Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1327: Sandpiper and clam fighting

"The gang leader, we have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the recent past, and the well water does not violate the river water. Why do you need to come to this muddy water? Our Hard Armored Sect has never been interested in the ranking of disputes in the rivers and lakes, just hope that we can settle down in one corner. , why do you bring people to besiege each other?" Xiang Wentian looked at the tyrant king with bright eyes.

"Hey! How can we force each other so hard? It is precisely because your Hard Armor Sect has a good reputation and high prestige in the arena that we are thinking of pursuing a great cause with you!" The tyrant king shook his head and sighed.

"Like Sect Master, Jianghu has been silent for too long. Many so-called powerful sect gangs have already eaten their corpses. Instead of making any contribution to Jianghu, they only know how to oppress us, those sect gangs who want to develop desperately."

"They are simply the moths of the rivers and lakes, the scum of the rivers and lakes! Only by defeating them can we honest and responsible sect gangs have a future!" Mo Yusheng shouted excitedly.

"It's not our Hard Armored Sect who oppressed you, but now you are uniting to besiege us. What's the difference between you and the so-called sect gangs you call? If you really want to resist, you should go to those who oppress you. The sect gang, not to trouble our hard armored sect!" Xiang Wentian asked coldly.

"Sect Master Xiang, I have been saying that you have misunderstood us. We did not want to do this to you, but sincerely hope that you can fight against those brutal powers with us!"

"The joining of your Hard Armored Sect will make this river and lake become what we all want faster! Don't you want the river and lake to become purer and become what we all want?" road.

"I'm afraid it's not what we want, it's just what you want! Our Hard Armored Sect's wish is very simple, that is, to be free from the world! The so-called brutal power in your mouth did not provoke us, on the contrary, you keep saying that you want to resist This guy has surrounded us with water!" Xiang Wentian sneered.

Although the two sides are arguing with each other, they are more restrained. The tyrant king hoped to persuade Xiang Wentian to lead the people of the Hard Armor Sect to join his side to fight against the tyrannical power, but Xiang Wentian said that the tyrant king and the others were the root cause of the chaos in the world.

Just as the two sides were arguing, there was a sudden sound of fighting in the valley, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound of fighting.

The tyrant king and Mo Yunsheng looked at the past because they didn't know what happened, while Xiang Wentian looked at the past because he wanted to know what happened to Xiang Lin Hai. If Xiang Lin Hai can successfully lead someone to capture Tong Ling, then the crisis of the Hard Armored Sect can be lifted.

Although the Tyrant King and Mo Yunsheng still have the upper hand in numbers, without Tong Ling, the Hard Armored Sect will have the upper hand in terms of top combat power. A little bit swallowed the Demon Cloud Sect and the Hunshi Gang.

"Xiang Wentian, your Hard Armored Sect is too shameless! Sect Master Tong who actually attacked Tian Can Sect!" After seeing the situation in the valley, Mo Yunsheng pointed at Xiang Wentian on the mountain gate and shouted loudly.

"Sneak attack? We found out that you wanted to sneak attack us, but now you dare to file a complaint here, it's extremely shameless!" Xiang Wentian scolded back rudely, as if he was telling the truth. .

Although Xiang Linhai is not as strong as Tong Ling, he is a powerful golden warrior after all, and his natural strength is extraordinary. A pair of big axes is powerful and powerful. He also brought many good players to besiege Tong Ling.

Tong Ling, on the other hand, has certain physical flaws. Even if she cultivates the most suitable exercises, she still can't completely make up for her physical deficiencies. In addition, she is not good at strength. The weapons she uses are not the steel that attacked Cui Lang before. There is only one long whip besides the needle, so after being besieged by a group of good players, it is somewhat disadvantaged.

How could the people of Tian Can Sect helplessly watch the door owner Tong Ling in danger, all of them left their posts and rushed over to Tong Ling, no matter how much Mo Yusheng drank it, it was of no use.

Mo Yusheng saw that it was useless to stop drinking, and he was about to shoot and kill a few people from the Heavenly Remnant Sect to give a warning, but was stopped by the tyrant king.

"The gang leader, what are you doing to stop me? They have no organization or discipline and must be severely punished!" Mo Yusheng said angrily.

The tyrant king shook his head, "They are all members of the Heavenly Remnant Sect. When they see their own sect master in danger, how could they not be saved? Although we can usually command the people of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, the situation is special now. "

"No matter how special the situation is, it's not a reason for them to leave without permission!" Mo Yusheng said with his eyes wide open.

"Think about it from another perspective. If you are the one in danger, do you want to see the people of the Demon Cloud Sect stick to their posts honestly and watch you in danger?" The tyrant king patted Mo Yun. Sheng's shoulders asked calmly.

"I...I..." Mo Yusheng had been with me for a long time, but I didn't come out of nowhere.

