Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1282: battle of wits

Ordinary poisons can indeed be blocked by fighting qi, but the third white powder is most likely not poison, otherwise Meng Ting'an will not pretend to be poisoned.

It was precisely because they saw that Meng Ting'an's disguised partner Qiqiao was bleeding, that they would try their best to exert their vindictive qi, trying to force the poison out of their bodies as much as possible, but the result was counterproductive.

Li Zhenbang suspected that the white powder Meng Ting'an used for the last time was not a poison, but a tonic with a beneficial effect. Because it is beneficial to the body, vindictiveness will not be resisted. It's like a magician blesses a warrior with a state of gain. Under normal circumstances, vindictiveness will not be resisted.

Although Li Zhenbang has no in-depth research on pharmacology, he still knows some common sense. For example, epinephrine, if appropriate, is beneficial to people. It can increase blood flow, enhance the body's response, make people excited, and even save lives.

But once adrenaline is overdose, it will also bring serious consequences, such as anxiety, heart palpitations, fatigue, and may even cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

To put it more bluntly, if you don’t eat, you will starve to death. If you eat too much, you can really die. All things must have a degree, otherwise, it is likely to backfire.

I have to say that Meng Ting'an's actions surprised Li Zhenbang. He was not only fighting, but also speculating on the opponent's psychology.

The heavy rain of the third-level magician not only wet everyone, but also mixed the powder thrown by Meng Ting'an into it, which flowed all over the body of these people, making it better integrated into the body of these people.

When the medicinal powder was in close contact with everyone, Meng Ting'an pretended to be poisoned again, how could the people on the field take care of him a lot. As long as you don't want to die, you will definitely find a way to force the poison out of your body as soon as possible, and the result hits Meng Ting'an's trick.

Dou Qi traveled all over the body, and Meng Ting'an's medicinal powder also flowed into all parts of the body, and the original trace amount turned into an overdose.

Seeing everyone slumped on the ground, Xiaodao secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he had no impulse, otherwise he would have to follow in the footsteps of those people.

In fact, Xiaodao was originally going to let everyone entangle Meng Ting'an, and then he took the opportunity to sneak attack, but now this plan is obviously impossible to achieve.

His strength is not weak, but what he is best at is not facing the enemy head-on, but stealth detection and assassination.

The reason why his boss, the sixth-level fire magician, is still alive and well, he can be said to have made a great contribution.

He is his boss's most trusted scout. He can always detect danger at the first time, so that his boss can avoid it in time.

Xiaodao asked the last three soldiers around him to rescue the six people who fell to the ground, but the three people looked at the muddy battlefield and looked at each other, and no one dared to go forward easily.

Who knows what poison is in those six people? In case of infection, wouldn't the three of them have to explain where they were in the past? Even if the poisoned person is not contagious, no one can say whether the poison has been washed away by the rain. If there is poison in the puddle on the ground, if they saved people in the past, wouldn't they have to go in?

It is true that they are a little afraid of the knife in their hearts, but the situation is unknown now. Compared with the unknown danger, the danger of the knife is the same. Besides, there are only a few of them left now, and the enemy doesn't know where they are. Even if Xiaodao has an opinion, can they still kill them?

They have already made up their minds. Unless Xiaodao goes up to save people, they can barely consider helping them, otherwise Xiaodao will let them die, and they are not that stupid.

Seeing that these three people had no intention of saving people, Xiaodao felt a little overwhelmed on his face. Usually, except for the boss, he had the most right to speak. Now these three people are not obedient, and he is quite annoyed.

But he also understands that now is not the time for internal strife, otherwise, the relatives will be hurting the enemies.

Xiaodao glanced at the three of them coldly, and kept the three of them in his heart. He planned to wait for the end of this matter to go back and settle accounts with them.

Xiaodao did not continue to order them, and it could be regarded as tacit approval of their disobedience. Two of the three were silver warriors and one was a black iron warrior. At this time, it was a deterrent for these three to not do anything.

Anyway, those six people have lost their combat effectiveness. It is still unknown whether they can survive or not. If they don't save them, they won't be able to save them. It's better than saving three people.

With the three of them here, as well as the two magicians and himself and the boss, the strength on his side is still dominant. Once that person gives him a chance, he has the confidence to let that person pay his debts with blood!

Everyone did not speak, but looked around vigilantly, so the atmosphere on the field became very calm for a while, calm and depressing, only the sound of heavy rain falling on the ground remained.

