Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1301: One hit kill

The people of the Flood Fighting Alliance were not monolithic at first, and they were usually led by their own bosses. At this time, everyone was in chaos, especially when some people saw their brothers being killed, they wanted to put their wings on it immediately. Fly over to help. Some people rushed forward, others rushed back, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

"Push me up!"

"Our brother was attacked in the back, get out of the way!"

"Bastard, those who dare to step back will be punished as deserters, and they will be killed without mercy!"

"MD, dare to stop me from saving my brother and kill your whole family!"

These people are not good people, cursing and shoving each other, and the threat of death makes them more and more crazy. In addition, the other teams around them and they all have some blood debts, in this case, under the stimulation of blood and death, someone finally started to attack the people around them.

This time, it was even more out of control. There were crossbow arrows attacking in front, followed by chasing soldiers, and the people in the middle began to kill each other again, and the scene became more chaotic.

Fortunately, Yue Feng was commanding the front, and a group of people with shields blocked the frontal crossbow arrows, otherwise the casualties would become greater.

At this moment, the city gate of Hongjiabao suddenly opened, and Situ Hong led a group of people and rushed out with a crossbow guarding the city with reels.

The defensive crossbow is different from the ordinary crossbow arrow and arrow. The frontal power of the defensive crossbow is quite terrifying, and the ordinary shield is no different from the paper under its attack.

The biggest disadvantage of the defensive crossbow is that the attack interval is too long. The reloading of the crossbow of the defensive crossbow is too time-consuming, and it is too bulky and inconvenient to move. Otherwise, it is definitely a terrifying murder weapon.

"Release!" After the defensive crossbows were lined up, Situ Hong roared loudly, and the defensive crossbow let out a roar like a beast, and shot his arrows straight ahead.

The crossbow bolts roared out, and the warrior with the shield in front of them became their first contact.

"Puff puff..." The crossbow arrow shot through the shields in their hands without any accident, pierced their bodies, and directly tore them in half.

The people behind them did not escape this disaster either, and were either shot in half by the crossbow arrow, or were shot through by the crossbow arrow.

Broken bodies were everywhere on the ground, and stumps and arms were everywhere. nerve.

The first people who have experienced the attack of the city-defense crossbow and survived the catastrophe will either flee frantically behind them, or howl and rush towards the city-defense crossbow. As long as they rush into the crowd before the city-defense crossbow is successfully reloaded, they will be safe. .

Situ Hong stepped forward alone, holding the hilt of the pitch-black tyrannical sword with one hand, and looked arrogantly at the group of men rushing forward in front of him.

Situ Hong slowly raised the Tyrant Sabre, pointed at the rushing crowd, slowly grasped the hilt of Tyrant Saber with both hands, and then erected it on his side.

"Come on! I want to see, who of you has the ability to pass me!" Situ Hong took a deep breath, glared his eyes, and shouted angrily.

The pitch-black blade of the Tyrant Kuang Saber suddenly flashed a cold light, and then a red light appeared all over the body. Situ Hong felt the heat in his palm, a warm current flowed into his body along his arm, and an unprecedented force filled every corner of his body.

With a sound of "Boom", the golden Dou Qi in Situ Hong's body instantly poured out of his body, and Situ Hong's whole body was shrouded in golden Dou Qi.

Situ Hongfu reached his heart and swung two knives left and right in front of him, and a golden X formed by condensed golden fighting qi charged towards the front.

The silver aura of the silver warrior who rushed in front of him instantly shrouded his body and the epee in his hand, and he waved the epee to resist.

But when his epee and X collided, the epee in his hand was directly cut into two pieces by the golden X, and at the same time his body was cut off.

The golden X did not stop because of this, but continued to charge behind him.

The people standing behind the silver warriors, as long as they were within the attack range of the golden X, were either divided into two, or their arms and legs were broken.

For a moment, everyone who rushed forward hurriedly stopped and looked at Situ Hong with stunned expressions. Although Situ Hong was famous before, it was not because of his strength. No one would have imagined that Situ Hong's casual strike would have such power.

In fact, Situ Hong was also very surprised in his heart. He really knew his own strength all the more, and it stands to reason that it would be absolutely impossible for him to make such an attack. Recalling the scene just now, Situ Hong knew in his heart that this was absolutely inseparable from the Tyrant Sabre in his hand.

The Tyrant Crazy Saber was a weapon he accidentally acquired, but it was a weapon used by a deceased strong man. The name was Tyrannical Crazy Saber.

