then even the light of fireflies can't match it now. Even if it recovers some, it still can't be regarded as the glow of firefly.

"This is a good thing. It proves that your soul and mental power have begun to recover. As long as you have enough time, you may be able to return to normal!" The old man replied and comforted.

However, the old man was actually very regretful in his heart, and finally met a person with high savvy and able to talk, but turned out to be a little guy with a severely damaged soul. He didn't know whether he should sigh for his life, or sigh for making others.

"Time? Haha!" Li Zhenbang smiled bitterly without saying anything. What he lacks most now is time. If he had enough time, he would make himself like this.

"How do you feel?" The old man didn't continue talking nonsense, and went directly to the topic. Li Zhenbang is already a successful entry, and now he is eager to know how Li Zhenbang feels.

"Feeling? Not good, it feels quite illusory!" Li Zhenbang took the wooden stake from the old man, even though he was still carving it on the stake at the time, but until now, he has always had an unreal feeling in his heart. .

"Have I reached the state of no self just now?" Li Zhenbang looked at the old man expectantly.

"No-self? What do you think? At most, it is barely reaching the state of selflessness!" The old man curled his lips.

"It's good to forget myself!" Li Zhenbang smiled, but it was easy to be satisfied.

"What a shit! Believe it or not, do it again, you may not be able to enter the state of ecstasy again?" the old man said dissatisfied.

"Then I will show you one more time!" Li Zhenbang raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes again.

"Ouch!" Li Zhenbang just closed his eyes and couldn't help crying out in pain.

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