Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1333: Hard Armor's Opportunity

"Those who have their own beliefs?" Tong Ling smiled slightly, "I thought it was a big deal! Our Heavenly Remnant Sect will not refuse them to join because of their different beliefs. We are sects, but we are not gods. Personal beliefs are free, as long as they are loyal to our Heavenly Remnant Sect."

Li Zhenbang shook his head again, "Their belief is different from what you said. Their belief is loyalty. They have dedicated everything they have. I hope they can have a good home."

"Loyalty? Are they loyal to you? So it is!" Tong Ling nodded, she mistakenly thought that Li Zhenbang was asking for the exercises for those who were loyal to him.

Although the practice of Tian Can Men is a good practice for ordinary people, only the disabled can display its true value.

This person went to Tian Canmen to seek exercises. It seems that there are many disabled people who are loyal to him, or they are disabled because of him, so he either wants to use them as waste, or he wants to use exercises to make up for it. those people.

Although Li Zhenbang wanted something and the initiative seemed to be in Tong Ling's hands, Tong Ling was also very embarrassed.

Sect masters of all dynasties have not leaked the cultivation techniques of Tian Can Sect, so she cannot set a precedent, otherwise she will become a disgrace to Tian Can Sect.

The cultivation method of Tian Can Sect has never been spread out, even if the disciple of this sect wants to leave the sect, it is only possible to abolish the cultivation method.

The people of Tian Can Sect are all disabled, whether it is congenital or acquired, as long as the body is disabled, it is only an extravagant hope to become a peak powerhouse. Only by practicing the exercises of Tian Can Sect First line of opportunity.

Disabled people have little status in society, and most people look down on them.

This is how this society is. People will always hate those who live better than them, complain about how hard their lives are, and despise those who live far worse than them.

"Long Yuandan may be a dispensable thing to others, but it is of great significance to your Heavenly Remnant Sect."

"Everyone knows that once the body is somewhat lacking, wanting to ascend to the hall of the saint-level powerhouse is nothing but a dream. Even if the cultivation technique of the Heavenly Remnant Sect is against the sky, it is just a little more chance than others. "

"You Tian Can Sect are so desperate to fight, even fighting against other Jianghu Zongmen gangs, nothing more than wanting Jianghu to reshuffle and improve your status in Jianghu."

"I can understand your feelings, but have you ever thought that if you don't gain the status of the rivers and lakes with your own real strength, sooner or later you will be handed over because of your strength. If you really want to make the sect's position stable, the most basic thing is It should be to improve the high-end combat effectiveness and comprehensive strength of the sect."

"Only when you have a hard fist can you have the confidence to speak, otherwise everything is just a mirrorless duckweed, obtained through means, and will be lost due to strength sooner or later." Li Zhenbang did not give Tong Ling a chance to interrupt, and finished the sentence in one breath. .

"What do you mean? Do you want to use Long Yuandan to pinch me? I admit that Long Yuandan is indeed very important to our Heavenly Remnant Sect, but without Longyuandan, our Heavenly Remnant Sect can live just as well!" Tong Ling frowned, her voice a little cold. What Li Zhenbang said was true, but it made her sound uncomfortable.

Obviously, he should have the upper hand. After all, the other party is the one who wants something, but after the other party said something, he actually asked him for help. He seemed to be helping himself by doing so.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to take care of your Tian Can Sect. You can become the Sect Master of the Tian Can Sect, and you will definitely not rely on your appearance. With your intelligence, you must understand what I mean. I just want to use the pill recipe of Long Yuandan to exchange your exercises with you, and have no other ideas." Li Zhenbang explained.

"Have you been eyeing us for a long time? The reason why you took action at this time, do you dare to say that you didn't mean to take advantage of others' danger?" Tong Ling's face turned cold, and she instantly understood a lot of things.

Li Zhenbang touched his nose and sneered: "How could it be! How can I have the strength to take advantage of people's dangers! You can also see that I have neither grudge nor magic elements in me, so I can't just use my mouth to take advantage of others. Are people in danger?"

"You don't have strength, but the people around you have strength!" Tong Ling narrowed her eyes and stared at Li Zhenbang.

Although she didn't know Cui Lang's specific strength, from the sloppy and strong man's words just now, and her perception of Cui Lang, she could somewhat guess that Cui Lang was likely to be a saint-level powerhouse.

"Sect Master Tong, isn't it just a secret technique, it's no big deal. He wants you to let it go! You asked us all to produce treasures just now, so don't we try our best to cooperate? Wouldn't it be good to give you the secret skills of the exercises as compensation?" The tyrant king hurriedly persuaded.

At this time, the tyrant king has his own little Jiujiu in his heart. Just now, Tong Ling forcibly decided for him without his permission, forcing him to compromise. Now there is such a chance to turn against Tong Ling's army, how can he Willing to let go.