"Leave me alone, let's help too! Maybe this is also an opportunity for us!" The tyrant king narrowed his eyes, he had already seen that the person besieging Tong Ling was Xiang Lin Hai.

Xiang Linhai wanted to control Tong Ling to turn the defeat into a victory, but if they could control Xiang Linhai, wouldn't they be able to win as well?

"Then what will they do? Don't they just leave it alone? What if they run away?" Mo Yusheng glanced at the elephant on the mountain gate.

"Run? I'm afraid not only will they not run, but they will try their best to stop us!" The tyrant king glanced at Xiang Wentian on the hard armor sect mountain gate.

"Stop us? Then why don't we just wait here and wait for him?" Mo Yusheng frowned slightly.

"If we wait here, they will definitely not come out. They are mainly targeting us!" The tyrant king's heart was like a mirror.

The two of them didn't move. Xiang Wentian couldn't move. At most, they sent someone from the Hard Armored Sect to help Xiang Linhai. But if Lin Hai dares to lead people to besiege Tong Ling like this, then he will definitely have a backer. Those people from Tian Can Sect will definitely not be able to rescue Tong Ling so easily. Xiang Lin Hai is not an adventurous person.

Mo Yusheng took a deep breath and loudly ordered to everyone in the Demon Cloud Sect: "The Demon Cloud Sect obeys the order, come with me to rescue Master Tong, and capture the elephant Lin Hai alive!"

"Catch the elephant Lin Hai alive!" The people of Demon Cloud Sect raised their weapons and roared loudly, looking very imposing.

Mo Yusheng's lips moved as if he was saying something, but no sound came out.

The tyrant king carried the golden-backed machete and gathered the gang members of the Hunshi Gang. While announcing the order loudly, he used the corner of his eye to check the movement on Xiang Wentian's side.

Sure enough, seeing the movements of Mo Yusheng and the tyrant king, Xiang Wentian also moved, and the elders around him were all gearing up.

They have been trapped in the sect for a long time. Whether it is a person who wants a battle or a person who wants to avoid the war, there is actually a fire in their hearts. After all, being trapped in the sect and motionless is nothing. A glorious thing, and their relatives and friends will have a few poisoned, and their hatred of these people outside is always very strong.

"The sons and gentlemen of the Hard Armored Sect, it's time for us to move our hands and feet. It's time to let them know the methods of our Hard Armored Sect!" Xiang Wentian didn't do any exciting pre-war mobilization, just simple Just a few words, but revealed strength and self-confidence, so that the hearts of the hard armored people were full of fighting spirit.

"Kill!" Xiang Wentian let out a low voice, jumped down from the mountain gate, and charged towards Mo Yusheng and the others.

Behind Xiang Wentian, countless people from the Hard Armored Sect waved their weapons and followed Xiang Wentian's footsteps. They all jumped down from the mountain gate and rushed into the enemy's camp.

Don't look at the Demon Cloud Sect and the Hunshi Gang who are very loud, but they are not really ready to help Tong Ling, their real purpose is actually to lure Xiang Wentian out of the Hard Armored Sect.

Don't look at the large number of the three sect gangs united, but the hard armored sect occupies a favorable terrain. It is not easy for these people to attack the city, even if they pay a lot of money, they may not be able to attack. .

Now to lure Xiang Wentian out of the Hard Armored Sect, wouldn't it be an opportunity for them?

As for whether the people from the Heavenly Remnant Sect can rescue Tong Ling or not, they don't care anymore. If Xiang Wentian is caught by them, Tong Ling's crisis will naturally be resolved. Taking a step back, even if Tong Ling is captured alive or even dead, as long as Xiang Wentian is in his hands, what can't be solved?

The battle was not warmed up, neither of the two sides wanted to test, and the battle went straight to the heat. Flesh and blood were flying on the battlefield, and the screams continued, just like Shura hell. In contrast, the battlefield where Tong Ling first entered the battle seemed a little quieter.

After all, Tong Ling's strength is much higher than that of Xiang Lin Hai. Although she looks a little embarrassed, the siege of Xiang Lin Hai and others has not brought her any substantial damage for the time being.

The people from Tian Can Sect are some distance away from Tong Ling. Many of them have bad legs and feet, and they are best at fighting in small teams. A few people rushed over alone, but they couldn't show their strength. , but may become a burden, so they can only pull the slow people in the team to hurry together.

The entire battlefield looked a bit weird. While the corpses were in full swing, the disabled people in the mountains and plains supported each other and climbed the slopes.

If people who don't know the reason see this scene, they would think that these disabled people are running for their lives to avoid the battlefield!

The culprits of this battle, Li Zhenbang and Cui Lang, were discussing the battlefield from a distance at this time, "Brother Cui, who do you think will win in the end?"

"No one will win, otherwise wouldn't we be busy working in vain?" Cui Lang raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

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