The six powerless people were still crawling on the ground hard, their faces covered with mud, but this did not hide their desire to survive. They always have an obsession in their hearts, and they can only survive if they climb to the side of everyone.

Seemingly aware that no one would save the six people, Meng Ting'an, who had been lying on the ground for a while, quickly stood up, and then charged towards the six people.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that once the efficacy of these six people wears off, they will still be six vigorous warriors.

He was already at a disadvantage. If these six people returned to normal, his assassination today would have to end in failure. If an assassination fails, it will be even more difficult if you want to have a second time.

He did not choose this group of bandits and robbers randomly. One was because the group of bandits and robbers did not deal with Situ Hong, and the other was because the boss of this group of bandits and robbers was a sixth-level magician.

Even if his current strength is to cooperate with Xiaojing, it is not an easy task to kill a golden warrior.

But killing a sixth-level magician can bring him no less benefit than a golden warrior. Compared with killing a golden warrior, it is obviously much easier to kill a sixth-level magician.

Meng Ting'an's current practice is called Killing and Fighting Against the Heavens. This practice is indeed as Cui Lang discovered. It can absorb the opponent's strength through killing to improve his strength. After practicing to a certain extent, he can even absorb the opponent's soul power for himself. use.

Naturally, Meng Ting'an didn't own this exercise. After he and Xiaojing met, they were on their way to find Situ Hong, and they accidentally discovered it while sheltering from the rain in a cave.

This method is cultivated through killing. The more killings and the heavier the murderous aura, the easier it is to cultivate, and the practice will be multiplied with half the effort.

The reason why Meng Ting'an desperately helped Situ Hong to expand his territory after finding him was because of killing the Heaven-defying Art.

This can not only kill in an open and honest way, but also help Situ Hong to expand his territory, and at the same time leave a good impression on Situ Hong, and may even create a force for himself. for?

Xiaojing naturally knew about this, and she also supported Meng Ting'an very much. After all, Meng Ting'an's strength was to seek revenge for Hou Guangzu, otherwise she would not leave as many people as possible to Meng Ting'an to kill.

The stronger Meng Ting'an's strength, the greater the chance of her revenge. If it weren't for the fact that the Slaughter Defying Technique was only suitable for warriors to practice, she would probably follow along.

When Meng Ting'an's body had just changed, Xiaodao had already discovered it. Perhaps because of the heavy rain, Meng Ting'an had recovered his original appearance, and was no longer the black iron warrior with seven orifices bleeding.

Xiaodao knew exactly what Meng Ting'an wanted to do. It stands to reason that he should have stepped forward to stop it. After all, the six people were his own, but his reason stopped Xiaodao. He was afraid that it was Meng Ting'an's trick again.

In his heart, those six people were already deeply poisoned, and even if they hadn't died yet, they probably wouldn't be able to live for long.

Meng Tingan was lying on the ground motionless before, apparently hoping that someone on his side would save people, and then he could take the opportunity to start.

As a result, the people on his side didn't go to save people, so he had to stand up and pretend to kill people, just to force the people on his side to rush to save people.

If you do this, you will definitely fall into his trap, and it is very likely that people will not be rescued and put yourself in.

Taking ten thousand steps back, he said that even if he succeeded in his rescue, he was not injured, but these six people had already been poisoned, and without a symptomatic antidote, the six of them could not survive. Rather than taking the risk to rescue the six who don't survive, it's better to stick to the status quo so as not to fall into a trap.

"Help...Help!" The six people saw Meng Ting'an rushing towards them, and they were willing to sit still and desperately shouted for help at Xiaodao.

It has to be said that in the face of death, people often burst out with amazing power. The six people were obviously weak, but two of them suddenly stood up and stumbled towards the large army.

It is said to be running, in fact, it is just a little faster than the person who crawls. But this is already good for them. As long as they are faster than the other four, they can return to their team one step faster, and they have the possibility to survive!

I don't know if it was the six people's will to survive that moved Xiaodao, or Xiaodao couldn't bear it. Although he didn't rush up, he let the magician use magic support remotely.

The third-level water magician tried his best to save people, and the water arrows and water bombs attacked Meng Ting'an desperately.

But he was only a third-level magician after all, and his attack could hardly stop Meng Ting'an's footsteps, and Meng Ting'an was still approaching quickly.

The other magician could only stare at him. He was a second-level fire magician. If he used his skills, he would weaken the attack of the water magician.

Just when Meng Ting'an was about to approach the last person, a wall of fire with extremely high temperature suddenly appeared in front of him, and the sixth-level fire magician finally couldn't help but take action...

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