On the other hand, if Tong Ling handed over the secrets of the practice technique and could use the two people and one beast for her own use, it would be great, and his losses could be minimized.

After the matter was over, he would just take out a secret book of exercises and give it to Tong Ling, and the matter would be over.

As for whether Tong Ling is satisfied or not, that is not something he has to consider. The matter has been resolved anyway. Even if he doesn't take it, Tong Ling can't do anything about it. It can be said that he has done his best to give Tong Ling a kung fu secret book.

"Our Heavenly Can't Sect's practice has never been passed on. It hasn't been in the past, and it won't exist in the future!" Tong Ling said firmly.

"Master Tong, isn't it just a secret manual for the practice? After the Hard Armor Sect joins us, we will help you apply together, and then you will definitely get better secrets for the practice." Mo Yunsheng also came out to persuade.

"What this little brother said is not wrong. Only when the strength of your Heavenly Cancellation Sect has truly improved, can your status in the arena be more stable and truly respected."

"You people from the Heavenly Remnant Sect are very difficult to cultivate successfully because of your body. Long Yuandan is a pill specially designed for your physical defects. If your physical defects are gone, can't you be successful in cultivation? At that time. You have cultivated a few saint-level powerhouses from Tian Can Sect, who dares to underestimate you in this river and lake?"

"Actually, this little brother is very sincere. What he took out was not the pill of Long Yuandan. He would use the pill of Long Yuandan to exchange it with you. What is this? This is teaching people how to fish! All you need is With the pill recipe of Long Yuandan, the Heavenly Cancellation Sect will benefit forever!" The tyrant king analyzed in an orderly manner.

"That's right, what the leader of the violent gang said makes sense! Master Tong, think about it, there has never been a saint-level powerhouse in Tiancanmen. If there are many saint-level powerhouses in your hands, then you But he is the greatest sect master of the Heavenly Remnant Sect! Not to mention changing the secrets of the exercises, it's not a loss even if you change it yourself!" Mo Yunsheng said in a helper voice.

"You... why don't you change it yourself?" Tong Ling was almost annoyed by Mo Yunsheng's words. Mo Yunsheng's words were tantamount to asking her to sell it in front of everyone. It wasn't her own face that was lost.

"If he dares to ask for it, I will dare to change it! In order to carry forward the Demon Cloud Sect, what is my personal honor and shame? As long as the Demon Cloud Sect can become the top sect on the rivers and lakes, I will have no regrets if I die, let alone. I just lost my body." Mo Yunsheng said righteously.

"" Tong Ling pointed out that Mo Yunsheng didn't know what to say, and the words were righteous and dignified, but in fact it was not the same thing at all! After all, Mo Yunsheng is a bad old man. If he really wants to lose his life, who can take advantage of it!

"Sect Master Mo, stop joking, Sect Master Tong is a woman after all, not all jokes can be made!" The tyrant king hurriedly stopped Mo Yunsheng when he saw that Mo Yunsheng wanted to speak.

If Mo Yunsheng continued to speak, he would know what else could come out of his mouth. Where is he persuading, he is clearly hooking the fire!

"Sect Master Tong, look at me, look at me! It's not that you don't understand, Sect Master Mo is such a person, he doesn't have a door in his mouth, and what he thinks and says is never in his head, but he really doesn't have anything. Bad-hearted, don't have the same knowledge as him!" The tyrant king waved his hand and said for Mo Yunsheng.

"Even if the secrets of your Heavenly Remnant Sect's exercises have never been passed on, you haven't had the pill recipe of Long Yuandan before! The world is impermanent, if you give it up, you will get it, and you always need to be flexible!" Wang bitterly persuaded.

Li Zhenbang looked at this scene in amazement. He never thought that Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king, two people who had never met before, would take the initiative to help him speak. But if you think about it carefully, this is unexpected but reasonable. After all, they all hope to use Cui Lang to deal with the Hard Armored Sect.

Tong Ling's eyes were no longer so firm, but she still shook her head stubbornly, "I can't let the secrets of the Heavenly Can't Sect go out. Even without their help, the Hard Armored Sect is still in our bag!"

Originally, Xiang Wentian was somewhat disheartened when he heard that Li Zhenbang wanted the secrets of Tiancanmen's exercises, but after seeing that Tong Ling never wanted to hand over the secrets of Tiancanmen's exercises, his heart was revived. Started to come alive.

"Little brother, you want the secret manuals of the Heavenly Cancellation Sect to help those who are physically disabled, right?" Xiang Wentian interjected and asked.

Li Zhenbang nodded.

"Then if I can make them live like normal people, do you think we can talk?" Xiang Wentian asked cautiously.

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