Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 130: Xuanmingdong

Everyone hurried over and saw a stone stele measuring about one meter in size beside Paul. The stele was covered with dust and the writing on it was a little fuzzy.

Of course, this is not the case for Shahanshan, a second-level earth magician. With the control of the earth element by the sandhanshan, the dust gradually disappeared, revealing the writing on the stone tablet.

There are only three large characters carved out on the stone tablet-Xuanming Cave. Everyone, look at me and I will look at you. Obviously no one has heard of this Xuanming Cave.

Li Zhenbang had already contacted Duoduo when he first entered Xuanming Cave. What Duoduo gave back to him is that this is not an illusion, but a world similar to an acquired bag, a real world that exists independently. And there is no breath of treasure here, and Duoduo can't play any role here.

Stanley sighed helplessly. This didn't match the information he had heard. It seemed that the middle-aged teacher did not deceive them.

"Zhenbang, what should we do next?" Zhang Dayou asked with some confusion. Although the team leader is Zhang Dayu, but the real brain is Li Zhenbang.

"I have no good way. We can only take one step and count one step. Everyone must be careful. Don't worry." Li Zhenbang extended his spiritual exploration to 20 meters, and everything within 20 meters was clearly presented in Li Zhenbang's In my mind.

Zhang Dayu and the wild wolf stood at the front of the team. Li Zhenbang, Lan Leshui, Sha Hanshan and Lin Wan'er were in the middle to support them. Xiaopang stood on the left side of the team, Paul and Stanley stood on the right side of the team, and Lin Qiushan was behind. Everyone kept the formation and moved forward slowly.

Suddenly a strange noise spread to everyone's ears, everyone stopped moving, and looked around vigilantly, Li Zhenbang turned his mental power to the limit, and there was nothing unusual in the circular area with a radius of more than 40 meters. Li Zhenbang gathered his mental power into a fan shape and covered it toward the front, and soon found some abnormality about 60 meters ahead.

Li Zhenbang motioned everyone to come closer and shared his findings with everyone to see what everyone thought.

"After turning ahead, it was about forty meters and there were some abnormalities. According to my observations, there should be some snake monsters and scorpion monsters. The specific rank is unknown. They are very concealed, and they are all under the accumulated silt. Action." Lin Qiushan was taken aback when they heard Li Zhenbang's words, their faces were filled with incredible expressions, but Zhang Dayu and others seemed to have become accustomed to them, and did not show any surprises.

"Whatever it is, we have to go over! There is only one way, we have no choice! And now we don’t know what our mission is and how it will be completed, so I suggest that we kill all the monsters we encounter along the way. !" Zhang Dayou said without hesitation.

"I think we should try our best to avoid conflicts so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. As far as I know, there is usually a powerful king among the gregarious beasts. If we slaughter too many beasts, I am afraid that after these kings come out, right We are a big threat!" Lin Qiushan thought for a while and put forward different opinions.

Zhang Dayu curled his lips in disdain and said: "If a king-level monster appears, wouldn't it be better for us to kill it and explode some magic cores?"

"Dear friend, Qiu Shan is right. This is a completely unfamiliar world to us. It is better to do more than less. It is the most important thing to complete the assessment as soon as possible, and the other is not important." Li Zhenbang said cautiously.

Zhang Dayou sighed helplessly, "I thought I could earn some extra money from the assessment, it looks like it's out of play!"

The roommates all looked like I didn't recognize him, and Lin Wan'er covered her mouth and let out a "pouch".

Zhang Dayou curled his lips disapprovingly, and said unconvinced: "Huh! When the time comes, the magic core will be mine. Whoever robs me and who is anxious, let you be upright!"

"The good things are yours, we don't want anything, we only need to complete the assessment successfully!" Lin Qiushan said with a smile.

"You kid is loyal! I recognize you, brother!"


Although the number of monsters here is more and more difficult to entangle, but the ranks are not high, they are all around the second and third ranks, and they are all physical attacks with poisonous attacks, and no one can use magic attacks.

After killing a few snake and scorpion monsters, Zhang Dayu had to give up his idea of ​​collecting magic cores. After the death of the monsters here, let alone the magic core, there are not even bones left.

After the death of the beast, it will turn into a purple smoke and dissipate in the air. At first everyone thought it was poisonous gas, but Li Zhenbang sensed through his mental power that these smoke were not poisonous gas, but absorbed by the surrounding space. . The skills used by everyone will eventually turn into energy and be absorbed by this space, becoming a part of this space.

Li Zhenbang couldn't help but wonder, the space behind the Ancient Teleportation Array is indeed an ingenious design! No wonder the space behind these ancient teleportation arrays can be used for a long time, so that it is endless, cyclical, and it is difficult to achieve the collapse of the space due to lack of energy.

After everyone adapted to the strength and attack methods of the monsters in this space, the speed of advancement was gradually accelerating.

The attack range of the monsters here is only five meters in front of you. If you do not enter its attack range, the monsters here will not attack actively, but if they are actively attacked by the monsters here, it will be in an endless state and run more. Far away is useless.

Because of this feature of Warcraft, everyone tried to avoid unnecessary fighting, which also indirectly accelerated the speed of advancement.

When everyone was moving forward, a fork suddenly appeared in front of them. This was the first time a fork appeared. After everyone cleaned up the monsters near the fork, they took turns to recover the energy they lost.

"Zhenbang, how should we go down there?" Zhang Dayou took a closer look at each fork, and found that there was no special place at all, and finally asked Li Zhenbang helplessly.

Li Zhenbang thought for a while, took out two candles from the space bracelet, placed one at each fork, and then lit them.

To Li Zhenbang's surprise, the flames of the two candles burned straight, and there was no imaginary flame shaking.

Li Zhenbang frowned involuntarily. This phenomenon is the last thing he wants to see. It means that there is almost no air flow here, and no air flow means there is no exit here!

Li Zhenbang put away the candles on the ground, carefully observed the two forks, and found no valuable information.

Li Zhenbang shook his head helplessly, he didn't know what to do anymore, now he can only take a look at this situation!

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