Situ Hong likes the tyrannical sword very much. He is good at using it from the beginning. Since he got it, the tyrannical sword has become his weapon.

I have never found anything special about the Tyrant Crazy Blade before, that is, it is very strong and durable. No matter what kind of weapon it is tough, it has never been damaged. I did not expect that it would bring him such an unexpected harvest today.

From this point of view, the Tyrant Mad Saber is definitely not just as simple as being strong and durable, it must have some special abilities, but it has not been discovered yet.

Situ Hong stood there alone and stopped everyone abruptly, even Yue Feng didn't dare to take a step forward.

The energy and aura that Situ Hong burst out just now made him feel inexplicably frightened. If Situ Hong had attacked him at that time, he would not have the confidence to take that blow.

At the beginning, the people in the middle didn't notice anything unusual, and they were still fighting with each other, but gradually the voices became calmer, and everyone slowly stopped, watching Yue Feng and his group stop ahead. At this time, the defensive crossbow has also been reloaded again, and the second round of attacks can be launched at any time.

They stopped attacking, but Meng Ting'an and the others and the people behind the pad did not stop. Nothing happened in front of them. At this time, they only had the enemy in front of them.

During the melee, someone had to stand up. Even though the people of the Flood Fighting Alliance were not in unity, there were still people who were sober at the critical moment.

A golden crocodile warrior from the Flood Fighting Alliance roared and stepped forward, cutting a human silver warrior in front of him in half with one knife. The warriors waved their big swords and roared up to the sky, as if possessed by a **** of war.

I have to say that this sword of the crocodile golden warrior really boosted morale. He instantly became the focus of the back-end battlefield, and the people behind the pad actually had a tendency to counterattack centered on him.

Li Zhenbang frowned slightly. What they like most about raids like them is that the more chaotic the other party is, the better. What they hate most is to be blocked. There are even people like the Golden Crocodile Warriors who can stand up and boost morale.

Suddenly, a masked man rushed towards the golden crocodile warrior with bare hands. The golden warrior of the crocodile looked at the person with disdain.

There were a few people who fought very viciously just now, and the golden warriors of the crocodile tribe all remembered them one by one. This masked guy was not among these people.

The golden crocodile warrior sneered and looked at the masked man who rushed up, raised his sword, and raised his eyebrows, "Boy, if you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

After finishing speaking, the golden warrior of the crocodile tribe rushed forward with a big knife, and did not put down any big words that made him a few tricks because the masked man was unknown.

All he thought at this time was that someone dared to challenge his authority at this time. He really didn't know whether to live or die. Then he would continue to kill a few people to stand up and make others terrified.

The masked man was not frightened by the strength of the golden crocodile warrior, and the wind was blowing under his feet, and he rushed up to meet the golden warrior of the crocodile.

The golden warrior of the crocodile tribe held a large sword in both hands and slashed at the masked man. This move was the same as the move that just split the silver warrior in half. Obviously, he just wanted to rely on his powerful strength to do it again and again. enemy.

Seeing the masked man rushing up to meet his big knife, the golden warrior of the crocodile tribe showed a cruel smile in his eyes. Trash is trash, it's useless except to send people's heads and improve the morale of one's own side!

Seeing that the big knife had already slashed to the top of the masked man's head, the scene of the silver warrior being split in half was about to be staged again, but the masked man suddenly moved.

I saw the masked man raised his left hand and faced the big sword of the golden warrior of the crocodile tribe.

The golden warrior of the crocodile tribe showed a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was very disdainful of what the masked man did.

In his opinion, there should be some defensive equipment on the masked man's left hand, and he wants to use it to fight himself, and then his right hand takes the opportunity to attack him.

However, he also underestimated his own strength and the big sword in his hand!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the masked man's left hand collided with the crocodile golden warrior's broadsword. The masked man's left and right were not cut into two sections as imagined, but only sunk a little.

Just at the moment when the golden crocodile warrior was stunned, the masked man's right hand shot out like lightning, and the whole right hand directly penetrated the heavy armor on the chest of the golden warrior of the crocodile tribe, revealing from behind, and the masked man's In his hand he was holding the still beating heart of the golden crocodile warrior.

"You..." The golden crocodile warrior looked at the masked man in front of him with disbelief. He really couldn't figure it out, how could he suddenly become so strong just now that he was just on par with the ordinary minions!

Before he finished speaking, blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, his body softened, and his huge body fell to the ground, and he would never know why.

It's a one-hit kill again, just as neat...

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